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Everything posted by Juniebaby

  1. I always wondered what rich people did with those big houses. Even though their family is shrinking they keep buying larger and larger. Why do 2 or 3 people need all that space? It costs almost $500,000 yr. to play Erika J? I think old man Girardi got tired of footing the bill for “her hobby” and that’s why she joined the housewives.
  2. Oooh Amber’s baby kicked, he already did more than his Mom.
  3. What did Ryan have in his mouth at the Drs. appt. was it 2 lollipops? He seemed so disinterested not only at the Dr. but having dinner with his parents. Cate running back to rehab, I’m sorry but she needs to learn how to live and deal with life. Nothing stressful happened for her to want to run back. It’s not fair to Tyler or Nova and she is going to screw her up big time.
  4. Not one of these teens are in a good relationship. Especially Danae who has a lot of issues, cheats, has anger issues and a terrible attitude. He is def trying to come between his girl and her Mom.
  5. How did Amber realize she was tired and had no energy? That’s everyday life for her. If she really wants to take care of the diabetes stop eating junk food and get up and move. Laying around all day is what’s causing/contributing to it. I never saw someone in their 20s so bed/couch ridden. She’s so great at having fun with Leah, can she ever do anything for someone besides herself. Can she do something fun just her and Leah, I think she’s afraid to be alone with her because she doesn’t know what to do with her. Was that a bald spot on new Matt’s head? I don’t feel bad for Mac, she deserves what she got, a drug addict neglectful husband. Funny but I thought I heard him say call me when the kid is 30.
  6. Just read something from Rinna’s youngest daughter stating last year she was in a bad way due to an eating disorder. She said she’s had therapy to deal with it and is better now. Wonder where she got that from.
  7. Just curious but since Nene’s comedy career is most likely over, what’s Brent going to do now?
  8. Not all miscarriages need medical attention. I miscarried several years ago at 9 weeks and everything came out during the miscarriage so when I went to the Dr. he said there was nothing that needed to be done. I cried, felt bad and moved on to have 3 beautiful kids.
  9. Love Noelle and Kaleigh. Beautiful young ladies who are way smarter than their Mom’s. It’s sad that both of Nene’s sons have no ambition or drive. Marc has a very cocky demeanor, Kenya will have to jump thru hoops to keep him.
  10. I thought Erika said shoe also and thought “ there was a Lady who lived in a shoe she had so many kids..etc.). I like the idea of fanny packs returning but if I’m going to wear it across my body I would rather wear a crossbody bag. It’s better and more convenient around your waist.
  11. After reading this message board, I just realized Farrah wasn’t on. I didn’t miss her.
  12. I really think that Ryan has some mental issues in addition to his drug problems. He just doesn’t look well and looks like he’s in his 40’s. Mac is just an idiot. Does she have any idea how difficult the nursing program is? There are constant tests, homework, reports that have to be in and studying every single night. She thinks she can get pregnant, have a baby and take care of the 2 kids they already have? Amber is so self centered, even on the rare occasion she has Leah around she either ignores her or talks about herself or the baby the whole time. Boy is she giving Leah reasons to need therapy.
  13. I don’t understand why they asked Kim to come back to the show. She brings nothing but her entitled, conceited ass. Why would she think anyone is jealous of her, especially with her unemployed ex nfl husband who’s only job is to drive his wife around. Good for Kandi calling her out on it. She’s only there for the check and she doesn’t want to work for it. Get rid of her, she’s a waste of money and space and is bringing the show down quicker.
  14. OMG I could have written this, I am exactly the same way and just because I cry easy doesn’t mean I’m not going to let you have it with both barrels. Erika calling Teddy a cry baby, really, didn’t Erika just cry because her likeness is in a stupid Kim K video game. No self awareness.
  15. I don’t understand why Farrah HAS to do porn. Does anyone know how much these women make? Surely it’s more than what most of us make and she could live a comfortable life if she invests wisely. She WANTS to do porn and she has a daughter listening and watching everything she does and that’s what I have a problem with.
  16. Poor Gary, he has a cold indifferent Mom and doesn’t know who his real Dad is. Truthfully I feel like something is wrong with his Dad, is he slow? (just remembered when Ryan asked Maci if Kyle was slow lol). His Mom has no shame or regrets and didn’t seem bothered by the news. Kind of explains why he put up with Amber’s abuse, he was just looking for female affection and wanted a family. Lol @ Tyler telling his loser sister he never thinks any guy is good enough for her. Amber is just a selfish delusional asshole. Does she really think Leah can’t wait for her to have a baby, the girl is starved for attention from her mother.
  17. I found this episode a little confusing. Didn’t her “Facebook friends” already live in Seattle? She said 2 were moving back to Texas but what about the rest of them? I didn’t realize what a bad attitude she has and how moody she is. They also didn’t seem to know her that well even though they tried to act like they did. I’m sorry but I would not want her for a room mate.
  18. It’s hard for anyone who doesn’t suffer from depression fully understand how bad it is. I remember reading an article about Wayne Brady a while back stating how he suffers from extreme depression. He said he was in bed for months and no matter who begged him to go get help he just couldn’t do it. He said it was like a Boulder was on his chest and he just couldn’t get up. After months of being in bed he said he realized he was going to die in that bed and never see his kids again and that is when he got help. I hope he’s doing ok now cause I love me some Wayne Brady.
  19. I don’t remember who said it maybe Rinna, that 3’s don’t work and I agree. Someone is always left out of the conversation or doesn’t get an inside joke. I had 2 long time friends who didn’t know each other & I thought they would get along so I invited both out to lunch and they hit it off like I knew they would. Next thing I know they are going out places together & not asking or telling me. I ran into them shopping one day and they made me feel like I was intruding. So never again will I do 3’s (nor introduce new people in my group).
  20. Tyler is so right, he just can’t catch a break. I never really believed him when he said a while back that he feels depressed and is always taking care of Cate’s needs,but I sure believe him now. There’s just no happiness in his life and he can’t leave because Cate & Nova need him but someone is always pulling him down and there’s no way out. As for Farrah, since when does she hold the reigns and decide what producer she wants and belittles all the hands that feed her. They let her get away with way too much and that is grounds enough to get rid of her.
  21. I understand Kyle’s crying, we’re close in age and I notice that I cry very easily. I cry when I’m sad, happy, frustrated, etc. It’s hormonal, pre-menopausal. She’s very hurt because the mean things Lisa does to her are really piling up. I just don’t understand how you can forgive some of the mean nasty things some of these women have said. Lisa talking about other women rumors while Porshia is right there and has said things about Mauricio’s character. After that, you don’t get another chance. Kyle could say plenty about Ken and Max and she never says a bad word about them.
  22. Everyone is so hyper sensitive now a days. Saying someone leaving without telling anyone is weird is no big deal. If that’s the worst thing anyone says about me I’ll be happy. She didn’t tell anyone she was leaving, she asked for the entrance code to be picked up. It is extremely bad manners to not tell your host you’re leaving. How about before shooting a text to be picked up you tell the host I really need to rest I’m feeling lousy and there would have been no problem. It was done sneakily and that’s what made it strange. As for Erika’s kitchen, it’s probably not updated because they don’t use it. They clearly don’t eat any meals together, she says she never cooks and they probably have help who makes coffee and anything else they might want so it’s not important to them. I also think Erika is sad and lonely. She doesn’t have female friends & has more of a father/daughter relationship with Tom. Honestly I do not envy her life.
  23. It remInds me of when Ramona was 50 and she told Mario she might be pregnant or when Luanne was trying to have a baby with Jacques (anchor baby maybe?). Are these women that stupid or do they think we are?
  24. I know Sheree had to move because Frankie came back, although I think the 3 of them could have lived together. Where did she go and I’m surprised she hasn’t popped up here and there.
  25. Frankie is more than flighty, she is mentally stunted. She has the mind of a 12 year old, in fact I know 12 year olds that can handle more responsibility than Frankie. I don’t know if it’s the drugs or she just never matured,but Bud should have known better. I think he was just so overwhelmed and exhausted that he went against his better judgement and asked Frankie to drive around with the baby. I’m glad I’m not the grandma cause I would have said no to the driving, but would have gladly taken the baby for a long walk.
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