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Everything posted by Heathen

  1. I think my sister's Raggedy Ann had that dress at some point.
  2. Aunt mom, maybe? We know Kelly couldn't be bothered.
  3. Google tells me that Carlin will be 25 in a few weeks. She acts ten years younger. Carlin, you look like an idiot with your tongue hanging out. And your outfit is ugly, too.
  4. Honestly, that sounds like just an excuse for a vacation.
  5. Those names make as much sense as anything they're likely to come up with! I doubt those kids give much of a damn about their latest sibling. It's just same news, different day by now.
  6. I read an article about Mr. Pickles, Mrs. Pickles, and their hatchlings, Dill, Gherkin, and Jalapeño. It really did make me laugh! Topic that always applies: Jill is nuts.
  7. She thinks she does, anyway! To hear some Redditors tell it, she's running a Fortune 500 company. I laugh out loud whenever I read their interpretation of Carlin and Whitney's hobby business.
  8. Maybe she's doing it for attention more than money?
  9. I don't even have human kids, and I know better. How the hell do these people from mega-families not know? Are they that dumb or that lazy? Also, Carlin and family, since we know at least a few of you read here. Stop embarrassing your kids on social media. I don't care if they're newborns. The Internet is forever. Stop it.
  10. I believe it was mentioned, but I haven't heard anything concrete yet.
  11. I'll never look at Jill Rod the same way again. Crazy people are also my hobby. I read Small Sacrifices the first time when I was a kid. Diane topped even the Rods in the Overplucked Crazy Eyebrows department. Of course, the photos I remember were taken in the 1980s, aka the decade that taste forgot.
  12. Could it also function as a sleep aid, like most of Josie's photo shoots? Beige on brown?
  13. If the building landlord doesn't use exterminators, I would bet Mickey and friends are using those clothes to build nests. The plastic totes won't stop them, either -- my old neighbor stored kids' clothes in totes in her shed. She got a rude surprise, and so did the neighborhood, when she opened them.
  14. According to the Epilepsy Foundation, it's six to 12 months in Tennessee, with exceptions. Quote: "A person with epilepsy must be seizure free for a period of one year and have a favorable doctor’s recommendation before applying for a license. However, an individual whose seizures have been controlled for six months may be approved for driving privileges if the Department of Safety receives a favorable recommendation from the individual’s physician and the Medical Review Board, and the person may be required to submit to additional evaluations as the Department sees fit." https://www.epilepsy.com/lifestyle/driving-and-transportation/laws/tennessee For all intents and purposes, Tennessee and most other states treat epileptic seizures and non-epileptic seizures the same for purposes of driving and licensing. I have epilepsy. Carlin and Evan are full of shit and I think they may be realizing that the "episodes" game is up. We'll see -- if they mention the mythical five-day EEG or more "episodes" again.
  15. Or because there are women, people of color, and LGBTQ people in the Marine Corps, and Jackson might have had to take orders from one of them. I'm not sure Kelly and Gil care or even realize how much they screwed over their kids with the lousy "homeschooling."
  16. Because Righteous Kirk wanted to read his no-doubt poorly written idiotic children's book at a public library near the Duggars' homes, and somebody asked if the Duggars -- including Lauren -- would be going. No idea how many Josiah and Lauren have or what they do for a living. I hope Josiah has an actual job that isn't Jim Bob's used car lot or construction.
  17. He's definitely cleaved to the Bateses' sloppy housekeeping and Gil and Kelly's laziness.
  18. Carlin has earning potential? That's it, I'm quitting my job. If Dingbat can make money putting snooze-worthy garbage on Instagram, so can I. If you don't mind, I'll be at the nail salon. With my Starbucks.
  19. The Golden Penis has arrived. I'm sorry, forgotten girls.
  20. Well, we've seen how Carlin and Evan keep house. I haven't forgotten that visible layer of dust on the green wall at their old house. Gross, and shameful for two people who don't work. I thought wives were supposed to leave their families and cleave to their husbands, but Evan seems to have left his family and cleaved to the Bateses.
  21. In my case, it's from malabsorption caused by atrophic gastritis. I'm told it will be lifelong. Fortunately, I'm not afraid of needles. In Carlin's case, I continue to believe it's factitious disorder. I sincerely hope I'm wrong, for her kids' sake.
  22. I wonder how badly those clothes smell and how terminally wrinkled they are. Could washing and ironing even get the wrinkles out, assuming the clothes even survived the wash cycle?
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