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Everything posted by MrSmith

  1. LOL. My wife immediately recognized it as a gas station ring. I, on the other hand, did not. This makes me think of several questions I could ask in jest, all of which would not come across well in text. Oh well.
  2. As far as leashes and children go, my parents put me on a leash. Pretty sure they leashed my younger brother, too. If I had had children, I'd have had no problem leashing them when they weren't in a stroller and until they're old enough to know not to go running off or hiding in clothing racks at the store.
  3. Well, my wife and I couldn't understand why they didn't get married in Thailand and continue to live there in the first place. As for getting married there, it's not like he had that much family that came to the wedding in America, and having her family there was important for her. When it comes to living there, he can make a good living as a bartender in some of the tourist areas, and he liked living there when he was there. He'd certainly make a better living as a bartender there than he would here.
  4. Maybe he was in the Moldovan mafia? I don't get a mafia-type vibe from him, but that's not to say I'm right, either. Definitely he's unreasonably angry about some thing(s), believes he owns a woman because she chooses to be in a relationship with him, and says and does things that an abuser would. If she marries him, her life is going to be hell for a number of long years - possibly for the rest of her life. The fact he gets angry about her going out with friends and her sisters is a serious problem and a major red flag. My wife goes out with friends and her sisters from time to time. While I ask her what time she expects to be home, I'm doing it so I have an idea whether something has likely gone wrong - and I also don't view it as hard-and-fast; it's an estimation, a ballpark figure. If she's not home an hour after she said she probably would be, I'm calling her mobile to check on her - and I'm certainly not upset with her for not being home! Off-topic: @Schadenfreulein I like your username. :)
  5. The captain shouldn't have to tell Nico that EJ is the boatswain. It's already been declared, right in their titles. However, Captain Lee is not helping to make things clear by continuing to bring the lead deckhand into the client briefings. That should be department heads and the captain only. That said, EJ should be putting Nico in his place at every turn and, if that still fails to work, he should have the captain address it. If I were the boatswain, I'd be putting Nico in his place every chance I got and, if he continues to mouth off and be disrespectful, I would give him all the shit jobs and work him the most hours. For example, I'd put him on anchor watch every night until 05:00, I'd have him back up and working at 07:00, then he could get some sleep between 19:00 and 21:00, and finally he'd be back on anchor watch all night from 21:00 to 05:00. During the day between charters, I'd have him polish all the brightwork with a toothbrush or have him in the water scraping barnacles off the hull. If there were guests on board, I'd find something laborious and/or tedious for him to do all day. After about two or three days of that, he'd be dead on his feet. If that didn't solve the disrespect problem, then I'd have the captain address it.
  6. This could very well be. If so, I find that really sad and it makes me sad for Meri. That would be a horrible way to live.
  7. Someone posted a link to a Topix discussion of Marty, Alexandra, Kathryn, and whatever the mother's name is. Apparently, Alexandra ended up popping out 5 kids with various guys. It sounds like Marty and his wife have custody of only three of them, with the others either being in foster care or possibly adopted (which one is unclear).
  8. I hate this logic. They should just own that they fucked up and stop trying to whitewash it. I'd have more respect for them, then. As it is, I am unable to do anything other than to dismiss and deride them.
  9. I don't drink them, but I don't think they do. I'm pretty sure it's screwdrivers that have orange juice (not that I drink those, either).
  10. This is true for ordinary people. Hoarders are not ordinary people. A hoarder will try to take it all with them and become very irate, uncooperative, and even potentially violent when they discover they cannot. We've all become hoarders to some degree because we're told you need to buy things to be/feel whole. Of course, when you buy those things, you discover that the feeling of being whole is fleeting. Personally, if I didn't have to use technology to do my work, I would give up everything except for my mobile phone - unless I found that it was no longer as useful. I'd be happy to be rid of it, too, to be honest. Go back to a simple landline and nobody able to reach me when I'm out? Where do I sign up?
  11. Amen to that! A LOT of self-righteousness from Eddie that season.
  12. If I were single and on that boat, I'd jump on the grenade .... over and over and over again. Jen is hot! (Though, to be fair, I have not yet gotten to watch this episode. Maybe my opinion will change. But she does have a rockin' body.)
  13. This is not how I remember it. It seemed to me when we were watching that season that he was with his girlfriend in spite of her cheating and they were working on their relationship. I remember him making a point of saying how he was the one being faithful while out on charter, while she was the one who cheated.
  14. I think it's unethical to pursue someone who is not single because you're just as guilty in the affair if they choose to cheat. Also, it's not in your own self-interest to pursue someone who is in a relationship. It's known that married men are highly unlikely to leave their wives for their mistresses. Even if they do, relationships that develop from an affair are much more likely to fail, oftentimes also due to infidelity. Personally, I don't understand why anyone would want to be with someone who is willing to have an affair. It reflects a lack of character and great disrespect for that person's significant other. I can't understand why anyone would expect the person they are having an affair with to have any more respect for them than that person has for their current significant other, especially since you're willing to give it up without any kind of commitment.
  15. OK. First, this is off-topic. Second, I promise I'm not picking on you, Arwen. PROMISE! But I have a question about that notation. Has anyone else ever wondered why it is "24/7/365" and not "24/7/52"? After all, the first notation reads as "24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year". But if we get to "week" units at the second step of the notation, then why do we regress to "day" units before we progress to "year" units? In the alternative notation, it would be "24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year". To me, this makes much more sense because we go "hours > days/days > weeks/weeks > years", instead of "hours > days/days > weeks/days > years". Anyway, that's all I needed to say. Thanks for reading my rant. LOL
  16. This. Either he lies outright and says explicitly that he's a virgin or he lies by omission and says that he's maintaining his purity knowing that she interprets that as "I'm a virgin", while he probably means something along the lines of "I'm not getting any action right now and am content to wait until we're married to get it from you." Edited to add: If I were a woman, I don't think I'd want the first time I had sex to be with a man for whom it is also the first time. I remember the first time I had sex. The whole thing was over in the time it takes to turn the lights off and then immediately back on. I miss being young, though, when my reboot time was measured in hours instead of days....
  17. The only people who know (the network execs) haven't been playing nicely with the other children (us) and are withholding that information.
  18. "In like Flint" is a common malapropism, in large part due to the 1967 movie In Like Flint. I'm sure David would be happy to be the hymen police! He'll just slip in from time to time to make sure it's no longer there. LOL
  19. There. That's better and, obviously in my opinion, much more accurate and descriptive. :D
  20. This was our take on Evelyn and David. Where's the self-control? Of course, she also made a big deal about what other people would think of them. So her neighbors are monitoring her and will probably happily call her out for any perceived transgressions. I'm sure none of those people believe in self-control, either, though. Not surprising. They'd also be the first ones to blame a rape victim for their own rape because they wore something revealing and, of course, "men are like animals and just can't control themselves when they see some bare knees". LOL. That's not very nice...
  21. Either way, it's not a good sound. I liked the Couchberries at first, but quickly tired of Dolores' voice and her singing. It's to the point for me that any time I hear her, I change the station, turn the radio off, or exit the area as quickly as possible. She makes me irrational and want to punch her in retaliation for hurting my ears. Yeah. Her treatment of her supposed friend was abhorrent and completely beyond the pale. My suspicion is that Evelyn doesn't actually like her friend and, instead, merely tolerates her and views her as a hanger-on. The sad thing is that people like her friend are the exact people who I would want to be friends with and who turn out to be among the best friends a person could want.
  22. Sorry, I had to. It's (now) a reference to Errol Flynn and his womanizing, even though it was not originally such a reference.
  23. While you have a good point, Evelyn didn't look like she was comfortable staying in her own lane. In my opinion, whoever taught her to drive has done a poor job of it. She didn't seem to understand that she needed to either keep up with traffic or get in the right lane. Other thoughts... Molly's giggling in the airport as annoying AF. Made me want to remove her access to air until she agreed to stop that shit. On the upside, Luis seems to be actually attracted to her. So that's a point in his favor. Personally, I don't like Molly's voice (including her accent), her mode of dress, or how she conducts herself. I don't really know why; all I can say is that she comes on screen and immediately starts aggravating my last nerve. I like her daughter, Olivia. She has cogent arguments against her mother doing this and yet manages to be magnanimous enough to wish a good outcome for her mother. Evelyn's fiancee could only be more transparent about his what he wants from Evelyn if he were to come out and state it outright. She's delusional if she thinks he's a virgin because he most certainly is not. I found it interesting that in one of the first two episodes she said they were only 6 years apart in age and this episode she admits it's "about 8" years. I was still like "Bitch, please. You're 18 and he's 27, which is 9 years." and, yes, that's in spite of the fact that they probably are only a few months apart in excess of 8 years. She's got a pretty face, but I don't find anything else about her attractive; not her figure and certainly not her personality. Nicole and Azan. Nicole is so inconvenienced by having May around. Azan pissed me off when he claimed he knew what he was doing (regarding being a parent). The two of them had better make sure they don't do something that piques the interest of CPS while she's there because I'm sure CPS will be happy to investigate her once she gets back to FL. Elizabeth and Andrei. She needs to run and not look back. That guy is absolutely an abuser. He's already working on isolating her from her friends and family. It's actually frightening for me to watch. I don't understand why people are so naive as to leave discussions about things like expectations around "girls night out" for after the marriage. I would think that something that is generating a fight would be something you'd want to deal with before getting married. Clearly, that's what most normal people would do. I just don't understand how such obviousness eludes the mental patients that appear on this show. Josh (dude from AZ, whatever his damn name is). That guy is absolutely looking for a woman that he thinks won't be able to escape him this time. Strangely, he and his friends all strike me as white supremacists. So I don't understand why he's going for a Filipina instead of a Ukrainian or Russian woman. I suppose maybe he's just prejudiced against black and Latino people, but Asian people are okay. My hope is that she discovers he's just this side of indigent before she marries him and chooses to run back to the Philippines, instead. She certainly seems intelligent, especially given the research she's done on marrying and immigrating to America. That's a step farther than most of the prize idiots (idiot prizes?) that appear on this show. Personally, I think if she immigrated to the US, she's got the intelligence and drive to take advantage of the opportunities that would be available to her. She could actually succeed here, even if on her own.
  24. I just figure she spent an hour pan-handling. The number of pan-handlers in Minneapolis is astounding to me. Even more astounding is that commuters who see these people day in and day out actually stop to give them money. In Rochester, MN one of the news stations busted a well-known female panhandler sitting behind a strip mall in her new Cadillac counting out the thousands she'd made that day. She freely admitted she makes far more pan-handling than she could possibly earn at a job, short of something like an executive. So imagine how easy it would be for a 13 year old to get strangers to give her money. After all, she'd be legitimately down on her luck, upset about what happened with her mother, and all of that would show plainly in her demeanor. Hell, I would have given her money and I don't give money to pan-handlers.
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