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Everything posted by Juniebaby

  1. I also didn’t like that the pressure was put on her whether they stay together or not. He was the one who decided he suddenly wanted to move and asked her to leave her friends and family behind for a place she has never been and where she knows no one. I know he has the right to retire and live wherever he wants but by moving without even discussing it with her was selfish.
  2. What I took away from this episode is how well Robert and Grace get along and can see why they got married and how connected Saul and Frankie always were and still are. The guys just have so much more in common with their ex wives than they do with each other. Especially since they both retired. Speaking of retired why couldn’t they stay on a consultants?
  3. I see your point but he has nothing in common anymore with Robert and he clearly loves and misses Frankie. It would definitely be an interesting plot twist since no one seems to buy them as a gay couple.
  4. I thought it was ridiculous they expected us to believe they could just set up a pop up at a college campus without permission. My birthday is in Dec., I started college at 17, did they think it was ok to sell vibrators to possibly underage teens?
  5. If Robert really wanted to help his neighbors all he had to do was talk honestly about his own life and regrets and how deeply he hurt his wife and family by not admitting to himself he was gay. That would have planted the seed that maybe getting married is a mistake on both their parts. I also fast forward thru most of Rob & Saul’s scenes because they are both so boring and not believable as a gay couple. It is also so obvious that Saul & Frankie should have stayed together because they have so much more of a connection, chemistry, enjoy being together and more in common. If this show survives and I hope it does, maybe they will explore that Saul made a mistake and wants to go back with Frankie.
  6. I’m a laid back lady myself and understand how Teddi dreads those pretentious parties. It’s like torture for me. I also don’t care what type of glass I’m given for a drink and might not serve the right glass to a guest but I will cook my ass off and serve you a great meal and make you feel very comfortable and at home. That is why I don’t understand Teddi having a potluck dinner. Can’t she throw some things on a grill or order from a local restaurant? They mostly eat salad and vegetables anyway if they eat at all. BTW, have we seen Teddi eat?
  7. Siggy and Dolores’ friendship surprises me. Dolores is a type A personality and acts like a tough lady yet Siggy constantly talks over her, answers for her and will put her hand on her arm basically telling her to back down and shutting her up. I’m not a type A and I would find that annoying and dismissing and on a reality show doing that is the kiss of death.
  8. I felt so bad for Leah. Not only did Amber show zero warmth to her daughter that she barely gets off her ass to see, but she didn’t even speak to her privately about being pregnant. Most Moms in her situation would let their kid know they will always love them and won’t forget them but she’s not doing that now, how much worse can she be? Ryan, get off the couch, get out from under that blanket and play with the kid you have been complaining you don’t get to see. Does he or Mack have a job?
  9. I’ve sprained my ankle and the ER gave me a painkiller and told me to ice my ankle and elevate my foot until I can see an orthopedist. It was very painful and my ankle was very swollen and black and blue. I would not under any circumstances go to a party and wear an open back slipper with a sock, its the worst thing she could wear. Atleast go home and put on a good supportive sneaker on the other foot. Also what’s up with a sling if you have a contusion? Lastly Dolores needs to stop blindly following Siggy. I understand loyalty but I’m not going to fight your battles if you’re clearly in the wrong.
  10. Maybe Dorit was keeping the boxes and receipt handy so she could pull a Sonja Morgan and return them after use.
  11. I think Dorit made a Mediterranean chick peas and rice dish. I’ve made it as an appetizer or side dish but never the main course, then again none of them eat. In the flashback pic of Erika she looked so different and not as pretty. She must have had a lot of work done.
  12. As a poster previously mentioned how obnoxious Rinna’s kids were when she took them to see her elderly parents, what bothered me more is that they were teenagers and had obviously never been there before. To me that speaks of her character, she’s selfish and only cares about Harry & her kids. She had the means to go back and forth often to visit but rarely did. I wonder when she was a busy actress if she was as actively involved in her kids lives or did a nanny do all the work?
  13. Nola is beautiful and has a great body. I understand two of her lovers because they are well employed and handsome but the messenger guy? He dresses ridiculous, is too young, underemployed, not very bright and ugly AF. Can someone explain what she would be doing with a guy like that?
  14. Why did Kelly bring Adderall and Xanax to Iceland and why does she have so much she can share? Those drugs plus the heavy drinking can explain her erratic behavior. Everyone seems to have forgiven her and even Vicky and I don’t understand how someone can gossip about your private secrets spoken in confidence with a friend and then forgive them. No way, not ever! I guess for a paycheck they will do anything.
  15. If I were Doug, I would be fuming that she forces me to have a vasectomy and months later decides she wants another baby. I don’t think she did it so she could choose the gender, I think she did it because now she can have babies without having sex with him.
  16. There is no way Peggy wanted to do this show, it was all Diko. She clearly was not ready physically/emotionally for many reasons and I’m sure he told her to do it. What bothered me the most is when she wanted to leave and he told her to stay and smile and she had that crazy stepford wife smile on and told everyone he told her to smile so she’s smiling. That’s some scary controlling s**t. She likes to hold it over the women that she still has a husband but she sold her soul for that (if she had one).
  17. Cynthia’s yellow dress was so unflattering. It looked like her boobs were sitting on a big belly, no separation between the two. Also she had skin hanging over all the straps. She could have done so much better because she looks fantastic for her age and as another poster mentioned, you have to dress for your body type. Why is Cynthia talking to Peter so much, they’re divorced and even amicable divorces need to have boundaries. He wasnt a good husband and took advantage of her good nature. Nobody but Kandi has anything really going on in their lives, all they are doing is stirring a big pot of nothing.
  18. My EX husband said to me many times during our 10 years of marriage do you want to get divorced. I don’t think he actually meant it (I’m the one who filed for divorce) I think it was used as a manipulative tactic, a way of being controlling. The person on the receiving end of it gets upset and gives in to whatever it is the mate wants, so it’s just their way of getting what they want. It’s a very mean, selfish thing to do to someone you really love. It only comes out after a disagreement or argument. One time my ex said it and I replied I’m tired of hearing it, start the paperwork and call everyone in our families to tell them. He never said it again after that. I later filed for divorce because I was tired of his controlling ways. I think this is what Reza does.
  19. I just have one question, who else has their kids paint Easter eggs in white dress shirts?
  20. Does Mackenzie not drive? Wedding dress or not I don't understand how she could continue to let him drive when he is speeding and nodding out. This could and should affect her visitation rights with her child that she's clearly not thinking of.
  21. So Simon shows up with his suitcase and goes right to the fridge and gets food to microwave. Didn't even kiss her hello, instead he's trying to push her buttons (which is easy to do) and stuff his face. Why is she pretending they were a couple and that he's still interested in her? Why does he even show up, he has no interest in her at all. The house C&T bought sight unseen has been on and off the market since 2013!!!
  22. Did anyone else notice when Farrah was on her date and she was in the salon she really seemed to like the guy. She was smiling and happy. The minute she heard he was from Israel she said she had to catch a plane and had to leave.
  23. I agree, although he plays Titus very well, he's just not a likable character.
  24. Not every episode is a big win, but I'm really enjoying the season overall. Didn't know if Ellie could continue to play Kim so well cause sometimes as actors get older it's harder to pull off dumb and naive, but she did a great job.
  25. I believe the school is St. John's Prep. in Astoria, NY. A lot of filming is done in that school. They had closed off the street for a day and rumor had it was for Unbreakable. Oh and I had no idea that was Judah.
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