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Everything posted by Keepitmoving

  1. Somebody should have taken their dog for a "walk" on it first, and spread that picture of that earned disrespectful dump all over social media.
  2. They probably think that if they support the Grand Dragon now, maybe he'll remember their support and save them from slaughter once he takes power even though they belong to one of the countless minority groups he'd like to wipe off the face of the earth.
  3. All I know is it feels like the KKK is running for the Oval Office and the media is treating it like it's normal. They need to stop saying the alt-right and white nationalists, call it the KKK. I can't forget how offended Chris Matthews and Michael Steele were at the Clinton campaign showing an ad. with Klan members in their "white uniforms" saying they supported Trump. Yeah, that got a reaction out of that full of shit Matthews. He didn't like that ad. it got real, just who exactly his boy crush is, and I Chris Matthew would never support anything Klan. Nor would I a black man Michael Steele, how on earth could I justify supporting the Klan. Sorry, newflash the Klan is front and center running the republican party now and no one in the media wants to go there with the term KKK. Donald Trump is not Archie Bunker, he's David Duke and this voter is tired of TPTB trying to act like he's not. As soon as he's elected there are going to tons of Klan marches like the ones Trump senior marched in , they'll bring back the tree hanging too I'm sure. No one wants to get that graphic, fuck that.
  4. No, Tim Kaine knows exactly why they're in Utah and so does your colleague Steve Koracki, he showed us on his magic board this week. It's not that they have to win Utah, they have to just pull enough votes away from that Evan guy so that he doesn't win. Steve mapped out a scenario where if Evan won Utah and Hillary didn't win a certain number of swing states, I forgot which ones he noted, but the race would be tied and go to the House to decide. The House would probably pick this Evan guy, cause apparently they can regardless of the fact that he would not have even been on the ballot in every state. Now that's what I called rigged, Donald. So the black caucus needs to stop bitching and just get the vote out on their end, the Hillary camp knows exactly what the hell they're doing in Utah.
  5. I'm so with you on this and I hope this show doesn't disappoint me on this front by not providing me with a detailed story line. They haven't disappointed me yet so, I'm hopeful. You can't bring on Brett Butler and not use her.
  6. LMAO, the Trump camp wants another debate, hell to the no. He stood at that podium looking shell shocked and I want that image to be cemented in time. He lost all three debates and can't take it.
  7. Yes, it's all evil Hillary's fault that Trump just said something to the effect of "like she's never been grabbed..." in reference to the adult film accuser when he was interviewed. Yeah, that response is all Hillary's fault. I knew it was coming, I was waiting for him to allude that she should't complain or why should anyone believe a woman who makes a living in the adult film industry. Weren't those the photos that were released way back during the primary, that then prompted Trump to start in on Cruz's wife's appearance. WTF is she talking about? Hillary was trying to not get her ass whipped by Bernie back then, she had no time for the mail order bride.
  8. That's my point, compared to what you've seen I've heard the opposite when I listen to news radio, so they are out there and I'm sure as hell one of them. If the media wanted to find them, they could and I'm going with they wouldn't have to look that far nor too long to do so. And yes to Bitchell, really.
  9. Yep, and she's already started sewing the seeds of if they don't want to work with us to get things done, we'll vote them out. She said it in her stump speech yesterday I think, or when she was in Pennsylvania, trying to get McGinty elected. She was talking about how she'll need the support in the congress to push forth the platform, push forward the education plan that she and Bernie designed. If she gets in, she better use her bully pulpit and keep the voters involved, democrats suck at this. They win the election and then don't keep the voters on the front lines. But the far left are going to be on her ass anyway, so I think that's good. I think she needs to be pushed, because she isn't a risk taker, she's going to be drawn to the middle, that's who she is. But she can be pulled to the left because she's gonna want a second term and a lot of the things that Bernie was pushing for did resonate with some folks on the right. Not the free stuff but the trade, yeah, there is consensus there. If she even pushes forward the letters "T" and "P" for trade she's toast, don't even say those letters, LOL. She's gotta totally give that up and leave Obama out there on his own.
  10. Yeah, he seems like a nice guy. She could have given him a chance. It didn't seem like she had conversations with him as to what his plans may have been for the future. Instead she's probably going to run into a lot of those guys she described at the party, the ones who smell themselves and think they are doing specifically black women a favor by even dating them because they are black men with degrees and high paying jobs. I guess it would serve her right since that's how she's pretty much treated Jared, except she was probably a lot more polite doing it than the guys she's going to meet are going to be toward her. On the other hand, I do agree with this somewhat, especially when it comes to woman being higher up on that ladder than the man. Usually men can't take it, especially black men. But yeah, you have to have compatibility, all I'm saying is she didn't even give it a chance. Maybe we missed a date or two in between, but I'm getting the impression that they didn't hang out enough to really get to know one another. I liked how this finally got resolved, with a little discussion. He's a nice guy, he seemed depressed, but glad he realized he had to take the job he didn't want so he can carry some of the load in his household. And yes, Issa's passive-aggressive behavior is childish especially when you come home and your significant other has made you a home cooked meal and wants to sit down and talk. That's effort on his part. But no, you take your plate to the couch and still resist sitting down at the table across from him after he ask you to sit with him. Not good. You gotta get over yourself and do the work, stop playing.
  11. This doesn't matter to this viewer. I can't stand Jacq. but honestly, when she brought up strippergate, I was like WTH is she bringing that up? To show that she had Mel's back? That was a decent reason to have someone's back, thanks, but I'm moving on because a real friend wouldn't throw that in my face everytime I don't act the way she would like especially if it means backing her rude behavior. She's a grade school loser, who is jealous of the cool girls that she use to be part of and now she wants to cause trouble between them. As a matter a fact, those girls never said she couldn't hang around, her nasty attitude toward others who are trying to hang close to the leader of the pack, Tre, is Jacq distancing herself all on her own. The girls aren't picking on her, they aren't wasting their time spreading nasty rumors and tormenting her. Again, she started that shit with Robin, then she wanted Tre and Mel, to solely back her, fuck that. Her relationship had been rocky with Tre for some time, Tre did not owe her any blind loyalty but because she didn't get it and Mel, wasn't backing her bullshit either she thought she'd bring up the sorest spot between Mel and Tre to drive them apart. Melissa should have called her on what I just described and NEVER have answered her question. I'm glad Tre flipped it on her even though I know Tre was more than likely lying, I don't care. Strippergate had no place in that discussion, Tre knew what she was doing, and Jacq. was playing with the wrong one, I don't know why she tried it. As soon as she brought up strippergate, then hitting even lower below the belt to bring up Mel's plastic surgery really? Then she put her nasty hands in the face of Mel's husband, girl, bye. And let me just add, Jacq. telling Mel that she knows she had four nose jobs because they go to the same doctor WTF? That should me shit, because the only way she would know the facts about Mel, medical history with any doctor is if the doctor was speaking to this bitch about Mel and that's a no, no. Real doctors aren't suppose to discuss their patients' medical history oh twisted face Jacq.
  12. Totally on Kelly's side. But I probably shouldn't bother watching anymore since I want Shannon and Tamara to suffer and they won't. I watch this show off and on and I could NEVER stand Tamara, oh I can't stand her. I don't care what Kelly said about her kid, all I care about is that Shannon went back and told Tamara, bitch. And yes, they were trying to get her to drink, it was disgusting. She and Shannon aren't friends so what the hell was that? Shannon going ahead and ordering a drink for her even though she said no multiple times, seriously? I hope David cheats again and she walks in on him. I can't stand these uppity bitches on this show, Heather is the worse. Newsflash, you bitches are on a reality show you have no business holding your noses up in the air. It's a bunch of mean girl bullshit with grown ass women trying to act like they have class. Heather is taken aback by Kelly's revealing top, meanwhile she didn't have shit to say when Vicki lifted up her shirt in an Irish pub to show her boobs to Heather's husband via Heather's phone. It was all laughs then. Talk about being full of shit and thinking your doesn't stink just like everyone else, please. But I still like Vicki, she's so full of shit, she totally left Kelly hanging, LOL. Oh Vicki, she's still shameless. Now, they're pissed at her again, so I guess she'll try to crawl back to Kelly.
  13. I loved Melissa not even bothering to play the game and say high to Jacq. at that party. Tired of her, she wants her husband and everyone else to fawn all over her. Damn Joe for even trying to greet her and damn him for trying to meet Chris half way by saying his wife as well as Jacq. were wrong. Fuck that, Melissa wasn't wrong, she didn't owe Jacq. shit. Chris, too bad Joe did't say fuck you and walk off, is he crazy? If he's going to support his bat shit crazy wife, does he not expect Joe to do the same for his? If getting in good with my sister in-law is going to make things good for the family AND yes, get me more screen time, your damn right I'm going to leave you in the dust. You may have known Tre for fifteen years, but our kids share blood, I'm family, bye, suck on it. LOL, Jacq. got up and left like the baby she is when she realized Melissa wasn't going to give her the attention she sought, loved it. This woman is going to be a grandmother and her behavior is just beyond words. You can definitely see why Ashlee was such a disgusting girl back when, she learned that behavior from the best. She is fucking nuts if she thinks a cast of narcissistic women like herself are going to bow down and cosign on the "poor Jacq." role she's taken on this season. Every woman on every one of these housewives shows thinks it all about them, nobody is trying to make it all about Jacq.. she is truly a lunatic. Tre, get those kids professional help. Melania needs an outlet for all that anger as does Gia. I so dislike the Carolines, Kathys and Jacq. of these reality shows, these women try to act like they are the decent ones and I will never be a buyer of that bullshit. I cannot stand Caroline and Kathy, Jacq., ugh. Siggy is starting to bug me too if I hear her say but Jacq...one more time, my goodness.
  14. Exactly, I can start and stop with your number one. They were never ever really going after Bill Clinton it was and will remain always about taking down Hillary.
  15. The question is do people see Anna in the same way they see Michaela? Because the only difference might be their age as I see it. Anna isn't apologetic, she doesn't hold her tongue, the list of negatives goes on and on. Maybe it's that she doesn't appear to come off as if she's looking down on others, maybe that's the other difference for some. Although I personally don't see Michaela that way, her attitude seems to be about her worth, not about the worth of others. This is what makes the actress good in how she portrays the character that I can make this distinction. She definitely for me, does not come off as one of those who thinks she's too good to be in the presence of this person or that person. But Lynn Whitfield who played her future mother in-law definitely did come off that way. That's a bitch who thinks her shit doesn't stink and that she is better than others, not Michaela. Lynn Whitfield is good at playing that kind of woman, she's doing again this season over on the Oprah network, playing an uppity preacher's wife on Greenleaf, good stuff by the way. You want to see what Michaela is being accused of, watch Lynn Whitfield in this role. It'd be interesting to see if this "too full of herself" view of Michaela is shared by mainly male viewers and female viewers, or is it mostly female viewers who see her this way.
  16. I'm sick of constantly having to see interviews on MSNBC of Trump supporters, where are the interviews with Hillary supporters Kristen Walker, Cassie Hunt? Andrea freaking Bitchell? They cover her events yet I never see them interviewing her supporters, NEVER. I want them to find supporters who I hear call in on C-Span radio and say they don't care what they say about her, and they don't care what comes out in her emails, they're voting for her.
  17. Amen, to this and it's because I view politicians through this lens including as "transparent" as you can get Obama, which to me is not all that transparent either, he's had to play the game just like the rest. You can't reach his success in politics without doing so, sorry, you just can't. So with this understanding, I go forth continuing to admire Hillary and I can't wait to vote for her. The above quote is exactly where she was coming from when she referred to Lincoln in her speech, while the Donald Trumps on the right as well as the far left, rolled their eyes because of course, there she goes again bullshitting. No, she was telling you the damn truth of how shit works.
  18. What were Obama's signature accomplishments as a junior senator from Illinois? If you're referring to his years before getting an official position in the senate then I'd say he's got nothing on Hillary. They both went to Ivy Leagues took on leadership roles during those years at their universities. Then spent the early years of their careers not drawing a huge pay check and working with for under served populations. Heck, I'm choosing to believe what has been reported, that Hillary has been working with under served populations from as far back as the age of twelve. But I don't know, maybe I missed Obama's impressive resume as a junior senator. What did he do during his senate years that showed stand out leadership? What bills did he put forward? Or did he like Hillary place his name on bills that he supported just like most of the senators have done? I think Hillary just like Obama is a born leader and always has been. She doesn't have a great gift for oratory, to move people like her husband and President Obama, but no way does she not exude leadership qualities. I think she's a team builder. Who's trying to put down Obama besides the folks on the right to build up Hillary? Are folks on the left doing it? Because if not, I'm use to the slimy, full of shit Joe Scarboroughs of the political world shitting all over Obama and sewing seeds of division between the Obamas and the Clintons by implying that Hillary really thinks this "shitty" thing or another about Obama and we republicans agree. Actually, they aren't really trying to sew division between Obama and Clinton, they are trying to piss off the supporters. So if you're not so keen on voting for Hillary, but love Obama then here you go, look at this email and what people in the Hillary camp said about Obama, give me a break. I have my eyes on the prize and Obama isn't my damn husband nor family member. I'm not going to get that butt hurt at shit talk from fellow democrats that I sit home this coming Thursday and not show up to early vote. Hell to the no. And of course Trump continues to try and do this as well along with his boyfriend Putin by releasing private emails with democrats talking shit about one another. This is the same shit they pulled in 2014 and folks fell for it. Whining constantly about democrats distancing themselves from Obama. They were trying to get elected in places like freaking Kentucky to get rid of the likes of Mitch McConnell for crying out loud. They couldn't stand too close and Obama told them do do whatever they needed to do to get elected. But no, people were all butt hurt about democrats running for office not singing Obama's praises and the republicans ended up sweeping more seats in congress. Obama is a tough guy, he's played Chicago politics he was definitely the man for the job of being the first president of African descent in a pit of utterly racist obstructionists. So other than people questioning his citizenship or calling him a weak leader, I'm good with the rest of the criticism as all presidents and their policies are criticized, he shouldn't get a pass. I'm fine with democrats not always agreeing with him. I'm also very proud to have Hillary become the first woman president. Had Obama not come along specifically with Michelle on his arm I might add, I wanted Clinton in 2008 but...Obama came along. She's playing in a pit of vipers, and as far as I'm concerned she has to be one too and I'm fine with it. As long as she doesn't poison my water; I'm cool with the some of the back handed, under the table shit she's probably done to survive in the pit and reach this point in her career. I'm very impressed. I think she's cut throat, and I love it, that's what some of those emails convey to me.
  19. I think the latest accuser is laying a case for a prostitution ring at his golf courses. One reporter asked why would any employees from this Wicked adult films company be at a golf course plus the offer of 10K. ...That's when my ears perked up, plus she claimed she wasn't the only one from the company to be at the course. Yeah, I think that's where they're trying to go. If nothing else, they're hoping Trump continues to lose his shit and just call this accuser a c**t, w***e, trash...at his next rally. If he can get up and imply that some of the women aren't attractive enough for him to assault . I can't imagine what he'll try to imply about a woman who works in the adult film industry. This should be good.
  20. How cool, I think that was the actress/comedian Brett Butler playing Michaela's mother. She said she was adopted right? I loved the hairdresser scene, that was awesome. Showing Anna's cornrows and the sewing in of the weave. Too bad she threw up on it, that was gross. My lord Anna, Bonnie, and Frank are not well. These are some severely damaged folks. It would be solely sad if everything else on this show didn't have me on the edge of my seat. Mary J Blige was good.
  21. The debate,all I have to say is that I knew Drumpf was toast when she came out wearing her suffragette outfit. I was like, she has come to whip his ass. I immediately felt settled when I saw what she was wearing. The dinner? Once again, he's horrific, that crack about her hating Catholics, WOW. He should have stopped with the Melania joke, because I think he was doing fine up to that point.
  22. Shut the hell up Ashlee with your consequences bullshit. How I would have loved if you had to suffer the consequence of spending at least one night in jail when your violent trashy,ass assaulted Danielle. Look, I don't make any excuses for the grown up criminal actions of Joe and Tre, but Ashlee comes from being a little piece of shit and I haven't forgotten. She should just STFU. Sad for those girls especially Milania and Audriana.
  23. I love the show too. The best moment this episode was the guy from the club calling Molly "Broken Pussy" and she turning around knowing that was her name, LMAO. Then there's little Flava Flav complete with his clock collar. Love it.
  24. As long as I don't see the N- word in any email from Hillary, I'm good. I don't care what else comes out as long as there aren't any derogatory terms used. If I continue to see this is how we should handle this group or that group, so what. She is a politician, she never said she wasn't and that's what politicians do. They sit around and try to figure out what the hell is pissing the voter off, or what we're whining about, and see if they can sell us that they have a plan to fix everyone's problems. Knowing that no way in hell will they be able to fix shit that this group is pissed off about without screwing over some other group. Not because they want to but it's just not happening, everyone is not getting what they want, period.
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