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Everything posted by bettername2come

  1. But doesn't that say so much about the Rosewood PD? Can't believe they killed Mona. But it's kind of impressive that they did. I thought it was kind of strange that she was all happy with her mom, in her nice comfy bed, surrounded by evidence. I like that they told the audience, with the characters still having reason to doubt her death. The opening scene reminded me of the episode where the killed off Nate.
  2. He also gave Natalie Martin his phone number. Which now that I think about it, stop trying to date the moms of people you bite, Peter!
  3. I've been saying Phoenix for weeks. I think with us not seeing how exactly he got out of that car, it's probably more likely that he died and was resurrected rather than just being indestructible.
  4. Well, now I want this to happen just to see Derek's expression when he finds out.
  5. Question from season one: Was Peter really out of his mind when he killed Laura? I know at one point they said he was just acting on instinct, but I thought they said later he was lying. Which is it?
  6. I think she was just too insane to realize the full implications of what she was doing. They keep saying that all she ever wanted to do was help, and since she thought of Peter as a friend, she thought she was helping him by carrying out his plan. I think they also implied she believed she was helping Lydia since Allison was killed by the supernatural. I'm not sure how I feel about the whole plot yet. I can't decide if it's a little cheap that there truly is no big bad for this storyline, just two mentally ill people who got their wires crossed, or if it's a clever twist.
  7. And suddenly, I have inappropriate crushes on Chris Argent and Papa Stilinski. I think I may have just moved out of MTV's target demographic. But they were both so badass tonight. I'm torn. I want Sheriff to fulfill his promise, but I think it's Scott and Lydia's turn to kill Peter. Ian Bohen put in a good performance tonight, too, although the "I'm gonna kill Scott McCall" line might have been a little scarier if that hadn't been revealed in a promo weeks ago. Derek's "they get to be a name on our deadpool." It played better in the promo. I think I like that Brent character. He and that girl reminded me of Boyd and Erica when he tried to shield her from the crossbows. And speaking of newbie werewolves, I thought the way Liam was kept out of the action tonight was good. He just isn't ready to play hero all the time. He came off pretty sympathetic in that scene. I noticed the medical chart for Peter in the flashback listed his age as 38. Which is how old Ian Bohen turns next month. And doesn't fit at all with the flashbacks to Young Peter being not long before the fire. And how old is Meredith? Her paperwork said she was admitted in 2009, but she seems the same age as everyone else, and definitely wasn't 12 in the flashback. What year is it now in the series? Teen Wolf, can you just write down a timeline and stick to it, please? Possibly send it out to fans who get headaches pondering these questions? Thanks.
  8. http://www.mtv.com/shows/teen_wolf/ep-10-sneak-peek/1069526/video/#id=1730067 From this sneak peek, it looks like Jeff Davis may not have been lying about it tying in with season one and the events post-Hale fire.
  9. They shot the Sheriff! And they burned the deputy! I giggled when evil deputy found out Parrish made more than him and threw gasoline straight on him. Evil is petty. I loved Parrish going full on Terminator through the police station. Ryan Kelley has been a great addition to the cast. I really liked this one. Wonder how long Jeff Davis has known it was Meredith.
  10. Lucas is growing on me. I don't mind that he knows he's attractive. That's a theme from BMW, the attractive male characters (Eric, Shawn, Jack) all knew they were good looking and were confident in it, and so far Lucas is less vain than them. I liked him covering Farkle's mouth when he was asking about the painting. I also enjoyed seeing those two run out a second before the rest of the art class because they know Riley and Maya better and knew where that scene was going before anyone else did. Those little moments are making the core four a unit better than any of the major lessons. I think Maya's "I have no future" thing came out of watching her mom unsuccessfully dream of being an actress. For Maya, taking her art seriously is probably hard because she's grown up seeing an artistic dream not come true. I'm beginning to wonder if we're supposed to be seeing a flaw in Riley's incessant interfering in her friends' lives. It was a lesson Cory and Topanga had to learn on BMW ("The Eskimo"), so I'm guessing she will eventually. Did anyone notice the scenery chewing extra sitting by Lucas? She was kind of hilarious.
  11. The cast is certainly funny in behind the scenes stuff. I'm really excited about Kyle Gallner returning as himself and Cassidy, and Ryan Devlin as Duncan sounds like it could be hilarious.
  12. In this vein, I would like to see James McAvoy and Gregory Smith as brothers. Or Kevin Zegers and Zac Efron.
  13. I thought it looked like an Emily shirt. Wasn't she wearing the huge armhole tanks a few weeks ago?
  14. I just remembered one little moment I really enjoyed. When Noshiko tells Melissa to feel Scott's heartbeat, Melissa looks over at Stiles, and he tells her it's okay and puts his hand on her shoulder. Did he, because I swear I remember an alternate take of the "We're brothers now" scene from the pilot where Derek tells Scott he's not the one who bit him, plus it comes up in the series in episode 3. Did he think Derek was lying?
  15. Spencer: It's about your eyes. Hanna: She's in the driver's seat of my life and I'm supposed to watch her just steer me off a cliff? I'm sick of it! Caleb: Well then toss her not my friend zucchini. Poor Caleb. First Miranda won't let him drink his damn papaya juice and now this.
  16. I think this was the best episode of the season. Even the friends were better. I liked Ofie's "He's a drug dealer. She's a kidnap victim. Throw in a dystopian setting and we've got a bestselling YA trilogy" and "I don't know fugitive etiquette." Gabe was more likable with Grant, even if it was just to build to a cliche "overhearing conversations in the closet" thing. I was so focused on Lori that I thought they'd realize Grant was missing and Carter would think Lori had decided to take him instead when Carter didn't come since she knew Lori's been watching the house. I liked the girls picking out the same dress. I thought it was going to be a forced to dress alike because they're twins thing, but this was sweet. And at least somewhat made sense because they'd both been wearing purple tank tops all morning before that, so I can believe they have some fashion crossover. The girls were really sweet together. I did like Carter's horror at realizing she'd been celebrating the day she was abducted. Plus, the fact that she phrased it that way rather than lightening what Lori did. I thought the baby picture Lori had was going to be of someone else. So did David give her the picture or did she just tear it out of his book, and then laminate it because it was an easily tearable paper?
  17. If Scott's father turns out to be the Benefactor, my heart will break. But he does keep showing up conveniently after something goes horribly wrong (and in this episode, disappearing before).
  18. 1 - Night School - The show proves it can do horror movie well, and it's the first time we get to see all the teen characters together for an extended period of time. 2 - Fury - Another hostage situation, this time with Mama McCall and Sheriff Stilinski. Melissa finds out about Scott and breaks my/his heart, followed by Allison pulling a crossbow on him and breaking my heart, Scott's working with Gerard (I think this episode revealed it to a further extent), and Stiles still tries to get to his father even when half-paralyzed. 3A - The Overlooked. I love the family dynamics in this one as once again, Derek's girlfriend is threatening the life of his family. Poor guy. Peter seems to genuinely care about Cora which confuses the heck out of me in the best way. Stiles cries over his missing father. It has the most heartbreaking ending as Melissa is taken and Scott goes after her with Deucalion while Stiles watches ( great music choice in "And the World Was Gone"). Plus, it has a "Back to the Future" reference and is establishes the "power outages and things go horribly wrong at Beacon Hills Memorial" theme. 3B - Riddled. Scott and Stiles hug. 4 - Time of Death, I think. But based on the promos I don't think it'll stay my favorite. There's some upcoming stuff that looks like it will be better.
  19. When Emmett asked Bay how Daphne was, it reminded me that I cannot remember the last time they had a one on one scene together. They're supposed to be best friends, and I think he might actually be able to get through to her. He's certainly not afraid to call her on her bad behavior. I think Katie Leclerc played the "Daphne's really angry at herself for being angry at Angelo" moment well, but that girl needs some consequences now. I did enjoy the Regina/Daphne/Kathryn hug at the end of the episode. It was totally obvious Emmett was trying to make up for ruining the last prom, to the point of ignoring his friend's needs. I did like that he stuck up for Natalie in the end and had a pleasant interaction with Matthew (would not have guessed the night would end with him and Sharee dancing). I think the show uses Emmett vocalizing very effectively. Two words and you know that he's finally taking the situation seriously. Bay is awesome. She's a good friend, a good sister, and she can work a tux and dress equally well. Max Adler, I love you. Now please go away.
  20. But we don't know Lydia's grandma. What do we care if she's the Benefactor? There's got to be more to it than that. I thought the ashes were going to be Phoenix ashes. Mountain ash has gotten old at this point. Oh, and I'm guessing that they just casually revealed Lydia's eighteen so they can have her hooking up with Deputy Parrish in a few weeks in a perfectly legal way. Also, no wonder she and Allison are smarter Scott and Stiles, they're both a year older than them. I loved Peter's "I need to get a better safe," and how they casually revealed that it was the adoption papers he was looking at when he got tomahawked. Man, Tyler Hoechlin was cute this episode. I like playful Derek and shirtless Derek, so this was a great episode for me. Braedan can stay as long as she doesn't break his heart. That's twice Stiles has dreamed about sleeping with the girl he likes in a non-sexual kind of way. I do think that means something about him craving more of an emotional connection, which I appreciate. It's also something I don't remember seeing on a teen drama before, and I'm all for Teen Wolf doing original things. I think it's about time we got some dream followup time with Scott. They picked the thread about him being afraid of becoming a monster back up.I have my doubts about Scott making it through the end of the season without killing someone. I think the conversation with his dad showed he was preparing himself to have to make that choice. I like the Mrs. Yakimura/ Mama McCall team up. And Stiles/Argent (I think Argent appreciated Stiles' "the crow flies at midnight" speak. And Liam/Kira). They really are enjoying the odd pairings this year, but I think they've all worked out well. But Yakimura/McCall was great. Mrs. McCall has to be enjoying the fact that this girlfriend's mom isn't trying to kill her son. I loved Melissa asking why they're letting their kids fight in this and Mrs. Y's "because otherwise we be teaching them to run and hide." And can I say that I loved all the parents this ep? Natalie Martin and Agent McCall are both trying to get in on the truth about what's going on with their kids, we had three parents in on their mission tonight (though Sheriff was suspiciously absent), and I really liked the Scott/Agent McCall hug (the height difference makes Tyler Posey look very much the teenager he's supposed to be playing). I hope he's annoyed at not being informed Scott was "dead" next time. Oh, and I also liked the #OnlyInBeaconHills when Melissa said the power only goes out when attacked by supernatural creatures.
  21. They've touched on it a little, but haven't really delved into it. Danny's "Dude, it's Beacon Hills" and something Paige said implied that there's at least rumors among the town about the Hales and some of the stranger goings on, but not the kind of government cover ups you see in Sunnydale and Mystic Falls. When the Hales were more prominent, I think the wealthy werewolf family probably could have made things disappear as well as handle things secretly better than the teens probably can, and after the Hale fire there probably weren't so many supernatural occurrences for those six years. But it is sad that it's the intelligent teens who can figure this secret out while law enforcement and medical personnel don't realize it until they're explicitly told.
  22. I'd like to see the birthday party with Taylor trigger some memory. I would think that since she's been celebrating it alone for so long that celebrating with her twin might make her more likely to remember.
  23. "We've always done well together, but it's time to do good." Okay, that line made me lose it a little. The callbacks to the original series were great, from the flashback to Topanga's first appearance (you could see Shawn!) to "A seventh grade party? I didn't get invited to many of those," and "It's a geek party!" So I guess the Ukrainian bakery is going to be their Chubby's? Topanga makes more sense in an investment situation for the place than as the sole owner, she's still a lawyer, it gets her out of the apartment and gives the family a second location to hang out at. I'm fine with it until proven otherwise. I did love the shot of Topanga and Riley just walking by each other and then realizing what they'd seen. And I got a laugh out of Riley seeing the lightsaber hanging above her and going "Damocles!" Maya was also funny with her "I love you, but you a lotta work!" I appreciated her full-on freaking out at Riley not being at home or school to meet her.
  24. Well, for starters, the thread title is literal. I don't know how true they're going to stay to that story since PLL is not a supernatural drama, but here goes:
  25. I'm hoping for Carter goes with Lori, but then realizes she doesn't doesn't want to, but Lori won't let her go home, thus making Carter realize she really is a kidnapper with flashbacks to the original abduction.
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