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Everything posted by sATL

  1. Glen said the "blind date" was a Marine buddy's son... so does that mean Glen was a United States Marine ? If so for how long ? Structure - discipline - military - order - appearance - athletic - strong minded... with courage...first to fight {reserving the right to add to this list characteristics that haven't rubbed off on Whit}
  2. One quick question . one observation - How many times did Whit say "Buddy" in this episode ? I'm having visions of when Andy points to a word above his head on WWHL and says a line about taking a drink. I sometimes wish that they would film in the late fall/winter/early spring, so I could see this cast in something other than summer/beach attire. To my disappointment they probably picked the hottest day in Chicago to be on the riverboat, Millennium park, and sitting alongside Lake Michigan. Sorry Whit that your class was the smallest on the tour... the free fitness classes in the park in are a big deal ( link )
  3. deleted because my point was not stated clearly and being misunderstood.
  4. what date do they have to make a decision by ? Let me say now what I say every year - I wish Kelli/Charlotte would make a cut before 1st round. Some of the 400+ that show up surely don't make cut on paper. Maddy would be in the running for point and Pro Bowl 2020 mainly due to her seniority and her GL position this year, right ? Yuko - has she really grown dance-wise in the past 3 years? They must see something that I don't see . This year's rookie class didn't leave me the impression to me they were "one and done" . all of them were too invested and gave up alot just to return (again for some) and make the team. I haven't been following too closely throughout the season,though. The veteran that was cut during training camp this year - anybody know how she is doing ?
  5. hold up... to win the case of what someone said said is or isn't slander (ie a false statement to damage one's character), wouldn't someone have to show/find/present proof of some kind? which would mean getting Dr Evil involved and he would somehow have to "show" of what was said isn't true...
  6. Umm .. little pet peeve that is starting to bug me.. somebody up and gave ms. D a school-house white board on wheels.. Complete with a color coordinated set of dry ease markers, accessorized by clipping magnets. #GottaLoveTeacherSchoolSupplyLists If the intent is to show the Dolls their upcoming competitors- during what an athletic team would call a "film mtg"- why are we looking at a 8x10 team/mgr photo and not a video when in this day and age there are plethora of ways to see a vid of a dance team ? Does it really matter what costumes they had on, who is the owner/mgr/choreo, how many mbrs that have/had and what they look like ? No. it matters how they dance. show why the dance that made team xwy from Timbuktu (i'm waiting for the day a team travels countries/oceans to dance off against the Dolls) are the grand champion.
  7. Is there a sequal one day coming...Dolls Generation 2 ? Both Camyrn and Makalah want to have their own dance team one day..hmmm. new competition for the Dolls.. or more studios for Diana's empire... Kayla is at college huh?? I thought the young-woman didn't want to go... was going marry an Army soldier...Momma Tina couldn't give her a loving-but-gentle push out of the nest, let alone let her cross the state line and now Tina's found that courage? She looks great considering she's a couple of years older than probably most of the team (which makes a big difference in the dance world). According to the website, Stillman doesn't have a dance major ...wondering what classes/major is she studying...
  8. Best line of the night when Carlin started bike riding... and said it with a big smile... " I feel so free".. Yes; ma'am. at age 20 - you are able to go on a bike ride with just your so-to-be fiance without your parents being an arm's length away..
  9. Unfortunately - to some "home-wreckers" looks don't matter. And since they are making trouble (ie they're an ass themselves) the man being an ass, doesn't matter. It's not like she's trying to bring him home to meet her family/friends. For them, its all about the conquest. And Dr. Evil does have $$ so he drops a coin or a trinket, that is fine with them. And who knows - he could be really a back-scratching-seeing-stars-speaking-in-tongues performer in bed to someone whose not in it for the long haul.
  10. One wife if saying "riding a camel is like riding her husband" . Little surprised Melissa said it but somehow I knew it was true before her husband corroborated via phone - "every night". Good thing the camera cut away for sec - that conversion was about to go real nasty..still talking about "riding" as she is saying "bye".. Another is saying "i.m secure in my marriage", "cheating should be kept secret" and "it doesn't bother me where he sleeps". She walks away, maintaining her composure, spouting " no morals or traditions"... comes back - " its really harsh words... I don't want to talk about it anymore"... . I felt this isn't the 1st time someone has made a comment about the possibility of Dr. Evil extra curricular activities. I was left to believe that - if it happens, it should be (will be) a secret and she is secure in/of her marriage b/c of traditions.. Did Jen call Dr. Evil to express how upset she was - or call him just to say "hi" - just to hear is voice and check in ? ... Hell even Delores called her EX-hubby. I was so glad she showed the videocall to Jen. Wives - the words or phrases you say - esp. in defense - its hard for the listener not to believe you and further draw conclusions.
  11. Let me ask this...is a women supposed to know what her "vaginal depth" ? I take it is measured and recorded at our yearly appt ? The episode (well Jazz) has made it sound as important as like knowing the "know your numbers" that Dr Oz preaches..
  12. Agree. Too late to be cutting corners now. Even if the nurse came in to check vitals, change dressings, assist with bathing , physio, etc . it would be worth it. Jeanette seemed to be totally grossed out emptying the urine bag.. Too bad they didn't show bedpan duty - the way Jazz was chowing down in the hospital - I was thinking -all of that food is going to have to come out.. hopefully without too much of a strain/push... If ins didn't pay for the procedure, does that mean the nurse would be out of pocket too ?
  13. I was just happy to see the two of them having a mother-daughter moment.
  14. Jeanette - who is obviously stressed - could use a hug/comfort from hubby . a close shoulder to lean on.. a. a kiss on the forehead.. hold her hand... I guess to be father-mother closeness for each other. a BIL could have sat on the other side of Greg. My siblings would have shoved me out of the way. :)
  15. I didn't get that either given how close the family is. What was the rush for the men folk to get back to Miami ? work & school ? Take care of the grandfather (I don't know if he's had his procedure, yet)? The dad would have qualified for FMLA , right ? Job won't let him telecommute ?. It was nice to have Ari there, but the young-woman has kinda been away at school the majority of the time. Seems like she would need a minute just to rekindle her relationship with Jazz - esp. given the age and their personality difference. If she has graduated college, and started her career - I would think a newbie would have a little trouble getting extended time off. The quick glimpse of the boys boxing... kinda funny... but kinda terrifying.. I don't care for siblings to call each other b*tches..
  16. The exit from the hospital... is the normal procedure now: there is only one nurse to wheel out a patient. I guess I thought the case mgr would be there, given the level of the procedure...somebody... if only as CYA thing (2 sets of eyes) the only way out was to go over a "bump" that is part of the metal door frame ? and then to roll out the the street (I thought most hospitals had the overhang-entrance that is not on the actual street) to lessen the ride in the chair adjusting the footplate in such a manner that it brings discomfort to the patient (ie tell them first - hold their ankle, etc) the patient states she feels discomfort/pain , as in something a tearing - just keep it moving and put them in the car -like a bag a grocery ?
  17. who is the man in the middle ? And more importantly why is he sitting in b/w the parents whose child is operated on, in the waiting room ? Surely there was another spot for him to sit. I thought that was a little intensive of him.
  18. adding not knowing about flushing sanitary napkins... welcome to womanhood.. :) {side-note - one would think in by now someone would invent a brand that would be 100% flush-able...} adding that women do not go around talking about their vaginal depth (that was a good point the DR made).. hell, I don't know what figure to quote if someone asked ... not sure what to do with the information if I knew it
  19. while I was reading the above about Erin and her piano playing, and old eposide of M*A*S*H was on - the wounded pianist Sheridan who now only has usage of his left hand. Winchester's speech made think of Erin... "Charles: “Don’t you see? Your hand may be stilled but your gift cannot be silenced if you refuse to let it be.” Sheridan: “Gift? You keep talking about this damn gift. I had a gift, and I exchanged it for some mortar fragments, remember?” Charles: “Wrong. Because the gift does not lie in your hands. I have hands, David. Hands that can make a scalpel sing. More than anything in my life I wanted to play but I do not have the gift. I can play the notes but I cannot make the music. You’ve performed Liszt, Rachmaninoff, Chopin. Even if you never do so again, you’ve already known a joy that I will never know as long as I live. Because the true gift is in your head and in your heart and in your soul. Now, you can shut it off forever or you can find new ways to share your gift with the world–through the baton, the classroom, the pen. As to these works they’re for you because you and the piano will always be as one." Let's hope Erin will continue to find new ways to share her gift, now that she is mom. Even if it is teaching her own children ( and nieces/nephews) at an early age so they can advance further than she did.
  20. I'm surprised this group won't start their own independent recording label. Other artists have to get their start. That would give them control on what they will and will not do/allow. Doesn't one of the newly brothers-in-law family have a singing family? Seems like the list of want-to-be-singers is growing.. If Erin could collaborate with an orchestra - that would be a way for a non-singing piano player to get noticed. There are many beautiful classical piano pieces with the string or full orchestra. Have we seen a Erin and Lawson collab on an original single - other than those wedding songs - maybe they can play off of each other strengths... Also - with these two, we are seeing the struggle (esp. Lawson) of trying/hoping/praying to become a successful artist, when its more common to see artists who have "made it". Or are very close to doing so. However - Erin and Lawson seem to be happy in the struggle and don't have the fever/hunger to take their craft to the next level. I think if Gil would cutoff Lawson completely - and let him join the rest of the new singing/songwriting artists hitting the pavement in Nashville, he would get a clue. I just find it hard to believe that no one in Nashville has told him that if he's not going to take serious singing lessons - he either need to switch to writing or perhaps backing up someone. He's getting a little up in age to be breaking into a singing artist. I wonder if the Univ of TN (or anyone else) has asked him back to sing the national anthem ( link ) - being asked to come back to repeat - means they audience wants to hear/see the artist.
  21. you know for someone who claims to be brought up so prim and proper with culture and old traditions, Jen can cuss like and throw insults & shade like she was in a street gang... what exactly did she do before she married Dr. Evil ?
  22. cleaning the shells in the dishwasher.... how MacGyver of her....
  23. maybe my screen grab from the episode wasn't the best...basically braised veal... here is a recipe with a glossy picture By Fabio ( link )
  24. Did I hear and see right ?? Baby-girl was in the hospital (ok probably was urgent care) , diagnosed with strep (which is highly contagious), had fever = 100 degrees, says she gets winded easily, and she comes to practice shortly after 11:30 PM ??? While we all admire her "dedication" - some things just don't make sense from a health perspective. I didn't care for how Ms. D stated Crystianna's absence - she made it sound like Crystianna's mom just decided to up and hop a plane to Michigan that day, for a personal appearance (ie Kardashian ). This isn't the jet setting/flying crowd -when they fly it is a pre-calculated financial move. There is more to this story. I wish she would have said something like " there was an opportunity for Crystianna that required her to travel out of state" - make it sound a little positive. And so what the 2 newly-appointed captains were MIA - tell those 4-6 SRs that they need to rise to the occasion one more time, as they are still team members. To have a vote (to go to the upcoming battle) - then be mad about the vote - then to "con/guilt-trip" the girls into changing their vote to perform - Naw.. didn't care for that at all..
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