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Everything posted by sATL

  1. And have sex every night..after evening prayers
  2. do they still offer Home Ec in the school system, where she can call a teacher, who works with beginners? If not , I'm pretty sure the county community centers rec pgms do offer sewing classes.. Or maybe call the cleaners/alternation dept/JoAnn Fabrics/etc for a peer review
  3. Umm.. Danielle's blue taffeta pant suit ? Just who was the designer and tailor? Someone from project runway jr ? I mean that suit had a glossy shine....😁
  4. Teresa surprised me when she said she has NOT reached out to the President to pardon Joe from deportation. Why ? a) it has to appealed in the lower courts first (which really could take a while) b) she's afraid he will say "yes" and she will be stuck with him forever c) she's afraid she will say "no" and that is the final word and can't accept that its over. I did catch that she said that she is spending alot of $$ fighting... hope she doesn't go close to broke again.. there is a point of diminishing returns now...and either way she & the girls have to live financially with whichever decision is reached.
  5. On the " it is better to give.. " part of the episode.... Friendship necklace ? Feeling like this was middle school...crossover night at the sorority house... Jennifer's pearl bracelet: ... like the sentiment, yet another plug for the brother's jewelry store - is his business going that bad, that she has to endorse him all of damn time? Andy little one ride w/ Adidas jogging suit - very sweet. But I did notice the turn, that this is usually the spot where the the housewives impart some-kind of words of wisdom about the season. I like that they talked about parenthood and made the comments a positive for Andy, instead.
  6. speaking of which - did they say why Joy wasn't a team-leader in this cookoff ?
  7. Going back down memory lane... isn't this the same crew who used to bake bread for the family using their commercial family kitchen ? ( link ) Cake isn't bread, but the concept is there.... IE preheat oven to 350..
  8. not every potential "in-law" is going to like, and hopefully love, the person their child is currently dating.. or even married to. Yes - it could be wonderful and is wonderful , when the two families truly become one and besties (like some other TLC families), but that is not always the case. And some people do take time to warm up to new-comers in the family. You always hope that the future parents like/love your child, like you do. But some things take time. And it could be a lifetime, sorry. What is important is how the 2 people in the relationship feel about each other and what they can build, and how they feel about having their family's approval.
  9. Yeah - I'll bet his parents are disappointed . Of course they knew playing pro football would come to an end one day & I think they see Kim in too many ways is pulling him down. and he's not even a famewhore in his own right...Kroy tagging off of his wife - who really doesn't add value to him. Here's two examples of the opposite, but still a famewhore: Rodney Peete tags with his wife (actress Holly Robinson) , with their little own reality shows/commercials but Rodney does enough retired-football/USC stuff that you still see him, as a man, who has his own name/fame. He just co-hosted the 2019 Kitten Bowl. Awww... Shaq (switching sport leagues a minute) can also be considered a famewhore for the nbr of commercials/products he peddles but at least it his fame, that he is trying to blowup.. I wonder should I be mad at Kroy or his agent....5 days of the combine and he couldn't worm his way in to at least be a time-keeper/analyst? Work on some drills ? He can't impart somekind of knowledge/words of widsom to the next class of NFL linebackers ? Could he at least run the 40 yrd dash to raise $$ for St. Jude ? Back to the coffee shop idea - so damn what if the 1st location didn't work due to cost.. that is business.. find another location . don't just give up - has the man lost his competitive spirit in every category?
  10. I think those "words of comfort" came from Michelle and/or Mrs. Swanson. At 19 - I don't think most are making a list/plans of whom they hope to see in heaven... I noticed that Josiah didn't seem overly broken up like Lauren was..I know everyone handles grief/loss differently but he was extra-at-peace to me. Trying not to say relieved... I think it was 3-4 weeks ago when Whitney Bates miscarriage was shown -Zach held a huge bible and started to sound like just Gil, with Erin her family in attendance. And then later planted a tree in honor of loss.
  11. hey... is this the most we've seen the littles have a speaking part? I guess JB is starting to realize to keep the $$ rolling in, he has to call in the the 3rd set of kids to the cameras...
  12. I have a basic gluten question..does it cause other issues besides intestinal? Like cholesterol, blood pressure, asmatic, weight gain, diabetes , hair/skin issues? I guess i.m asking why is it better NOT to eat gluten?
  13. Jenni has what 4-5 yrs before she's in the same boat as Kendra? Understandably that's why she's sad..one minute she wants to be a child, outside forces are preparing / prepping her for the future the next minute.
  14. I wish TLC (which I think the network at least one cooking show) would teach this crew some basic food prep before airing something like this. Erin Bates wasn't available for a facetime call? Now that's a woman whose come a long way with her cooking skills. An egg stuck to the carton, then it breaks, and it is poured into the batter, straight from the carton. Yuck ! what they were down to their last egg out of 18 ?
  15. I'm all for eating healthier and better for the long term, but I'm not sure the main wedding and/or grooms cake is where one should break out with something that the majority isn't going to eat. A cake that has an aftertaste from using something artificial or different isn't a good thing. That is a memory for the wrong reason. I too had a friend who had allergies ( and possible a preference) on what her wedding cake should be. As a compromise - one tier (it may have been the top one) was made to her preferences and that is what she ate her piece from during the reception. But the main cake was some flavor that everyone could enjoy. And by sugar free - did John/Abby mean that it could be sweeten by fresh fruit? I think canned fruit has sugar to some degree. If so, I thought someone had a cake w/o frosting but had a fruit filling/topping.... all of these weddings are running together.. Doesn't Duncan Hines/Pillsbury/somebody make gluten free cake mix?
  16. Umm - did we really need the heavenly funeral scene complete with rolling clouds and a cross ?
  17. from ( link ) ... " Dr. Contessa's arrival shifts the balance of the regular cast to four actual doctors and two wives of doctors.. She already knew Dr. Simone and Toya Bush-Harris before joining the show. Randomly, her son and Toya's son met at a park and became friends. " ----- I don't think Simone knew Dr. Britten background... some people you just don't mess with as you never know when they will reach deep/back and open up that can of whoop-ass with or without cuss-out. Kinda like Tina Campbell from Mary Mary and NeNe Leaks from RHOA. Sometimes you just need to keep your mouth shut, stay out of their way, only speak when spoken to, and pick very carefully your battles. Dr. Britten , raised in the Englewood neighborhood of s. Chicago ( Englewood consistently ranks as one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in the city ( link2) ) , saw her mom work hard at 2 jobs, had ignorant folks making fun of skin-tone her as a child, follower of Tupac/Biggie, as a young woman served (IE had firearms/martial arts training) in a combat zone/war treating soldiers who were hurt from IEDs, and got on a x-way in a jeep with no doors and Simone makes a unnecessary ugly comment in her home? I personally would have been kissing the ground and would have been happy to sit anywhere she told me to. Then later Simone has the nerve to dis her healthy breakfast meal.. Dr. Britten - your a better woman than I would have been. Actually the same is true for Dr. Imani -wrong one to mess with.. I can't believe someone tried to rub her head....
  18. Xavier in new Orleans. Medical school- st Louis University
  19. I actually liked the Atlanta cast on this show.. I guess the change of air (weather), scenery , time zone, and leaving a couple of cast members/husbands at home, served them well. I will re-watch but I don't think they had one screaming/cussing argument- lots of digs and shade, but they acted like they had some sense. And contessa really has come out of her shell- I guess being around college buds will do that for you. Still in love and admiration of her new set of girls, though. The titties cake was a bit much. Did the bakery have a picture (of anyone) to go by ??? 😁 It is nice to hear the back story on Dr. Britten. She would be a good role model on someone from humble beginnings, becoming a DR w/o incurring the debt. Thank for your service in Iraq. She's a bold sister to be driving from LAX to whichever part of town with no doors on the car. - took them off and left them at home ! Ole girl scared me again when she said the reason she chose anthologist as her specialty is b/c "she likes instant gratification"... from which part putting people under or bring them back ???
  20. Well, lets see in 3 yrs what Derrick Dullard, JD, Attorney at Law is brought in to teach....Someone ping me when the betting opens on him passing the bar exam on the 1st attempt... I wonder did someone at the religious headquarters give JB an earful and/or a fine for allowing a son-in-law, with 2 toddlers, to peruse a law degree at an regular accredited law school... Sure would like to be a fly on the wall when Frumpy Jill attends the law firm social functions - especially if they are semi-formal. Wonder if Jeremy has plans to go to grad school...
  21. slight correction... as I am watching the 2019 NFL Scouting Combine ( link )
  22. and this is what happened to Ben.
  23. Yeah but momma Kris does know how to put her girls to work and bring home a check, which she gets a piece of it, as mom-ager. 💰 And I think all of the Kardashiain girls (women) had their own house by the time they were 22. Actually - I think Kris put Bruce (before Caitlyn) to work too... Still can't figure out if why an agent (or Kim) can't find something for Kroy to push.... as a stay-at-home-dad. and an outdoors-man, there's gotta be something he can stick his name/face on.... Mop & Glo for hardwood floors, security system (given the so called car robbery and their cameras), John Deere lawnmowers, ASPCA (since he has a love/compassion for rehabbing dogs that bite children).. There are some hilarious and a couple serious NFL player commercials..(working on finding a list, since Kroy seems to be turning a blind eye to this..). Did Kroy even show his face doing the Superbowl when it was just down the street/interstate from where he lives? Players came in from all of the country.. grinning and strutting for the camera...
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