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Duke Silver

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Everything posted by Duke Silver

  1. Uh, yeah....what Yglesias said; dude is speaking my language:
  2. ^^^ Destruction of our public education, just what the elites/oligarchs in this country want: a dumb electorate is easy to cow & buy-off cheaply w/ jingoism (e.g. "Make America Great Again"; Muslims hate us!!; build a wall).
  3. ^^ Welp, at least that shows a kind of ideological consistency w/ his domestic agenda, I guess. I'm just looking for predictability out this goon, so please don't mistake that for me being o.k. with things.
  4. :eyeroll: Yeah, sure....the last 8 years didn't happen. GOP as always lives in a perverse reality, and their supporters are only too happy to lap it up.
  5. "But, but massive voter fraud!!!" 73.6 million voted against Trump. Most Americans oppose him. #RESIST
  6. The whole anti-get rid of the EC argument makes me laugh. It starts with specious arguments about disenfranchising "flyover states" & ignores the fact that red voters in blue states would then also get their vote to count. So basically, it amounts to acknowledgement by the GOP that they cannot win a popular national vote even with all the dirty, underhanded voter suppression they have employed. I'll excuse myself from the EC discussion. It's just too ridiculous.
  7. I hope they wind up having Scott Baio, Antonio Sabato Jr & ted Nugent in a (D-list) celebrity death match as entertainment on 1/20. I still refuse to watch, but love to read the stories afterwards.
  8. Rush Limbaugh w/ his pre-emptive douchebaggery, how predictable.
  9. FWIW, a couple friends of mine in the Democratic Party mused to me last week exactly that: the consensus fear of Flynn on the left might lead to horse-trading, w/ Flynn sacrificed to get a post requiring confirmation (which NSA does NOT) through the Senate. I assume Dems will dangle that in exchange for Tillerson (who will get through anyway, regardless of Dems objections). I might have actually posted about that here; hard to tell as it seems my life, every conversation the past month has been political in nature. My gf and I are taking a long weekend after New Years to decompress.
  10. Walsh is so irrelevant & feels so left out.
  11. SMH. I wish someone would break all his fingers so he couldn't tweet anymore. He's gonna get people killed.
  12. Yay!!! Lattes for all of us!! Sorry, as much fun as I've been making of the Trump transition, the Democratic Party is probably the most effed-up clown car of an endeavor in the U.S. right now.
  13. Slam-dunk proof of collusion with Putin would definitely be a seismic event that would bring him down, and I'm as pessimistic as anyone about the prospects of impeachment & conviction. I just don't agree with your read about how (yes, even GOP'ers) the house/Senate would be forced to react. We can agree to disagree.
  14. Honestly at this point, I don't want any "smoking guns" about Trump's racism/sexism coming out. Most Trump supporters I know would merely see that as clear endorsement of THEM committing overt racist/sexist acts; it would actually encourage them to do it. I'm not trying to be a smartass here. It sure as hell won't prevent him from taking office in any event. **Let's be clear: his supporters do NOT care; the GOP House & Senate do NOT care, about the racist/sexist stuff. If there's a smoking gun, I want it to be something that would force even this sniveling crowd of GOP weasels in the House & Senate to impeach & convict him. I just think most have been so bombarded with the awfulness of Trump the person, that there's this general sense of desensitization, or whatever, and he STILL is standing. It'll take something like clear self-dealings with Russia or something along those lines. JMO.
  15. I'm being a masochist by continuing to read accounts like this, but I can't help myself. Ugh...such a disconnect.
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