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Duke Silver

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Everything posted by Duke Silver

  1. This has been posted a couple times, but I think people should just say this, drop the mic, walk away. JMO.
  2. I did. I'm only saying Dems do need to be careful with their economic message. It's not as simple as Tim Ryan was making it out to be; naked appeals to Rust Belt working class is tough to reconcile with parts of the Dem base that benefit from trade deals. The gist of it is that economically-speaking (not politically), the so-called new economy is evolving, and more & more people are benefitting from it, just not the Rust Belt. I know, my balls cannot be un-kicked (e.g. the election undone); but I'm kinda tired of re-litigating that. I'm more interested in what the counter-balance to Trump will look like, because something can actually be done about that as opposed to the election.
  3. The Dem economic message going forward is not as simple as some are framing it. I was actually against Tim Ryan displacing Pelosi as House Minority Leader (and I am mindful of losses Dems have suffered in the House since 2008) because I just think his old-economy focus is a long term loser. ***I live in places where new economy rules, so I am admittedly biased.*** However, that doesn't mean screaming about trade in general & TPP in particular is necessarily helpful (from a Dems POV). Gaining the so-called economically anxious white working class voter could mean losing a voter from high-output counties mentioned in this article. It's gonna be a bumpy ride for Dems.
  4. Probably not the perfect place to put this, but whatever. Given where we are politically, I think it's relevant.
  5. Newt so angry... I despise Trump for many reasons, and enabling the re-emergence of Newt in the political spotlight is among them.
  6. Hmmm, o.k. so maybe my cynicism about Congress' ultimate response to #RussianHack will wind up be incorrect. Maybe numbers like this will prod those wastes of life to actually do something for the good of the Republic & impanel a special, independent committee to investigate....and dig deep. Nahhh....too much stuff going on in backrooms; too much $$$ in play.
  7. ****OMFG Kellyanne Conway is gonna be on The Rachel Maddow Show tomorrow night (Thu, Dec. 22)**** I react physically whenever I hear her voice, so I doubt I'll watch. Seriously. I get nauseous.
  8. Even if he doesn't produce audio/visual, I LOL at the thought of Trump's orange head ready to explode at the thought of "some schmuck has-been actor" having him by the short hairs.
  9. I just think that the sheer volume of dirt on Trump has led to a hangover of sorts. There are rabid #neverTrump 'ers I know who just groan & roll their eyes at any new revelations. Ironically, the massive amounts of corruption might actually serve to "shield" Trump, in a way. I predicted (cynically) right after the news broke about #RussianHack that it wouldn't maintain momentum for long. I predicted a week. It's been a few days longer than that & it's petering out. It's just hard to maintain a level of outrage for long (unless you're a white working class male suffering from "economic anxiety" I guess).
  10. I'm just bumping this one time because I think this is terrifically written & worthy of more eyeballs on it. Please, if you have the time, take a look.
  11. What I hope for in NC is what I hope for across the country: more balance, and fair districting. NC is an abomination in terms of gerrymandering.
  12. See my post above w/ the tweet from the Daily Beast article. I think that's the reference.
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