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Posts posted by Mindthinkr

  1. Sorry to change the subject. 

    I just went on a camping trip. Had a great time. I gave everyone a worry as Friday night, after a 5 hour drive in lots of traffic, I was so exhausted I went to sleep at 7:30. I then slept until 9 am the next morning. My cat has been demanding and needy since her brother died, but I didn’t realize how sleep deprived I was. I was getting up every 2 hours to feed or comfort her. she’s a screamer and gave me no choice. I hated to cut out on everyone, but they all understood. 

    • Like 5

    Oh my gosh!  So sorry to hear this! I will keep you in my prayers for the very best of outcomes. When you feel able, let us know how you are doing.  And don't worry about the pain meds, if you are in pain, take them as needed. As @Mindthinkr said the drs will be minding how much you are taking and reduce them as you need them less.

    🙀 I’m sorry. It didn’t show that my post was originally from @PRgal

    She is the person having the surgery. 

  3. 1 hour ago, annzeepark914 said:

    Aren't liquor stores in CT called "package stores"? Having also grown up in the Pleistocene Era in NYS, I remember being able to drink at age 18. There were a lot of teens from CT & NJ killed on their way home from NYS bars back then. 

    True. I actually know a few that drove to Greenwood Lake NY and never made it home. Unfortunately there were accounts of this in the newspaper monthly of accidents and deaths.  

    When I was a small child we used to vacation on a beach and it was a “dry county” so my parents would fill two milk bottles. One with vodka and one with rum. We got down there once and I asked my brother for some cold water as I was thirsty after the hot trip (no a/c back then). He poured me a glass of vodka which I promptly drank up. I got sick and had to go to the hospital. Nowadays my parents probably would have been charged with child abuse or having had alcohol in a minors reach. 

    • Mind Blown 1
    • Sad 3
  4. 3 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    I think at this point, my issue is that I have an account that FB won’t delete.  I purposefully deleted it permanently months ago and it still exits!  I’m furious,  

    I would be too. That is unacceptable. 

    • Like 2
  5. 9 hours ago, Stats Queen said:

    My girlfriend who doesn’t watch Real Housewives but knows it is my guilty pleasure said “let’s watch it, and make fun for them together, we had been drinking…

    That sounds like the best way to watch this show. I’ll bring a bottle…lol. 

    Since when are party favors (the tiaras and jewelry from this gathering) are now seemingly mandatory? It’s not just on this franchise. I think Heather of RHOBH began the trend. Now all parties have gift bags, oodles of floral arrangements, good food (I think Danielle really tried to please everyone with the steak etc.) at restaurants. A simple one could be very costly. 

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  6. 46 minutes ago, finnzup said:

    So did Kelllmeeee get lip fillers or what is happening with her mouth.  For the last several days it almost looks to me like she's got a crooked tooth on her right side but then it looks like lip filler or maybe just over-lining her lip.

    But......it's the over-pronunciation, completely affected pronunciation/accent that is just too much for me, lol.

    And......watching MARK CONSUELOS!!!! sitting by and listening to her try to read a news clipping and then watching him jumping in and finishing her story or thought and/or shoving the article in front of her to assist is just gold.

    I don't think the girl prepares at all anymore, just hair and make-up, lol.


    Hmmm…I wonder if all these years of starving herself has damaged her brain. It’s a fact that the brain needs fat to be happy. I think something may be starting to go wrong with her health. 

    • Useful 1
  7. I think she was only 21 years old when she started the show. Definitely immature at whatever age she was. I believe that’s when she slept with Whitney to get onto the show as well (before TRav). 

    I feel saddest for her children. 

    I was incorrect about her age, but have now fixed it. 

    • Like 7
  8. 2 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

    The dogs at Delore's house have the cutest names. Her doggy had the perfect costume for her pup of the day

    I agree and since the contest was rigged she had no hope it winning…except in my heart. Cute how the son wanted a cookie until Jennifer said they were dog biscuits. 

    I’m not liking Marge this season. Too much mouth and she expects everyone to support her. I really haven’t remembered her supporting anyone. I I I syndrome. 

    The baseball game looked like a fun time for both the fans and the players. Who was the opposing team? I don’t recall Teresa at the plate hitting the ball. Did she strike out and the show was edited it so that she’d look good? She is a favorite of Andy’s although I think that is starting to dwindle. Anyway congratulations to Dolores for putting something together to raise money for charity (the Drs and nurses…did she mention the proper name of the organization she was giving the donation to?) 

    It was obvious that Antonia and her friend got together so that they would coordinate their bed sets etc. Their dorm room looked pretty good. Kudos to the school for having guys available to help people move in. 

    • Like 4
  9. Recorded Mr Roberts yesterday morning and watched it last night. It was as funny as I remember and made for an enjoyable evening. Plus we had NY cheesecake as a snack. 

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