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Everything posted by Keepitmoving

  1. Talk about rigged. How in the hell does the media NOT blow this up all over their programming? How does this not get covered? It involves a teenage girl, period. How in the hell do you get accused by a teenage girl, that shit doesn't happen to all men, no it's happened to this pervert. Who once again, is seen threatening a ten year old girl in his building that he would be dating her in x amount of years. I also don't care that it's a civil case. I don't know if it started out as a civil case, but it's a case and again, it involves a kid. I don't blame those three people who said no way. It's not being covered ANYWHERE, one would think it was made up. The case is against him and the pedophile Jeffrey Epstein both he and Trump are named as the defendants in the case.
  2. Not only this, his role is only to recommend indictment, it's Loretta Lynch's office who decides whether to actually follow through on his department's recommendation. She could accept his recommendations or follow through with indictment even if he recommended against it or vice versa. That's why Lynch always stated that she would follow through with whatever his dept.. recommended, she's the one with the ultimate power and final say here. I also don't think she's suppose to know the particulars of the case until the FBI is ready to present their findings to her department, so she shouldn't have had any information to share with Slick Willy on that plane since she wasn't the one investigating it. Apparently, Comey is just another man, white man of power at that, who can't handle a woman having that power over him, much less a woman of color, so he decided to take his petulant ass right over her head.
  3. OMG, LOL Tre is good tv from comparing Jacq. to Osama Bin Laden, to fuck her I'm just going for the food, to that final picture with Danielle Staub. That picture was priceless because the two of them looked like they were up to no good even in a calm yoga pose, didn't matter. Namaste my ass, not with the two of them together.
  4. I love that old man Harry Reid, just something about him. He would send a letter to Comey, LOL. His groggy, hoarse voice and battered up look, but he's still a boxer. When his face was busted up, but he was still talking shit, hilarious. I was like damn, look at him, but he's still bitching in the mike about republicans. We need more of Reids and Pelosi's in the democratic party IMO. When his answer to Chris Matthews as to what won't he miss, was to look Matthews in the eye and say "you." Oh, love it.
  5. The democrats drive me insane, because no way in hell do I believe the likes of Gowdy and Chaffetz don't have a shit load of skeletons in their closet. Chaffetz looks like he's anal retentive, like someone you'd find in some back alley in his home state of "family values" Utah, doing some shit that is the complete opposite of his family values persona. Or at least what he would describe as family values, fucking hypocrites. No way both these men are clean, they are wound way too damn tight, I have no doubt they have the similar skeletons as Ken Starr and Dennis Hastert. You see what happened to those two fuckers, one is a pedophile and the other looked the other way and let some sexual assaults occur and go unchecked at his university. Two fucking hypocrites who spent freaking years going after to Bill Clinton. Those are always the ones that when you look under the covers you find they are exactly the same as the Bill Clintons of the world if not worse. Where the fuck are the dems. on taking down these two high and mighty shitbags? It's pathetic how clean the democrats play because all they've been interested in is fighting for the White House, but that's not enough power if you don't get rid of these obstructionist fuckers in senate and the house.
  6. I love one former federal prosecutor saying bullshit, explaining that Congress and we the people are NOT Comey's boss, he doesn't answer to us. He's not supposed to be worrying about our perception, he's just supposed to investigate and present his findings to his boss which sure the fuck isn't Jason Chaffetz, Trey Gowdy nor we the people. It's actually Loretta Lynch who is suppose to be giving press conferences and issuing memos if need be. Nuff said, and I wish Hillary surrogates would start echoing this regardless of where this started which is a private server which even a staunch supporter like me can admit was a no, no. Even if I wish I could have stored my information on that server, since apparently it's the only damn server that hasn't been compromised, meanwhile, Russia, China and heaven knows who the hell else are breaking into systems all over this country. Even with that, she bought herself unecessary trouble as always devising a risky way to PROTECT herself from her enemies. I damn well get that, but I wish she would finally realize that it always blows up in her face. But all of this does NOT matter in terms of how Comey should be conducting this investigation and himself in this investigation. Seriously? I keep hearing but if Hillary had not had a private server then Comey... Get the fuck out of here, that's basically saying because she fucked up, he had no other choice but to fuck up and handle this case differently than any other case. Try again media and the right, try presenting your argument again.
  7. This is the problem, and I don't buy it. I'm tired of hearing about his integrity, not to say that he lacks it, but bottom line, he's in the bubble like the rest of them. It's a nasty arena and no one is going to survive being some boy or girl scout, give me a break. I get a vibe from him that he's not as sleazy as the Tea Party players, but he's no boy scout. Someone referred to him as a boy scout and I rolled my eyes. Look, all I want to know is that none of my politicians are evil enough to poison my water, take money out of the mouths or for the care of sick children, or devise an evil plan to systematically exterminate groups of people. So every congressman who is sitting on the bill or funds to help the people of Flint, MI well, that's the kind of evil I want the hell out of DC. Also every time I hear these dipshits talk about the American people needing to know, smoke comes out my ears and I scream at the tv, Don't the American people have the right to fucking know what's in Trump's tax returns?! Don't they have a right to know that a case has been filed against him for raping a 13 year old girl?! This story covered on my tv screen is what I feel I have a right to know about. On an email note, why the hell was Huma sharing anything but unfortunately having to share her son with that sick fucker she married. I mean didn't he start his bullshit not but a year into their marriage? If she was sharing a laptop with him after his first offense, then WTF Huma? He truly needed to be cut off from everything including the son he had laying next to him as he was sexting, good lord.
  8. LOL, this is golden, thanks for the laugh. "I don't even know Human Abidale, never met her, and I don't think she owns a laptop. When I had dinner at her house..." LMAO, cause you just know he'll fuck up her name and contradict/lie in the same sentence. You got him down, impressive.
  9. Comey is full of shit, yes he could have waited till 11/9 to make his statement. If Hillary committed a criminal act then she would have been impeached, end of story. He fucked up the minute he gave that initial conference and instead of just issuing a statement that there was no evidence to convict and leaving it at that, he goes on to slap her hand in public and give his opinion that she was careless, please.
  10. This is my point. Aunt Vi can tell her niece off on this matter of messing around with a married man, Charley, no. Of course it's not her fault that her parents were adulterers, but I'm sorry I don't want to hear shit from her to the sister whose life got fucked up because your mother was my father's mistress...yeah, don't you preach to me. Unless you can tell me that you told your mother off for committing the same offense against my family all those years ago. Charley can bitch to the cows come home to her cheating, setting up women to be raped husband, but she can STFU on the matter of cheating when it comes to Nova. She can tell Nova off on her selling of weed, on stealing that money and taking her son places and whatever else without asking her, Nova has no right to do that. But there is just something about her telling Nova off about being the other woman that pissed me the hell off. It also kind of annoyed me that Aunt Vi is asking Nova if she remembers what her mother went through, as if she was forgetting that Nova was the innocent child that her father and Charley's mother screwed over with that affair. By the way, is the father Aunt Vi's brother or is the mother aunt Vi's sister? Because if he was her brother, I'm like woman please, your brother set a fine example for your niece don't forget that. Nova is grown and sucks as an adulterer, all I'm saying is don't wag your finger in her face without stating some other pertinent facts on the matter of adultery in that family, it annoyed me as a bias fan of the character I will admit. Yeah her mother got screwed but she was an adult, Nova was the child. You're damn right she remembers aunt Vi. Subconsciously and unfortunately,this is the way it often works, if my dad could cheat on my mother or vice versa, why should I care about someone else's family. My mother was not worth being faithful to so why does the sanctity of marriage really matter. These are the kinds of negative marks that are left on children who go through shit like this and they shape what they will do as adults. At first sight you might think Nova has her shit together and is clear on her path, but I think she's all over the place and quite unsettled. I don't think Nova purposely sought out a married man, I don't know the back story there at all. I'll assume for now, that since she's always attempting to clear her conscience trying to save these young black men in the prison system, because she wasn't there for her brother when he was in...I don't know, seems like she's been doing this before the young boy who she sold weed to got locked up ... I'm thinking she met that cop and maybe he helped her out here and there and so an affair took root. But then I don't know his story and based on that phone call she had, he left his wife and felt the need to tell Nova. So apparently, I don't know what to think about that. With that said, I don't think she's the woman around town who gets her kicks, and marks married men based on this ugly enormous ego that some women have that every man should want to be with them, and that they can have any man they want. So, let's see whose husband I can mess with next, I don't think she's that woman. So true, so true.
  11. RIght, and if they even think of playing up his sexting a fifteen year old by trying to link it to Hillary, I say let the 24/7 news coverage on the civil case against Trump raping a 13 year old girl begin. COMMENCE to START! LOL, I got that line from a movie and I can't remember which one but it was hilarious. Where the fuck is it? Because I've know about it for some time and have long been waiting for coverage. In addition let's have nonstop rolling of the tape of him in Trump Tower shouting up the escalator at a 10 year old girl THREATENING her that he would be dating her in x amount of years. Go ahead, let them play out the Weiner pervert role in connection to Hillary because the only thing that gives Trump an edge on the pervert issue is that his last name is not Weiner.
  12. America is still behind because it's considered the leader of the free world. The power of the leader of this country IMO, is seen to be a power unlike any other power of any leader in the free world. Everyone looks to America and its leader. So, that's some power to have and they still do not want a woman to have it. It's not seen as the same power that Angela Merkel has over Germany or any other female leader in the world, this is why these men and unsupportive women have continued to fight against a female president of the United States of America. I figured this out a little while ago, why it's been so much quicker for other countries to put a women in power and not the supposed leader of the free world.
  13. Because he's not Hillary. When you truly understand the depths of hate for this women and actually for ALL women who fight to grab power in this country and around the world for that matter, you will be able to easily come to this conclusion. And lets make it clear that it's not just men who hate this type of woman, it's many of our fellow women as well. There are Trump female supporters on tape not saying it just about Hillary, but that a woman should not be president. A woman can't be president. With women like these.... Women outnumber men in this country, and the only reason we're not running the show is because we suck at supporting one another in whatever our choices may be. This is how Trump could pull what he has and be where he is in the polls. This is how if he was the one with the private server as a former secretary of state he would still not suffer the same backlash as Hillary. I feel very comfortable guaranteeing this, not if he were still then in a position to win the presidency against a woman. They would do everything to protect him so that, that kind of power didn't get into the hands of that woman.
  14. Can someone please explain to me why the case involving Trump raping a thirteen year old girl hasn't been reported? He and Jeffrey Epstein are listed as the defendants in this case. I'm pretty sure this case exists and that I wasn't reading something fake, yet I don't understand why this doesn't get any coverage. It doesn't even get coverage on the three shows I respect on MSNBC, Maddow, Hayes, and O'Donnell. Back to the emails, I don't get why Huma stayed with Anthony Weiner after the first scandal, but then it wouldn't be fair of me not to ask why the hell Hillary stayed with her "weiner". My goodness, talk about bad men bringing down powerful women. Although neither man told Hillary to have a private server which is where this all gives legs to Hillary's crazed enemies. She keeps placing herself right on the edge of the roof thinking she won't fall off and that her enemies won't try to push her over. It's not logical behavior to me considering the years of witch hunts, why make it easy for your enemies. I know there are issues of trust because of those witch hunts but she's never able to escape totally unscathed so why give them any help in devising risky ways to protect herself. Oh and fuck Comey, from the time he came out to announce his findings and explain to the public why, he fucked up. When the hell does the FBI do that? Glad I voted and I just hope there are enough voters like me to block out this noise.
  15. The question is, will all three of these points be made ONLY by the journalist on MSNBC that air from 8-11 PM? Or will the rest of the media leave these points out and keep saying this is explosive?
  16. Of course I don't give a shit, I already voted and even if I hadn't I'd still be pulling the lever for Hillary. I don't care if the literally find bodies buried in her back yard. I want a democrat in that White House a way progressive one or moderate will do, but a democrat. If she gets locked up, that will still leave me with what I want in Tim Kaine, and I suggest for the next eleven days they campaign with this message LOL. Hey folks if I go up the river Tim Kaine will still be here to push through our platform, so keep pulling that lever for me. Comey is full of shit, he's been giving press conferences and shit, something that the FBI never does on cases. Now he's informing a right wing, biased congress what he's doing during the investigation, get the fuck out of here. It's called putting your foot on the scale of this election.
  17. The body under that sheet looked really long, please let it be Nate. He's run his course, and I can't tell if Anna would really be all that into him if she weren't so messed up. She's about to go to jail, so... It's got to be someone who means something to her with all the screaming and crying, or maybe she was just acting. Who the hell knows with Anna, we're still not sure if she set that fire on purpose.
  18. Yeah, I don't want to lose any of the Keating-5. I'm also not ready for Frank to go, I still think I'm missing something with his background. I still can't get over how he looks about 10 years younger and like a completely different person without all that hair he once had. I really "like" Asher and MIchaela, and I can't wait for more info. on Michaela's background. I couldn't believe or could I, that she told her mother not to steal anything before she left to find Asher. Like what? Her mother would steal from her? She surely didn't try to defend herself as Michaela walked out the door.
  19. Look, I never realized that hot sauce was a black thing, maybe a southern thing, or a Caribbean thing which is where my family immigrated from, but not a black people thing. Since the hell when did black folks take over hot sauce? Because this black person doesn't know when that happened. I don't carry it in my purse because I don't use it. Nor do any of my family members, friends nor associates of African descent carry it in their purses. In my forty plus years, nope, haven't experienced this at all and again, my family is from the Caribbean. So I don't know how in the hell this is Hillary trying to pander to black folks. This hot sauce gripe that Hillary is just pandering blah, blah, blah is some ignorant bullshit. Good luck to them with this one.
  20. Kelly doesn't seem to fit in, but I find Heather to be unnecessarily mean and condescending toward her. Although, as much as Kelly doesn't fit in, I'd like Heather gone because she's mean; she's methodical. Kelly, she pops off at the mouth when you push her, but she doesn't seem to sit around thinking about how she can be spiteful. When she said something to Shannon about shaving the hair off her chin, I died laughing. I cracked up, I was like, she's just throwing shit left and right cause she's under attack. Anyway, I also find it horrific how Heather plays around with mental illness. Does she really think it's OK and that she is qualified to diagnose people as being mentally ill on national television? Kelly's not the dangerous one, it's Heather... trying to get people committed.
  21. He was out in Virginia trying to find people to take in some of the Syrian refugees. He was going to become a priest at one point in time. I wish she would have asked him about he wars, this is something she is passionate about and so is he. Well, he's passionate about congress doing their job in terms of debating the authorization of war and they have refused to do so. There are clips with him telling the off about how they complain about Obama acting like some King and issuing executive orders yet they don't want to stand on the floor and debate, be part of the decision making. I don't think it was Obama's lack of savvy that made him accommodating to the other side, it was his skin color and his middle name, trying to make those racist obstructionist like Mitch McConnell feel at ease, fuckers. Finally, he had to say fuck it and sign as many executive orders as was legally possible. Hillary is use to their shit, she's had 30 years of it. She's not going to try to prove a damn thing them. She's willing to work together, she's done it before, but...hell no.
  22. . LOL, oh lord, it'll be over soon. It feels kinda over for me since I voted today, what will be, will be. LOL
  23. Sorry, but Charley can shut the hell up about respecting marriage. Unless she's given her home wrecking mother the exact same speech then bye. She exist because of an affair, and is a shitty reminder to Nova that her father stepped out on her mother. I sure as hell am not on Nova's side when it comes to messing with a married man I just resent Charley being the one to wag her finger. Please, your nasty husband set up a woman to be raped his cheating is the least of your problems. Don't blame Nova for your choice in husband and father for your son. This character gets ony nerves and she's one that I root for the least. I couldn't care less about her finding love with Remy. Oh, and how inhumane it was for her to NOT think of the safety of her field hands. If I liked her I would be tempted to give her the benefit of the doubt and say she just didn't get how bad the weather could get because she hasn't spent much time in the state and isn't use to the weather, but I'm not. I do agree that her kid is still a minor and Nova needs to ask Charley for anything having to do with her son. Blue=that is one precious child. Blue's mom, I feel for her, I hope she can make amends. I hope she and RA can work parenting together with the family support. Although if I were her I would always want Vi listed as guardian. Lastly, I don't think she and RA should engage in any kind of relationship other than co-parenting. They need to get themselves together and take care of Blue, that's all they can handle IMO. Hollywood is a wonderful man and without a doubt he is worth Vi giving him a second chance.
  24. Bwaah, LOL, I love it. My lord he is absolutely gross, I don't get why he's still on the screen. Rosie's love life is a show for him, he's a horrible brother in-law. Instead of saying things like if Rosie is happy, I'm happy, or asking Rosie if the girlfriend treats her well...no, instead it's about his gross fantasies. Fantasies which apparently include incest, since every time he mentions the foursome he seems to have forgotten that two of the participants in his foursome are siblings, his wife and sister in-law. He's a sick fuck, please Bravo, make him go away.
  25. But it won't piss him off unless they spread a picture like that all over the airways, because I didn't know that until you posted it. That kind of "love" for this klansman needs to be spread around.
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