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Everything posted by apollonia666

  1. "When you feel your own oats so hard, you forget that there are other oats there." What the hell does that even mean? She did well in the challenge, but Scarlet's attitude is even more annoying to me than Silky's unending Silkiness. I was pleasantly surprised by Mercedes's lip sync performance, and I need Vanjie's commentary on EVERY. THING. And Nina West's Untucked facial expressions.
  2. THIS. If they can't figure out a way to air condition the tent, they need to change to an indoor set, as much as I'd hate to lose the tent. I've never had glass explode from heat. How freaking hot does it have to be for that to happen?
  3. UGH after all these seasons someone finally gets a pair of scissors to feral Daryl's head and THAT'S all she does with it?! I don't know why AMC and Norman Reedus are so damn determined to make him look like the physical manifestation of rancid swamp ass.
  4. Oh Rahul. I alternate between wanting to give him a hug and wanting to grab him by the shoulders and shake him. I have sympathy for him and whatever made him such an Eeyore must have been awful, but geez Louise he sucks the air out of the room. I totally spoiled myself this morning (I won't reveal anything here, though!). I usually manage to keep myself free of GBBO spoilers, but didn't realize this season had ended so recently and went to Prue's Twitter to try to find who makes her necklaces. Scrolled down a tad too far and DANG IT. Prue spoiled another winner without even knowing it! :D
  5. She said Gabriel was an A instead of a B after he said he wouldn't leave with her, right before she knocked him out. He didn't forgive her until later, during the zombie-on-a-handtruck nonsense in the next episode. So your initial thinking might still be correct!
  6. So he took a dip in zombie soup with an open gut wound! Nothing to worry about at all.
  7. No, it was mentioned on Talking Dead that it was a wink to the signpost from M*A*S*H. This is super trifling but it really bugged me that Father Gabriel and Anne sat down next to each other with his bad eye on the side next to her. Wouldn't he have had to turn his head all the way to the right to make eye contact while they talked?
  8. The judges this season are starting to work my nerves. These people are as paralyzed by indecision as Chidi on The Good Place. Or maybe they're putting on a big show of being torn so that they don't look like jerks when they don't like a singer. Either way, ugh.
  9. Cherry! I cried off and on for DAYS after that one.
  10. Is it just me, or was Dominique Jackson's acting markedly improved when Elektra started being nice? I know she's not a great actress but I was loving her last night, especially when she was reading House of Ferocity to filth and fangirling over Al B. Sure!
  11. Agreed! I think Pose is doing a pretty good job of using the language of the time in which it's set, but I do think some folks who might be new to talking about trans people are likely to mistakenly pick up outdated terms and concepts. I don't think the person I quoted was being transphobic but did feel I should explain how we generally talk about trans women now that it's been 31 years since the show is set.
  12. A language note: Transsexual (two s's) and transgender are adjectives, not nouns - so one wouldn't say "a transsexual" just like you wouldn't say "a Black." And transsexual isn't used much anymore for a variety of reasons (though we do hear it a lot in this show because of the period in which it's set). Transgender is the term used almost all of the time now. Jiggly Caliente is a transgender woman.
  13. Bit longer than that -- queer came into popular use by activists and academics in the late 80's/early 90's. The field of queer theory took off in academia in the early 90's, the group Queer Nation was very visible and active nationally in the 90's, and the word just really exploded everywhere in non-straight world.
  14. Have any of y'all been following this Robbie Turner nonsense? https://www.thestranger.com/slog/2018/04/19/26049519/wait-did-robbie-turner-actually-have-a-brush-with-death-in-an-uber/
  15. Bless this show for putting Kelly Clarkson in front of my eyeballs on a regular basis. She's a damn hoot. And bless this show for nobody turning for White Boy Dreads. I was so relieved he was bad because I already wanted to put my foot through the tv just from having to listen to him talk. Also: There was a trans woman on The Voice UK a couple of years ago. She's the only one I can think of.
  16. She DID have a tambourine. This is a testament to how badly she used it!
  17. Fair enough! The way you said "I don't like chocolate in savory food" sounded to me like you'd never had mole. Now I just think you haven't had *good* mole. :)
  18. Mole is freaking GOOD, though I can understand it sounding weird if you've never had it. Please try it sometime! The chocolate is one of many ingredients and doesn't overpower or make it sweet when it's done right.
  19. Was anyone else totally distracted and annoyed by Noah's constant pumping of his right arm with his finger sticking out? Kid needs to learn some more "I'm singing passionately!" moves.
  20. This comment is mean-spirited (not in a fun, snarky way), sexist, and ageist.
  21. Extra weird is the shot towards the end of that clip where Shawn is mouthing along without even LOOKING at Claire.
  22. Amy, Batani, Kudzanai, and Cha Cha were all hilarious to watch every time the twins opened their mouths. They should have had a camera trained on them with a reaction shot in the corner of the screen for the ENTIRE time. Loved Amy's Ed Grimley hair and John Bender Breakfast Club realness. ANSWER THE QUESTION, CLAIRE! BTW someone on Twitter caught that Thing 1 was mouthing along to Thing 2's word salad. If you're going to rehearse your b.s. and that's still the best b.s. you can come up with? SAD!
  23. I saw Thorgy Thor perform last April and she was still helllla bitter, dishing that her offing was engineered and the production changed the song for the LFYL to "And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going" after she landed in the bottom against Chi Chi. That said, I'm not surprised she said yes to coming back because she wanted to win SO badly. Last month I went to the Werq the World Tour and I was really excited for Shangela's number because it was the perfect time for me to go take a pee break.
  24. Random thoughts on this one: Eric and Aaron’s final scene together was really some of the best written dialogue this show has ever had. Gregory provided some much needed comic relief. I could watch Maggie rip him a new asshole all day long. Jesus and Morgan were both working my nerves but that fight scene was fire and anytime Tom Payne’s hair gets whipped around I’m here for it. That walker was chewing on that captured Savior’s head almost as hard as Morales was chewing the scenery.
  25. My DVR cut off during the last commercial break. Who won?
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