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Everything posted by MrSmith

  1. Yes, I read the article, @sharkerbaby. I formed my opinion after reading it and looking through the pictures. I'm entitled to my opinion that the use of the semi-colon in this way is dumb and I don't see any reason why I should be attacked by you or anyone else for having a dissenting opinion. You like it? Great. Go get one, if you want. I think it's stupid and plan to abstain from joining the herd.
  2. The sad thing is that the bolded is much more easily said than done. I've tried doing this with my parents and they're like a friggin weed that even RoundUp 365 can't kill. For whatever sick reason, humans are designed to need their parents' support and adulation, even when they know for a fact they'll never get it. It's sick and if it were a dog that a person was doing that to, that person would be in jail; but because it's "just" that person's child(ren), that's ok and we (as a society) won't do anything about it. In other words, totally missable because it's going to be footage we've all seen already over the course of this season and the preceding season of 90DF: Before the 90 Days.
  3. Not to be unkind, but that strikes me as pretty dumb. Additional suicide prevention efforts are always welcome, of course. I just think that using a semi-colon in this way is dumb. You would think they'd rather have people spending on the "new releases" and use that as a way to get some of their old shit out the door. It would also help make sure "new releases" don't become "old leftovers". It's a good thing nobody ever said the Browns are smart.
  4. I wish they would spend a little money on their websites. Too much whitespace at the top. Her tagline "Come enjoy an opportunity to experience the past" needs a little work and it needs to be placed in a more prominent place. The logo would look much nicer if it looked like it was actually a wood carving. And: Why do they feel that all their websites need a blog? Why put up a link to an empty blog? Have they never heard of adding a link when you have content to which to link? Those are just fast observations. I took a look at their "Shop" link and there are two things available for purchase: a $25 gift certificate and a $150 pet deposit. Now, wtf? They don't take pets, according to their policies, so why in the hell are they selling a pet deposit? As for the home page, they could lose that left column, move the "links" section to the footer, and move the rest of the content below the slideshow.
  5. I've never been a step-parent and I've never played one on TV, either. However, the successful step-parents I've observed over the years have been the ones who built relationships and trust with the children, leaving the serious discipline to the biological parent(s), and only meting out discipline if the child was about to get themselves hurt (and then only going as far as needed to avert the disaster; not even sure you'd call that discipline). The unsuccessful ones are the ones who didn't care to build relationships or trust and/or who tried to be the disciplinarian, with the latter seeming to be more of a step-father problem ("I'm the man of this house. You will listen to and obey me!"). The connection required for a child to view an adult as an authority figure in their life is forged when they're under three or four years old, and step-parents usually aren't present during that time.
  6. LOL. You never know, she might turn out to be a one person terrorist organization! Also, turns out she's just 14 this year. So her porn career will have to wait four years. In the meantime, we'll have to do our best to avoid the (c)rap music she's making.
  7. I thought for sure that she'd go into porn. Apparently her stage name is "Bhad Bhabie". Stupid bitch doesn't even know how to correctly intentionally misspell.
  8. This is what I see with Nicole. I don't think there's anything wrong with her intelligence. She just doesn't want to do anything she perceives as "hard" or "challenging". Maybe she isn't very well educated, either, but if that's the case (and I'm not saying it is), then it's easily fixed with some schooling. I feel bad for her a little bit because she has yet to understand that life is much more enjoyable and a lot easier when you stop trying to fight the world/reality. She seems to do some of the things she does specifically because someone else (her mother, father, step-parent, friend, whoever) told her that it's not a good idea. If she'd start thinking about why these things are bad ideas, her life would improve. Of course, doing that requires maturity she does not yet possess and which she will never possess so long as she has her family to fall back on.
  9. Ignorant is fixable, though. It's just a lack of knowledge and/or experience. Everyone is ignorant on topics about which they know nothing. So calling someone "ignorant" isn't much of a slam.
  10. There isn't sex on the planet good enough for that!
  11. This is pretty impressive! I never really got to do much on computers in the 80's. My father was learning still himself and wouldn't let us kids touch it for fear we'd break it.
  12. He may not be. However, Kensley knows who her father is and she damn well knows it isn't Luis! So when Luis comes along and says "I'm your father" or "I'm going to be your father", that's not going to get a positive reaction from Kensley and it certainly won't improve his standing in her mind.
  13. It would be working out a lot better if Luis didn't try to usurp Kensley's father's position in her life. It would also be working out a lot better if Luis was at least patient with the child. He doesn't have to like her right away; all he really needs to do is be gentle, patient, and treat her with kindness and respect - that and not try to claim that he's her father now. And before anyone tries to claim that he doesn't know the word "stepfather", I call bullshit. His English is quite good when it suits his purposes and I have no doubt he knows the word "stepfather" and what it means. I mean, come on, Molly has used the word several times on this show alone! You can't try and tell me that she hasn't also used it before this show started.
  14. Would have been the end of my friendship with her, too. They really should have kept that between them and done it around the house where there are no witnesses.
  15. Personally, I suspect that his daughter and son have been through a lot because of their father. Remember, David also ran a scam asphalt company and got spanked by the government for it. On top of that, he tried to run for a position on the school board of a school district in which he did not even live! He tried to use Chris' address for the campaign and the local news busted him for it. So the way I took what Ashley was saying and doing is that she's solely pissed at her father and she wasn't going to miss out on the opportunity to make sure his new fiancee is well aware of his shady past because it's an opportunity to visit upon her father some of the pain that she feels. I mean, she has a point that if he hasn't really been involved in her life or her brother's life (David took off on his globe-trotting when his son was 13 years old!), how can Annie expect David to do any better with children Annie might have with him? Yeah, people can change and all that, but David is 48, which means he pretty much is who he is at this point in life.
  16. I had a vasectomy 15 to 17 years ago. The body starts attacking the sperm and treating it like a foreign body (like a virus). So the sperm actually become malformed because of this. Even if Josh gets his vasectomy reversed, the defective sperm leads to a much higher incidence of birth defects. And the fact that his vasectomy is also more than five years ago, the odds of it being successfully reversed are probably in the fractions of one percent. My doctor told me when I was discussing having it done that if it isn't reversed within the first five years, you should consider it permanent because of the difficulty in reversing it and the damage done to the sperm by the body's immune system.
  17. I know, right? You'd think she'd learn a little cooking from her son's girlfriend (or her son, or both). At least start there. They're clearly making meals that are tasty, look good, mostly healthy, and don't take hours to make.
  18. ROFLMAO! This is one of the reasons I only allow myself Oreos at Easter and in July. (July because it's in the middle of the year, allowing me time to recover from the sugar-induced coma resulting from snarfing my wife's delicious fudge and smorgasbord of home-made cookies. Easter because colors!)
  19. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! I want to watch the train wreck unfold. Errr, well .... only to a point. I don't actually want their family life to crumble in such a way as to make their lives even shittier than they are now. Maybe there's no way to avoid that happening. If that's the case, then you're right: Hopefully they are done filming now. Watching that, for me, would be like watching people club seals or kill puppies on TV. I do like people, too, after all and really do have some compassion for them.
  20. @Fiero425 Just wanted to check you're aware that this communication medium transmits none of the nuance that tone of voice does, and also that I'm not psychic. I respond to what's literally on the screen with as few assumptions as possible (since there's nothing there on which to base them, after all). You're the one who went for the stereotype and decided to bash an entire gender. Perhaps check your own entitlement?
  21. Oh, whoa! Slow down there, Skippy! Your assertions are flat-out offensive. The guys who take advantage of those situations are the ones that are immature and don't care about any of the people with whom they are involved. They're also the ones who are continually on the prowl. However, there are many men - I would even go so far as to say "most" - who are mature, have control over themselves and are able to keep their behaviour in-line with the ethical standards that are expected of them, whether those expectations are internally or externally set (though I would expect that most of the time, they're internally set). This whole attitude of "That's just boys being boys" really needs to die a horrible, painful death and it needed that years ago.
  22. @Galloway Cave I forgot you lived in such a place once. Thank you for sharing what you observed. I especially cannot imagine engaging in polygamy as it is practiced where you live. I think the Browns' version of it is horrible enough. I can't imagine being a man of any age and having sex with a 15 year old girl - to say nothing about "marrying" her!
  23. I think the same is true even for men. The only upside is you are allowed to have sex with multiple different women, and even that upside is limited and short-lived. It's not like you'll be having sex with a wild, 22-year-old college student every night. The downsides are that you get bossed around by multiple women instead of just one. (Happy wife, happy life, right? I'm perfectly happy being bossed around by one woman. :D ) You also are expected to carve out time during each day to connect with them and with all the children. So you end up with -8 hours of free time every day and the odds are you're exceedingly short on sleep. I am definitely not the person you want to be around when I'm short on sleep! LOL Not only will I bite your head off for the slightest infraction, I'll probably delight in the act. We all know there isn't a real connection between Kody and most of his wives. I don't know how there could possibly ever be. That requires communication and spending time together, neither of which really happens in a polygamous relationship. As far as the sex goes, without some kind of a connection, there's no way I'd be able to get in the frame of mind to get it on with Janelle and probably not with Meri, either. Christine is kind of cute in spite of her weight (she seems to have a nice personality, which does actually count for something) and, of course, Robyn's the one who's been around the shortest time, which makes it easy to get with her. (Though, I think after a few more years of the insanity of being in the Brown family, she'll be looking a bit unfortunate in the same ways that Meri does).
  24. It's a matter of treating other people how you would like to be treated. Would she expect other single ladies to respect the fact her boyfriend is in a relationship? Would she be ok with her boyfriend breaking up with her so he can cling to the technicality of not being a cheater in order to bang the latest flavor? If the shoe that she and Nico forced Melissa to wear were on Brianna's foot, how would Brianna feel about it? If she would be upset about any of it, then she should show the same respect to Melissa (and any other woman whose boyfriend Brianna is considering flirting with or banging) and she should demand the same level of ethical behavior from Nico that she would expect if she were in Melissa's place.
  25. I really like Jen (maybe because I think she's pretty; I'm a man and I can admit I'm sometimes shallow :D ), and even I am on your side on this one, @Mindthinkr. I think she's chronically late. I also think she's probably fairly high maintenance. In fact, I suspect that she's someone that people should probably tell to be ready an hour before she actually needs to be ready, just so that she'll actually be ready on time. Anyone she may marry in the future should be aware of her disregard for other people's time and find a way to manipulate her into being ready on time.
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