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  1. I enjoyed this. Didn't recognize Mr. Kahn until he started telling Matt about Kamala. I had fun with it. I'm such a sucker for hostage situation episodes.
  2. Foggy! I was hoping he might somehow make it, maybe get a soap opera coma. I might have to go watch his episodes in that Mighty Ducks show to remind myself Elden Henson is okay. It took me way too long to realize that the therapist was a setup and they’d both been tricked because damn Matt does need a therapist. I’m glad to see Michael Gandolfini is in this.
  3. Aw, Johnny got a "You're the Best Around" montage. After discussing how Rocky III and IV are Johnny's favorite, when it was originally written for Rocky III. Which makes it even better. And he tackled Daniel into the ocean, which was just adorable. Good to see Grandma LaRusso one last time. Oh my God, I did not see the robbery being him stealing back a family heirloom from a Manzanar guard. Aw, Blue Mat Guy gets to MC again, good for him. Aw, all the Cobra Kais are back supporting Johnny. Even Anthony and Sam are wearing Cobra Kai. I even see some who defected to Silver/Kreese Cobra Kai. Though I wish Nate and Bert were there too. And Amanda likes Daniel in the black gi. Pawn Shop Guy and Convenience Store Guy watching the tournament at the bar was a nice touch. And they even end up supporting Johnny and hugging over his victory! Aw, triple hug with Chozen, Johnny and Daniel. I knew the "You're all right, Lawrence" moment was coming but it was still a nice moment. I like that Miguel kind of pulled a Daniel at the end. "College can wait, I'm coming to Okinawa with you!" I like that they're running separate but coordinating dojos. And he's letting Stingray work there? That would've been the perfect moment to have Bert co-teaching with him. And I assume those are some of the real producers discussing a Back to the Future series at the end?
  4. Aw, nice opening Daniel/Johnny scene. Cruising in Miyagi's car and taking Johnny back to where he remade Cobra Kai. Miguel and Johnny sitting on the curb in front of Cobra Kai having a heart to heart. I love the season 1 vibes. I respect Tory being willing to open up and be vulnerable in her talk with the LaRussos. I'm glad the Binary Bros will be going to college together. I kind of wanted them to go to different schools, however, having them together is probably in the better interest of scientific advancement. I appreciate how Robby knew how much Tory needed to hear "I love you" in that moment. Daniel and Johnny's just kind of "I don't know, man" exchange after was cute. And "No fucking mercy" was a nice touch. Daniel saying "Cobra Kai never dies" was a nice twist. And it was classic kinda smartass but good-natured Daniel delivery. My god, the sensei pulled a "sweep the spine." Glad Axel made the right call. The fighting montage with previous seasons was good. And it was nice to see a time when Xolo was actually a teenager. A fight by the senseis? Really? Aw, tiny Laura with her little noise canceling headphones. She's so cute. I'm glad Kreese killed that guy that was coming for her and Carmen. Though I can't say I thought he was going to kill them both. On the other hand, Kreese has faked his death before, so...
  5. I always appreciate that Kreese does genuinely love Tory and want what's best for her. God, Johnny crying and yelling at Kreese was something I didn't realize I needed. I should've called Miguel taking over for the Cobra Kai slot and I didn't. But the way he jumped to his stepbrother's defense when Robby was injured, this is gonna be a good fight. I liked the dream Daniel had. The fake Miyagi looked really good coming in, less so when talking. I like that Johnny and Daniel both aired their grievances with their senseis. It was also good to see Daniel and Miyagi doing that back to back wheel fighting. Sam not fighting seems a little weird, but I guess I get her not wanting to fight Tory. I was kind of with Johnny on that - "None of the original Miyagi-Dos are gonna fight?" But it's not like the show's called Miyagi-Do. Robby and Johnny hugging, saying "I love you" and Johnny giving him that little kiss on the cheek was beautiful. Amanda going full-on karate was excellent and unexpected.
  6. Ok, the German Sekai Taikai guy in a board meeting with the Valley tournament people was funny. As was him kicking the MC who's passionate about blue mats in the face. Aw, Johnny wanted to name the baby Amanda. He and Rosa are so cute together. And then she said a near-Miyagi quote. I feel bad for Chozen getting rejected, but then I go rewatch the scene of him threatening to kill Kumiko from Karate Kid 2 and that sympathy goes away real quick. He's lucky she even wants to be friends with him. She is an incredibly forgiving human being. How did it take us this long to get the Binary Bros using their computer genius to improve karate training? I'm kinda happy to hear that Sid's still alive offscreen, and that their relationship is decent enough for him to give him his mother's ring. I knew he was gonna name the baby Laura! Though I hope her middle name is Rosa.
  7. I love Louie being all offended when Anoush says Daniel was the one who flipped Kwon over. "What is he a pancake?" It's not a good sign when you lose the moral high ground to Louie. I like how he was tracking that Daniel wasn't all right. Daniel and Johnny arguing about the Sekai Tekai was a good example of how far they've come since season 1. Just Johnny calling him Daniel instead of LaRusso and saying please was a lot. And his complaining to Carmen after was so much more calm and mature. And then later when he bring Silver, "Do you trust me?" "That's a loaded question, but yeah." It was nice seeing them side by side in that confrontation. Aw, Johnny trusts him too. Kinda nice to see the real daughter and the fictional daughter interacting. It seemed weird Anthony wasn't at the dealership party.
  8. I'm enjoying the show but I don't like trying to believe that David Schwimmer was a teenager in 1994. We know what he was up to then.
  9. "Have you ever even met a raccoon?" "I met a famous one last spring!" I love a good callback and Danny DeVito's confusion over the line. I know nothing about Always Sunny apart from the implication. But Charlie learning to read and the children encouraging him was nice. Gregory not at all phased by some deranged woman hitting on him was fair (he's worked with Ava for 4 years), and Danny DeVito and Mr. Johnson are well-matched. Fairly low on the spectrum of Abbott Elementary episodes, but that still makes it better than a lot of other TV.
  10. That was really good casting for a young Miyagi. I was not emotionally prepared for him to turn into Pat Morita. Good use of CGI/AI there. Oh, of course Cobra Kai gets back into the tournament. "I'm not leaving until the two of you tell me what's going on." "It's fine with me. It's a topless beach." Hee hee. Miguel gives a good pep talk. It's only fair he gets to be kind of an honorary sensei for Robby and Sam's final training montage. It's not Cobra Kai without an out of control karate brawl. "I told you we should've snuck onto that plane in someone's luggage." "Totally. I mean, we got mad brawl experience." Nice to have you back, Bert and Nate. "How does this keep happening?" Poor Amanda. "Come on, you roided-out, bitch!" Okay, Demetri, maybe don't taunt the guy on steroids. Credit to the guy who plays Kwon, he does deranged laughter well. Aw, Johnny came to Kreese's rescue. I was so prepared for Kwon to kill Axel that him karmically killing himself by accident was a major relief.
  11. Demetri says "Eli" before the hug in the locker room like the world's about to end. I am glad they worked things out. I rewound multiple times to listen to Chozen say "Binary Bros are back!" and "Dog cage changes a man." Yuji Okumoto really does have fantastic delivery.
  12. I was cheering for Kim and Chozen to kiss before they did. I'm sure it won't last if Tamlyn Tomita is available for filming before the series ends, which I hope she is if for no other reason than I really want her to ask why Chozen is leaving drunken messages in English. "You're my son, too." I mean we knew it, Johnny, but it's nice for everyone to hear. I thought Xolo did a really great job with the crying emotional stuff when they were in Carmen's room. I was sure Carmen and the baby would be okay, but I admit, I thought she would have the baby prematurely. I kind of hate that Amanda didn't believe Anthony about not giving Kenny the laxatives, but I appreciate that Anthony wanted to make it up for all his other shitty behavior, though I question his methodology.
  13. I love Jacob's fight outfit. Gregory being willing to go along with Jacob's plan shows how desperate he was to solve the situation. Jabari is adorable. Barbara swung on Darnell? Janine gushing about Gregory being strong was cute. I have to imagine this as you start with the base level of natural cat talent and then build from there with Jackie Chan's training.
  14. It's so good to have Clark back. Tyler Hoechlin's smile lights up the world. It was great seeing Clark flying with Jon and having fun. Jordan's angst is perfectly in character. I'm glad they didn't drag that storyline out to long. The reconciliation between him and Lois was wonderfully acted and so beautiful in the sunset. I liked how supportive he was sending Jon after the fire. I realize part of it was his complete lack of self-confidence after losing Clark, but it was nice to see him give a pep talk after all the times Jon has talked up and I appreciate him bringing up that Jon's trained in firefighting. Him giving up the suit while he takes some time was a nice gesture, and I'm amused at the prospect of non-identical twins perhaps posing as the same superhero persona. I had forgotten how much I've grown to like Kyle. I didn't realize I missed him till I saw him. And then he wanted Blink-182 and 311 at his wedding and I like him a little more. And it's nice to see Chrissy and Lois's friendship again. They seem much more like real friends instead of people thrown together like Lois and Lana. They've done a good job of parsing out the guest stars. It's easier to like everyone when they aren't so overused. Coach Gaines playing "Runaway" after Chrissy came back is hilarious.
  15. For some reason I thought this was the last season so I was shocked there was a dead body in the end. And relieved! Poor Lester, though, he didn't deserve that ending. Meryl Streep and Martin Short really do have fantastic chemistry. I admit, I kind of want the rumors of them dating to be true. The wedding was great, with Charles and Mabel walking Oliver down the aisle, then the sons walking Loretta. I also loved the random bit of Oliver dancing with his son in the montage. It was adorable. And I was overjoyed to see Winnie the bulldog again. Where has she been? Has she been staying with Will? I really liked how they emphasized the friendship between Charles and Sazz and talked about how Sazz was nice to everyone. It's so very different from most Jane Lynch characters. It's refreshing. I have to admit, I didn't care all that much about the murderer, no offense to Jin Ha, who put in a good performance. Jan's always going to be the best murderer on the show, as she proved in this episode.
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