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Everything posted by LoreliLee

  1. Thanks for the heads up! Just set my dvr.
  2. Well here we go again with the location shenanigans on this show. All the food sales took place in Westchester on Sepulveda Blvd except for Senorita's (sic), who were selling in Playa Del Rey (near the local fave Salerno Beach restaurant). Only the talking heads & the volleyball challenge were in Manhattan Beach. I also think Southern Pride was robbed & the Cheese Whizzes can leave my screen anytime. Those judges were totally lame.
  3. I grew up in Venice Beach and now have lived in Redondo Beach for many years. There was a lot of location shenanigans in the last show. On the most recent episode only had the talking heads & team recaps/totals on the Redondo pier. All the food truck sales took place in Venice Beach. I recognized all the locations/streets the last two episodes took place at. Wonder why they faked the location as being in Redondo? Maybe they couldn't get permits or permissions to sell in Redondo? If anyone knows let US know. PS I'm glad Salsa Queen left but felt sorry for Missy. Class act there. PPS It's not a good idea to let someone from out of town wander the streets of Venice alone. Too dangerous.
  4. It might not ever be made but there’s a tv production company looking to make a show about people who’ve had bad outcomes from either the gastric bypass surgery or subsequent reconstructive plastic surgery. I submitted an application regarding my messed up plastic. It’s been a few months since I’ve heard back so I’m not too optimistic.
  5. Totally agree with you on the dumping. I’m 22 yrs out, lost 150 initially & maintained pretty much except the past 3 yrs or so. I went from 300 to 150, then started inching back up to 160 & THEN did alot of bad eating during lockdown & worry about my LEO husband in SoCal & went up to 185! I’m glad to report that I’ve been on a keto/ low-carb diet since April 1, 2021 & as of today weigh 133! I’ve never weighed this little in my adult life! The family on this show think they won’t have to watch their diet after surgery but they are so wrong! Plus you really need to take advantage of the surgery your first year out because weight loss slows down after that (the “honeymoon period”). PS I’m only 5’ tall.
  6. Thanks for the link. It was quite interesting to see all the available services. All of which would be wasted on ungrateful Tanny. Kudos to all the nurses who do this work. If I lived closer I’d volunteer to run a karaoke 🎤 show there. Fun and therapeutic. Have a great weekend ladies.
  7. I just ran across a new show on HGTV that stars Luke & Clint from Boise Boys! It starts Sept 18 and is titled “Outgrown”. I hope it’s as good as the original!
  8. This is the first show in a long time that I really enjoyed. All challenges were food/cooking centric. Each chef had their time to shine No rummaging through trash, chasing pigs around, or other non-cooking related physical challenges. Looks like next week though, unfortunately, they are reverting back to form.
  9. I really thought I was going to like Levar Burton as host but I surprisingly don’t. Too much up-talk inflections and exclamations. I’m finding it exhausting & distracting. I watch this show to relax. YMMV.
  10. Yeah. These people just piss me off. I had no sympathy for her but felt really bad for those girls. They don’t have much of a life and are very overweight. Neither girl looked like they lost any weight. Too bad. Unlike you I am a food addict but I definitely followed all my doctor’s instructions when I had my bypass in 2000. I want to thank all the snarkers on the live chat for this episode. Some hilarious stuff!
  11. I got my husband to watch this season with me. I’ve been watching this show from it’s debut. I used to find it inspiring & motivating. Not anymore. I have to keep telling him the people being featured used to actually have surgery! Now I just snark on it and crack up my husband. At least it makes him realize how far I’ve come in my own weight loss journey. Too bad Obesity Med couldn’t make more episodes. It looked promising.
  12. Oh my g-d! I said all of the above to my husband when we were watching this episode! I think Mary Lou has a wonderful sense of humor and self deprecation. I really wish she would ditch those horrendous wigs & unflattering cosmetics. She really is pretty. I’m hoping it comes down to Cody, Declan, Nikki & Mary Lou (for entertainment value) but I’m thinking Cody & Kori are the most viable candidates to lead a team.
  13. I felt bad when I read above that the house is being sold. I found it on Zillow and have attached a screenshot of the ad (didn’t know how to link). You can see quite a few more rooms than we saw on the show. The house is spectacular. I can see why it’s being sold, according to Zillow the property taxes alone are almost $3000 a month & the mortgage payment could be about $15,000 monthly. It looks like they tried to sell in 2018 but it didn’t happen. I’ve lived in SoCal my entire life & didn’t know Altadena was such a ritzy area. Such beautiful homes are currently for sale. Take a look but try not to be shocked at the prices. 🙀
  14. I believe Ree said it was unfortunate she had to learn that at such a young age. PS I think that baker should have won.
  15. That’s exactly what I said to my husband! Sampling food & checking out the shops is a highlight for traveling for me. PS we watch a double-feature of BD & Jeopardy. ‘Thinking caps on!’ My husband announces. Lol.
  16. Did she have some plastic surgery? Lip injections? She really looks different & that’s not just due to the blonde hair.
  17. Seems to me they could start filming again with some simple changes. The contestants are already fairly far apart, they would just need to add plexiglass partitions in between. They could film without an audience & Alex doesn’t need to physically interact with the jeptestants (thanks to whomever coined that word!) I’m sure the crew & writers could make the appropriate changes as well. I would love to see some really old shows. The ones with Art Fleming or perhaps when Alex first started. That would be fun. 🤓
  18. They both should have been on a strict low-carb diet to drop pounds prior to surgery. I don’t get how Doc Proctor was glad Tammy ate a veggie burger instead of a regular beef burger. That won’t make a difference weight-wise.
  19. Even 20 years after my gastric bypass it’s still a daily struggle. PS I’m with you on Hoarders!
  20. Okay, I’ve seen James on tv before. A cooking show or something. Maybe Masterchef? This is really bugging me. I know that face!
  21. Omg. That was hard to watch. First time I recall hearing Marcus call a potential partner a prick. My recording cut-off right when Charlotte(?) called to propose forming a partnership w/Marcus. I’m definitely catching the end of the replay!
  22. I am so glad I read the comments on this episode here and on Facebook after it aired in the East Coast. I could not bring myself to watch this vile person. Thanks for all the hilarious and pithy comments!
  23. I think this was the most disturbing episode of this series I’ve ever watched. It took me quite a while to finish viewing. Like Gargamel, I thought she would pass away during filming. I hope there’s some sort of follow-up to this. I hate to admit it but alot of what she was expressing (in the beginning) really hit home. I’ll leave it at that.
  24. Yes I have! Thanks for asking. I went from 300 to 140 (size 26/28 to 6/8). I did climb back up to 180 about 4 yrs ago but got it back under control though it took quite a while. It’s still easy to gain weight unfortunately. Have a great day!
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