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Duke Silver

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Everything posted by Duke Silver

  1. Hopefully they kill each other. http://www.rawstory.com/2016/12/trump-fans-deploraball-party-descends-into-chaotic-infighting-over-nazi-salutes-and-book-burnings/
  2. https://twitter.com/LOLGOP/status/813858304141234176
  3. Hopefully these extra warm bodies do more than just keep tabs on Trump's tweets. I hope we at least get some quality investigative journalism during the coming corrupt administration. http://thehill.com/media/311900-washington-post-to-add-more-than-60-journalists-in-2017
  4. EDIT: IOW, the electorate, during my lifetime at least, has this penchant for reacting to/mobilizing against too much single-party power. Unfortunately (from the POV of many here), 2018 won't (less than 1% chance, IMO) be a continuation of that trend. The mid-terms map is simply too awful fro Dems.
  5. It’s Not About the Economy: In an increasingly polarized country, even economic progress can’t get voters to abandon their partisan allegiance. EDIT: forgot to include this; stupid quote box won't let me add edit below the quote I already had:
  6. ^^^ Just more gaslighting from Trump. He knows at this point that he can lie with impunity. He (& the GOP in general) rarely, if ever, pay a political price for crap like this. He is going to do it on a much, much larger scale, however.
  7. This distills some of the arguments I and others have made WRT focusing on Rust Belt voters (I continue to think that's a waste of time/resources/"ideological capital." Memo to Democrats: Look to the Southwest and Southeast, Not Midwest .
  8. Welp...this is what brainwashing looks like. Of course, try to engage Trump supporters about this & all you get in return is "quit whining, we won."
  9. https://twitter.com/LOLGOP/status/813444906475732992
  10. https://twitter.com/paleofuture/status/813254620466188288
  11. Ehh, Carlson will be fine. Based on what my gf showed me of comments on Facebook, Fox watchers claim Tucker won that exchange. :eyeroll:
  12. https://twitter.com/dandrezner/status/813065079402983424
  13. I have really been trying to self-edit WRT Trump & Goons, because frankly, the sheer volume of the ridiculous coming from the transition threatens to bury legit, concerning news. However, this caught my eye & I can't push it out of my mind. Sean Spicer has come out already decrying the "politicization of Christmas" (yeah, because the GOP would never do anything like that, right?). I just don't see how Spicer/GOP can explain away the use of the word "new" in the quote. I mean, as a rhetorical device, the intent is clear, right? https://twitter.com/thehill/status/813098277277200385
  14. This pleases me.... A&E cancels KKK documentary after producers violated policy to pay Klan members
  15. Good. #RESIST I will not legitimize Trump. Trump’s unpopularity threatens to hobble his presidency: The president-elect’s underwater favorability numbers could rob Trump of precious political capital.
  16. https://twitter.com/stevechenevey/status/812374545604739072
  17. Wow...TeenVogue is OWNING the free press these days. Where the fuck is the rest of the MSM? Seriously...props to Teen Vogue.
  18. TrumPutin is the most special of special snowflakes. He whines about political correctness but scampers to his safe space on Twitter whenever someone hurts his feelings. This whole meme culture about liberals is funny to me; it's a bunch of hypocrisy & projection.
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