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Everything posted by xwordfanatik

  1. I don't remember my daughter scratching herself, just lucky I guess. She did suck her toes on occasion (before she walked, so her feet weren't dirty.) Now that was cute! So booties might be in order, if Felicity's toenails are long. Hopefully JinJer will not be subjecting her to the TTH too often.
  2. Celia, you're on fire for a Monday! Are you the one who "told" Meri to go paint a corn can? Too funny. Great post.
  3. No kidding. My kitchen is being remodeled, and I'm fretting about the cost of take-out. Mr. and I worked (and saved) for over 30 years, apiece. Playing the know-it-all specialness for all it's worth. Ugh!
  4. I like it that Gwen and Ysabel seem to have a really sisterly relationship. I wish my sister and I had had that.
  5. I love Truely's expression. Paedon looks like Doofus in the pic. I like him anyway.
  6. I don't get the mitten thing. It's been over 30 years since I had my daughter, and even though she was a winter baby, I never did that, except on the rare occasion we took her outdoors. I suppose an overly AC'ed house could explain it. Maybe they are worried about thumb sucking? My mom pinned the sleeve of my nightgown shut, because I sucked on my right index finger. So she told me when I was over 30...or they are thinking Felicity will scratch herself? The first fingernail trimming was nerve-wracking for me. I know absolutely that Jin will be a far better mom than what she grew up with, herself. Low bar, I know. I would so hate to be a new parent with social media comments all over the place.
  7. I have trimmed Mr. Xword's hair on occasion, and we do it on the patio. Since it's summer, I wonder why they didn't think of outdoors? Oh wait, we're talking about the Dullards here. Jill and Dillweed's poor kids. Ben and Jessa's kids are very lucky, in comparison.
  8. And of course, the obligatory wedding pic in the background. "See, I'm not going anywhere." Too bad for the rest of them.
  9. Every Brown woman whose name starts with M is stuck on herself and thinks she's all that. Must be a curse. Meri Mariah Madison Mykelti
  10. The question I would ask of Ma and Peepaw Kettle, if I were ever to encounter them: Why didn't you make, or at least try to make, your children's lives better than yours were? I don't believe that quantity is better than quality, but then again, I'm not fundie. Since Abbie's upbringing at least seems to the untrained eye as more "normal," I hope she will prevail on the number of kids she'll be having, at least. And JD will allow her to have the final say. Of course, if she's been raised full-on Gothard, it may not happen. Do women in AR need their husband's permission to get birth control? Where there's a will, there's a way. Especially since Abbie's an LPN, and knows about these things.
  11. Great post. Felicity looked fine to me. OK, the bow was a bit much, but it's not like JinJer left her by herself, to rip it off her head and stick it in her mouth. She's a beautiful baby. I'd guess that almost everyone posting here had a less than perfect upbringing (me), and many of us weren't perfect parents ourselves (me again.) Social media IMO pretty much sucks, and I don't pay it much attention. Keyboard warriors abound. It's like the saying about opinions, and how everyone's got one.
  12. Hence, dear Nancy on retainer? in LV. Is Ms. Therapist going to relocate to Flagstaff, too?
  13. #specialsnowflake #notastejustlikemom #smugasiwannabe
  14. Still with that ugly hair, and Meri's endless annoying hashtags. #ratsnesthair #myhubbythatisharewith3othersaps #becauseihatehim #imissbeingheadbitchincharge
  15. LOL, and I am positive that the Browns think that their LV houses are worth more than anything else in the area, because they lived in them! Just the thought of those massive egos makes my head spin. Yet Doofus pulls out the persecuted polygamy card every chance he gets. These people.
  16. Complete with the eye roll. Jessa thinks she's all that, and can't stand it when someone else gets more attention.
  17. LOL, I should have remembered that! Mr. Xword and I joked about the cat we had at the time, being just like that. Thanks Deirdra. Yes, the Browns do spew out a lot of hot air, for sure.
  18. Thank you Sandy and Kohola :) I remember a similar comic with a cat, but I don't remember what the cat's name was. Now I get it! I learn a lot here.
  19. Josiah comes across as Smuggar lite, to me anyway. I agree Lauren probably could have done better. Odd matchup. I see Boob's hand in this, for sure.
  20. I don't get it...all I can think of is Ginger from Gilligan's Island?
  21. Is it god-like to let your previous kids know that in 9 or so months, they'll have another sibling, and that the unfortunate kid will not even have his/her mother's attention beyond six months? I think not. I never imagined my parents doing it, even though I went to public school, and had sex-ed classes. It's just all kinds of fucked-up IMO, to flaunt one's sexuality in front of the preceding kids! ESPECIALLY since they are expected to not even kiss before being married, for life. GTFOOH.
  22. Absolutely. Like my long departed dad said about one of his bosses, "he doesn't get headaches, he gives them." Just their out-of-control breeding, says that they take way more than what they give.
  23. Uh-huh. It's easier for Dillweed to piss away money he hasn't earned, I'm sure.
  24. Just like Jessa last week? (I think) rattling off honeymoon babies, and skipping over Jill and Dillweed. "Those who wilt not be mentioned."
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