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Duke Silver

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Everything posted by Duke Silver

  1. In that case, I hope much blood is spilled. I kid. Kinda.
  2. Oh, and of course I expect no GOP leaders to condemn anything Trump does. Those cowards let that clown car roll on, unimpeded. They've convinced themselves that Trump discovered the electoral secret sauce, so no, they won't oppose him anytime soon. I wish Paul Ryan especially would STFU & stop w/ his blatant over-reaching....a President who won the electoral college but not the popular vote cannot claim some sort of sweeping mandate. FFS.
  3. For those who don't know, McMullin is the 3rd Party candidate who was on the ballot in Utah. There was some pre-election day buzz that he might win that state, but that ended up being far from the truth.
  4. I posted a Reuters tweet upthread about the shit Merkel will be facing, by herself, w/ Trump in charge in the U.S. There's a lot of scary stuff going on, while anti-globalists hide their heads in the sand. I am so damn worried by Trump's "philosophy" given John %$#$ Bolton appears to be the favorite for Sec of State. That dude's answer to everything is "bomb them!!" Trump is anti-NATO, anti-globalism, anti-free trade, yet isn't anti-interventionist when it comes to using military force obviously. America won't be leading anything other than illiteracy among 1st world countries by the end of the Trump/Pence Presidency
  5. My girlfriend did the same yesterday. I have already given to NAACP Legal Defense Fund & the ACLU the past few days. Thanks to Lillybee above, I'll be giving to Southern Poverty Legal Center when I get home.
  6. ^^^^ @Lillybee I'll be quoting & re-posting that multiple times in the coming months
  7. IKR??? By last Wednesday, I was actually looking back at 2012, almost wishing Romney would've won, so we wouldn't have Trump now. To be clear, I voted for Obama enthusiastically in both '08 & '12, but I was at the depths of my rationalizing. I've since snapped out of it; just being honest about where I was emotionally right after things became official.
  8. EDIT: Drumph will be tweeting from the @POTUS account soon. Fuck.
  9. Look, I don't want to sound like an asshole, but people need to get right with things quickly & get ready to fight. Grieving is totally understandable, but let's not crawl into dark corners, waiting for 2020. That's what these reactionary, RWNJ want us to do. Volunteer for local causes you believe in; if you can afford it, donate to various groups like the ACLU, NAACP Legal Defense Fund, etc, etc.; try to get your friends/family/neighbors to care about not only the 2018 mid-term elections, but also state & local elections, which, in a huge swath of the country, the Koch brothers' $$$ has pushed a right wing agenda, resulting in not only regressive voter registration laws, but also racist districting/gerrymandering ( an issue Obama will be tackling when he leaves office). The racist trolls on social media making fun of Liberals expressing grief....that should motivate all of us to snap out of it & get to work. And I say this as someone who is a registered Independent, so it's not about partisanship for me. It's about what is right, and Donald effing Trump & his troll army (including the human trash in his likely administration) aren't on the right side of history.
  10. I posted this in another forum here: http://www2.nybooks.com/daily/s3/nov/10/trump-election-autocracy-rules-for-survival.html
  11. https://twitter.com/igorvolsky/status/797975208476966918
  12. There's so, so much at stake. Anti-globalists are so happy these days:
  13. A good friend messaged this article link to me this morning: http://www2.nybooks.com/daily/s3/nov/10/trump-election-autocracy-rules-for-survival.html
  14. I'm carrying out an inner dialogue at this point, buuuuut, I just want to clarify. I didn't post that video above because I'm encouraging others to seek debate w/ Trump supporters. I've actually come to the conclusion that such debate is ineffectual. That demographic has been pounded for decades w/ rhetoric proclaiming the evils of all non-Christian institutions. Reasoned debate is not going to happen, IMO. I focus instead on doing what I can to make people I know care about local issues and elections, and to make those Dems who didn't vote last Tuesday understand what this is costing them.
  15. In general, I make fun of Trump supporters for generally voting against their self-interest largely due to getting their information only from the Fox News &/or Breitbart echo chambers. So for those of us who are not on that side of the fence, here is a succinct statement of the post-election rationale, in the very least, of what caused the result we got. I call b.s. on much of this, but it's important, I think, for us to know the arguments they are using:
  16. http://www.rollcall.com/news/opinion/im-a-coastal-elite-from-the-midwest-the-real-bubble-is-rural-america
  17. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2016/11/01/saudi-student-assaulted-wisconsin-dies-his-injuries/93101338/
  18. A Trump supporter in my family assured me this morning that Trump's rhetoric was for the campaign only, and that people concerned about racial antagonism are being "needlessly hysterical." Then we get things like this: ****If you care at all about preventing racial injustice, please read that linked article, and pass that tweet on to others****
  19. Any #neverTrump people watching Rachel Maddow show on MSNBC tonight have to be gagging after her opening about Trump + Russian ties + fact Trump now gets daily top level security briefings, which obviously includes info about any assets in play against Russia..... There's plenty to be worried about for those who oppose Trump. It's never ending.
  20. Terrible show is terrible. Yeah, I know. That added so much to the discussion, but the show just doesn't warrant much more thought.
  21. Holy ####. What kind of upside down world are we in right now????
  22. I was mostly bored & did not react in the emotional way that I assume TPTB expected of their audience. Whatever. Friends who watch TWD but don't take time to read fan msg. boards about the show seem to have "liked" it just fine. I'll be interested to see what ratings look like. Let's face it, most consumers of shows like this aren't exactly demanding. I'm gonna treat this season like I would a brand new show--I'll give it 3 episodes. If it engages me, I'll keep watching; if not, I'm gone.
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