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Everything posted by Keepitmoving

  1. No, it's not naked arms, it's naked arms belonging to a woman of a particular hue.
  2. I can't buy the whole love stuff either but I might be getting confused with all the flash forwarding and backward, so the timing that has gone buy, for Laurel to be confessing love for Wes seems unreal to me. Because I feel I've watched her for episodes with her panties in a bunch trying to find Frank for herself, worried about Frank, Frank, Frank Frank.... I did buy her getting close to Wes as a friend with attraction but her heart still always seemed to be with Frank up to two episodes ago. I mean that's what she's been about, I more buy Wes, because I think I've watched him get more into her for some time now than vice versa. I mean, I felt and bought her fall for Frank, what's going on with Wes, something's missing in the build up to this "love.".
  3. Not for this viewer, they are the best couple on this show. Next to Eve and Anna there hasn't been a couple that I've been that interested in until these two. I like Connor and Oliver, but...I liked Frank and Laurel but... Wes and anyone? Nope. With these couples I'm not upset because they aren't/weren't together. I like Connor and Oliver, but they can be in a room and I not be too overly upset that they aren't together except to feel for Connor, because he seemed so sad. Although, I still don't get why Oliver broke up with him. I can't tell if Oliver really appreciates Connor, or was he getting off on what he feels is the high of Connor's life with Anna and the rest of the Keating-5. Now he's crawling back to Connor after rejection. Would he have come back to him if he hadn't been rejected? Somethings off about their break up I'm not getting it, because I don't think I'm fully getting Oliver's motivations here. I don't get what's going on internally for him and I can't remember exactly when things started to get rocky for them. I don't remember what Connor did exactly to Oliver. Anyway, I am everything Asher and Michaela, I like his silly, carefree frat boy attitude, which would otherwise bug me in other circumstances. But he's a good balance with Michaela's more uptight, goal oriented personality. When he was dancing around that room last week and she rolled her eyes, it was hilarious and on point to me. Someone like her needs someone who can bring some levity into her life and I thought he showed just how serious of a man he is when he was fighting to have something real with her last week. He can man up just fine IMO. At any rate, I tried not to get attached, because this is HTGAWM, and "happiness" isn't in the recipe for anyone, but it's too late. I can't wait till they get back to that mother of hers, can not wait.
  4. I know, LOL, me too. It was like they were some married couple, the serious wife ready to get down to "business" trying to keep her goofy husband focused and on track. He is so goofy cute. I keep having to remind myself that there's a cloud of murders hanging over them when they make me chuckle the way they do. I keep thinking how the hell are we getting out of this series without them all ending up dead or in jail? I guess that's when we'll see for sure who's the best at getting away with murder, whoever is left standing and free. When she called out to Connor because she noticed something was up with her duvet cover, hilarious. I sure hope it's not Connor under that sheet, boy will I miss him. That's going to depress me, seriously depress me.
  5. So the city of Philly is not like NYC in that you can walk to your neighborhood schools to vote? It was nothing to walk a block or two in NY to get to your polling station which was usually in some public school gym and/or cafeteria.
  6. I don't use alt- right, nor white nationalist and neither should responsible media without also adding aka the kkk. The other terms aren't good enough to invoke images ofcrosses burning on lawns and bodies hanging from trees. I have no doubt with this low information electorate that many of them still haven't made the connection.The changing of the name was all part of their long effort that has paid off to become mainstream. It's unbelievable to me that the media knows that Bannon is helping to run his campaign yet no one in the media has the balls to say that Trump has the kkk running his campaign. No, they keep using that bullshit term alt-right. If he wins the television media will never get my viewership.
  7. LOL, you got it. It's reported this way on every network. Again, except from 8-11pm on MSNBC. I guess I could give the rest of them the benefit of the doubt and say they report the polls this way because the race has been viewed as Clinton's to lose, but I won't.
  8. Michaela seems to have sticky fingers and I think she's been nurtured into that behavior based on her telling her mom not to steal anything out of her own daughter's apt.. She wasn't joking either and mama didn't seem offended. She took it as matter of fact. i swear I think her adoptive family must have been down in that Bayou committing crimes and teaching a little Michaela how to pick pocket and lord knows what the hell else. Maybe it was a foster care set up and that system can be shady, people just taking in kids for the money. If this is how it went down then yeah that's not much of a family. I don't even get how this adoption would go down if they were that poor and unsettled. But I'm on the edge of my seat to get into this backstory.
  9. The question is will the media be covering these particular emails? This is of course a rhetorical question, because of course they won't.
  10. I do too, she's good tv. I realize it's not fair, because it feels like she's being rewarded. But she's just entertaining as far as the Housewives franchises go. I don't watch any of these housewives shows to admire any of these women, they all come off cheap to me. They're a cheap laugh, when I'm not rolling my eyes at their bullshit. Except, there are a few that genuinely seem to be trying to use the show to further another career and a few of them have used the platform wisely. If Tre and Joe weren't so damn greedy I would have put them into that category, because Tre definitely has the golden touch but seems like she'll always cancel that touch out if she doesn't change her shady ways. Now she's taking up yoga and if she can just slow down the pace and soften her voice a little bit, she'd be a good instructor. It's got to be a soothing environment and that includes the voice of the instructor in setting that mood. So, I continue to watch her because she still makes me laugh. She's still fucking up the English language and saying that people are dead to her, it's good reality tv..
  11. So how did they switch out the back story? Her father isn't doing criminal activity? I don't know if we got any confirmation on this theory but I always thought her father was doing something illegal. Is that not the case? I also didn't realize that her mother was mentally ill, didn't the new dad say something to that effect? Didn't he apologize for having to commit her mother? I didn't realize in season one that the woman sitting at the table wasn't her biological mother.
  12. Yes! This is a problem well... He just doesn't interest me now that they've fleshed out his connection to Anna. The actor is decent enough in the group, but still easy to forget. I felt nothing with regard to that love scene with Laurel and I feel it's mostly because of him. While I wasn't that into Frank and Laurel, they did have chemistry and Frank knew how to get it done in the love scene department. The Laurel and Wes love scene juxtaposed with the Michaela and Asher scene was no contest for me. Heck, the Asher/Michaela kiss at the end of him trying to get her to commit to something real topped the Laurel and Wes love scene. Yeah, and it is all because he doesn't have that "it" factor. I still don't know if I want him gone though, I mean, Anna and Laurel still care about him so... and he's part of the Keating-5 who are bonded in getting away with murder. This is what I wondered as well. Is her mother there because of bad news? I also didn't know what to make of Michaela telling her mother that she had been through worse. Was she referring to all the shit that has gone down with Ann and the Keating-5 or something else in her past.
  13. OK, so let me remind myself of the list of characters who have actually committed murder: Frank Wes Bonnie she killed Rebecca right? Asher, he killed that DA right? Am I missing anyone who actually has blood on their hands? The rest of the characters are accessories to covering it all up right? Wait who cut up Sam's body, is there another charge for that? Because Michaela and Laurel weren't part of the carving of that body right? There has been so much killing on this show, I just had to take a moment to try and remember who's actually committed murder.
  14. Right, and I'd be seen as being over dramatic by some when I say get ready for us to go back to those hangings the Klan use to enjoy in the south. Get ready for the burning crosses to make a comeback. And with Trump in power you can be damn sure he won't be sending the FBI in to investigate a damn thing. But seeing as the FBI is showing its ass now a days as being corrupt, I suspect there are quite a few klansmen/women running the show when it comes to the FBI. So they serve no purpose either. The klan definitely haven't been completely purged from our local police forces. So Trump won't even pretend to give any lip service to it. If they think it's bad now with that BLM movement, just wait, good luck with that my fellow black folk, as some try to act like Trump and Hillary are equivalent. My passport is ready.
  15. Which is why they and the other media outlets don't do it. They love to stick the "narrative" that they think sells the best. Hillary is boring, she's a nerdy/wonk, she's not Obama, she's not her husband, she's not Bernie, she's not the horrid, nasty but "entertaining" Trump so how can we show that her voters are actually excited and not holding their noses as they support/vote for her. We can't show that, viewers believe us when we don't show you, because we can't even count on one hand any supporters that we've found who are actually enthused about voting for Hillary.
  16. Yep, sorry Charley's pain will not be compared by me to the kid's family that was already established and then broken up. I'm still partial to Nova, sorry she's the one who had the legal family, with mother and father married and father decided to break his vows with with Charley's mother which ended up bringing a child into the situation. Yep, bye Charley, and once again, I think my main issue is hypocrisy. I would not have an issue with Charley as long as I get some confirmation that she sees the woman who brought her into this world in the same light while she's up in Nova's face judging her on the issue of adultery. Don't fucking point your finger in my face when every time I look at your ass I'm reminded that your home wrecking mother was screwing around with my cheating ass father who was married with a kid, me. I would have thrown that home wrecking shaming finger right back in her face, and brought up how her mother and I had so much in common. Right now all I see is hypocrisy on the matter of adultery and I'm tired of Charley up in Nova's face, she just bugs me, but I already said she's my least favorite character on this show. I'm with Charley on telling Nova off with regards to her son and the stolen money, but she can STFU on the adultery issue with Nova. I don't like how she spoke to her and it was all Nova is the bad one, that's the way it all came off and I didn't appreciate it. So I'm defending the character where I genuinely while watching the scene I thought to myself well WTF? I don't like the hypocrisy on the matter. It's worse than the offense at times. If there were acknowledgement that her mother took part in the same home wrecking activities that Nova did, but she was worse because she got knocked up, then I'll start considering Charley's pain in the matter.
  17. But in this case the victim didn't wait, she's been on court record for some time now. She's someone that the courts know about, she's not like the women who came forward during this election. It actually, helps her case and points a finger squarely at the media, who if we know about this shit, how the hell do they explain not knowing about it and not reporting it. Even if she didn't want to do an interview it should still be mentioned because there are actual court documents to back up the media's reporting. So that argument that she's coming forward only now, doesn't hold up for the deniers although their kind of hate can't be stopped with reason.
  18. This is what I was thinking and what I had read about it, I was never able to find her name in any article I read. So yeah, I figured she didn't want any spotlight on her. But I sure did see a copy of the court document, at least the top part where it list the defendants names Epstein and Trump. I was in shock, I thought, this can't be real. The plaintiff was thirteen, raped by Trump the pedophile, who might become our president yet CNN is called the Clinton News Network? Right, that's why they haven't covered this story yet. So yeah, I get anyone who upon hearing this and are inclined not to believe the worse about Trump would shrug it off. But for those of us who can draw conclusions and put together the evidence many of it on tape and in the defendant's own words,well it's not a leap for folks like us, that Trump could engage in teenage prostitution, nope, not a leap at all. We can do that kind of simple math and add up all those pieces. Who wants to list all the inappropriate sexual commentary we have by Trump on tape? Who's got the stomach for it? I started a couple of posts ago with his threat to date a fourth grader that would be a ten year old and yelling that threat at the ten year old. Then I noted him going on the Howard Stern show and talking about his daughter's boobs, allowing Stern to refer to her as a piece of ass. And even Stern knew that shit might have been over the line which is why before he really gets into to objectifying Ivanka he pauses and asks Trump if it's OK that he talk about her. So even Stern knew that a father, even disgusting Trump might not want me to cross that line let me ask first, but nope you were wrong Stern.
  19. Yes! And the Evan McMullian calls to voters from that KKK guy was......"Evan has two mommies." Oh my lord I can't wait till this election is over and if Florida fucks up again like they did with Bush/Gore, they need to be lopped off the map. Whoever the hell wins that state, I just want a clear winner.
  20. Oh, and even with that glitch in Melissa's fashion show, where it was like, is it over? Her show was still much better than Kim D's. Kim D has a tacky line, or maybe not so tacky but it seriously lacks variety and that's difference I noticed with Melissa's show. Kim D is nothing but skin tight and/or lace pattern dresses. The pieces Melissa had were different.I think I saw bathing suits, shorts, pant jumper I think that's what I saw, it was red, it looked nice on the model, she had casual wear, nice job Melissa. LOL, I know. Then she said she was only going to the luncheon for the food fuck "Osama" AKA Jacqueline. I'm sorry, I know she's nuts, but she is good reality tv..
  21. Can someone please explain to me how Anthony Weiner is still alive? You know, seeing as the Clinton "Crime Family" is the most ruthless crime family of all time with HRC at the head of it. Wouldn't she have to had him put down a long time ago? They have a list of names of the people she supposedly had murdered yet Weiner still breathes. Oh, so he clearly remembers the enemy HRC on the committee working against Nixon right? Damn they want to take her down so badly, so badly.
  22. I can't wait to see how her family secrets play into this relationship, I hope they don't set this couple back too much. Who am I kidding this is HTGAWM. But my goodness do I love this cute little couple. But the flash forward with her telling her mother to not steal anything and her mother not even acting like that's not something that she should be warned about, well....this is gonna be good. I can't wait.
  23. Right, but the case isn't even new. I don't think this case just came about during this election season. It's like the rest of the countless cases against him that have been pending or for some time. He may be innocent, but like I said, men don't just get accused of raping little girls, little girls don't just go around accusing. I'm of the frame of mind that most of the time you've gotta work to get accused of shit like this and Trump's body of work is on tape. Did your mom hear what he said about his daughter? That he would date her if she wasn't his daughter. Did she hear him go along with Howard Stern, on that tape where Stern talks about his daughter's breasts? Oh he's sick one alright. No normal man at least where I come from, wants to even say let alone hear the word breast and his daughter's name in the same sentence. No matter how old she gets she remains his little girl and anything sexual in nature a father should not want to go there where his daughter is concerned. She gets married gives him some grand kids and he still wants to think she conceived those kids like the Virgin Mary conceived Jesus, seriously. Yet he's on Howard Stern kicking it up on the subject of his daughter's breasts. So yeah, again, he's a sick one.
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