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Everything posted by Keepitmoving

  1. LOL, that was the sexiest thing, the way she handled that wife. Now that's what real grown ass women do, damn that was smooth. "I'm sorry for this misunderstanding...", LOL I mean let's face it, he's scratching Camilla's itch and she's fulfilling his fantasy. Camilla is a Queepin, she doesn't want any man for keeps, unless it's Epifano and even he is expendable because her business/power comes before him. Little does that girl know, that she has nothing to worry about. She can continue to remain the trophy wife and just be eye candy on her husband's arm if she so chooses. Another moment that had me cracking up was Pote out a breath and trying to keep up with Tre and Guero, running up those nine flights of stairs. Also when he told those bouncers at the party not to touch him. He has some funny moments. I forgot, good to see Devon AKA Marlo from the Wire. "Marlo" is a true Kingpin now, a long way from the rough streets of Baltimore, LOL. Also good to see MC Lyte as well.
  2. This is exactly why I hurt for Nova the most. From her point of view and mine, he didn't think much of her nor her mother. He's coddling his son like he's heir to the throne and complimenting his other daughter with the mistress to Remy. Well I guess she wasn't the mistress if he wasn't married to Nova's mother all those years. I can't get the timing down for any of this backstory. But that is what Remy said before he's started talking out his ass to Charley, he started by talking about how the father use to compliment her. I'm taking a bet right now that he never said jack in the way of compliments about Nova. I'm going with that until I hear otherwise. To top it off, she had one shitty picture at the bottom of his lock box, poor girl, and she was searching too.
  3. Because he feels ENTITLED and does NOT have the ability to be INTROSPECTIVE, NONE. He fails to look in the mirror and say, "I am a loser." "I will work hard to prove otherwise, but right now, I am, indeed, a loser." I mean that's the truth right now and that's why he can barely get a half step forward with out taking multiple steps back. His robbing that store almost negates all the hugs he gives his son. I mean what's the point of all your hugging and coddling of your son, if you're willing to RISK going back to jail for some stolen corner store snacks and dollars? And for what? Just so you could give that shit to your honest, humble, hard working father. And you damn well know that your son's mother is less stable than you are with her addiction, your father is older, tired, yet again, you risk going back to jail. I already posted before that it is hard for to reconcile the two, his love for Blue and his criminal behavior, at this point in his life, I just can't reconcile the two. He's contradicting himself, you love your son, yet you rob a convenient store when you're NOT homeless, and you have tons of family support. Love is about behavior, a series of ongoing choices that you make for the well being of the ones you say you love. Look something went terribly wrong with this child and I want detailed flashbacks and dialogue to explain it all to me. No, losing his mother wouldn't be enough to bring up an asshole like this. What the hell was Earnest doing or not doing? All kids are different, no one child is going to be the same as the next in a family, but damn WTF happened? I still don't know what he did to land in jail for four years. Does anyone know? Did I miss it?
  4. OK, I gotta watch it again, but that makes more sense. Not him whining about all these freaking years later, but just when she left, where she went and why. I mean no elder in that family explained that his sister was going away to work hard at school so she could get a good job etc... I can't, I just can't. Damn he's ignorant, how the hell did that happen? He's bitching about someone, his sibling no less, getting into an institution of higher learning and going to better herself. Earnest and the rest of the elders screwed up royally with RA.
  5. Thanks, so she was playing mommy at the age of eight, but no way can we expect that selfish brat to think about that and say thank you giving up your childhood to take care of me. So how did the mother die? Did she die in child birth? Because I know I heard RA say something about not knowing he didn't his real mother until he was ten. Which is weird to me...so Earnest let him walk around thinking Nova was his mother?
  6. How many years are there between Nova and RA? Because I know I heard his spoiled, entitled, thoughtless ass, yell at Nova for leaving him because he thought she was his mother up until he was ten years old. He said he didn't realize that he had lost his mother until he was ten and that entire time Nova had been taking care of him. All that did for me was empathize with Nova, part of her youth was sopped up playing mommy when she was just a kid herself. And it's not like RA had no parent at all. It's not like they were foster kids, out on the street. Once again, he had a dad, a aunt, yet he's yelling at Nova for leaving and trying to have a life. Ugh, why is Ava making him such a pain in the ass with no let up in sight? Why? I DO NOT like Remy for Charlie and I haven't since he started making comments on her personal life choices, like where she wants to continue raising her son in the state of Louisiana, bye, just bye Remy. He doesn't like Charlie, and is clearly not interested in getting to know and accept her for who she is. When he started his bullshit, I was too through on behalf of that girl. Brother, soon to be ex, and now this asshole? Really? Damn, how much is she supposed to take, people constantly questioning her motives as if they're sinister.
  7. Poor Nova, that's all I got. Next week's episode is suppose to be the mid-season finale and it's suppose to be rough.
  8. You and I both. I don't know where that girl has been that he's messing with. Hell, did Issa use any protection with that itch she scratched last season with what's his name? Seriously, I forgot the name of the guy she cheated on Lawrence with. All this popping in and out, I have no idea how people in this day and age, can continue to play Russian roulette when it comes to their sexual activity, nasty. Oh that's what it was, I died laughing when Issa mouthed something to the effect of "Did he choreograph that?" This show is the best.
  9. You know what I can't buy? How long it's taking for someone at The Wall to send a raven to Winterfell to tell Jon that his brother is alive. Winterfell is getting ravens left and right, yet not one telling them that Bran is alive? I also don't see why the North has to bend the knee to any ruler, they should be able to exist on their own. Isn't that territory larger than all of Westeros and maybe a couple of other houses combined? I can't see Jon with Danny, don't see it. I guess because his first love turned out to be a rough around the edges kind of gal, physically tough and not prissy looking, so now that's the type of woman I see him with. But, Danny's desire to be better than her father, to not abuse those who are less fortunate, to not enslave people does give her some depth, when she's not whining about her birth right. So maybe he'll be attracted to that side of her.
  10. I mean, do they get the imagery of men/women/children dying on the battle field only to rise again as White Walkers? Because Jon, some of the guys at the Wall and his Wildling buddies know what that looks like. Have they actually described that to these folks in detail? Have they described in detail how they went to save some folks and the White Walkers showed up, killed many of them, then they saw those same dead folks rise again as WW's? Maybe they do and figure, oh well, if they get us we'll rise again and still be able to walk around, LOL. I don't know, I'm reaching here, but I'm with anyone who's getting tired of seeing Jon have to explain that they are doomed by these WW if they don't take this shit as priority number one. Which means even turning to the mother of dragons for help.
  11. Exactly and her dear grandmother Olena said as much when she was trying to advise Danny. I believe in so many words that she said her granddaughter had the love of the people and that still didn't save her. Cut short, Danny act like the Dragon you are please.
  12. Eh, the entitled attitudes of the characters on this show doesn't bother me. Antagonizing just cause I can behavior, doesn't bother. What gets my eyes rolling is when you can't back your nasty attitude up with action. So the more Danny loses, the more I'll get sick of hearing her claim the throne as her birth right every damn episode. Because if you can't win, then you don't deserve it. See I hate Cersei, but I love to hate Cersei, I don't want her to change, she's a bad ass because she backs up her mouth with action.
  13. Yeah maybe she is, maybe it's too much of a wrapping up in a nice bow for Danny to get the throne. But I just thought about that prophecy as giving me hope that Cersei will get hers. Whether she lives or dies, her ass will lose that throne to someone. I love Cersei's evil ass, she's certainly a character you love to hate; but I still want her to get what's coming to her in the end. I also don't think that Jon will survive in the end.
  14. Also, wasn't there a flashback or a childhood memory of Cersie's where she remembers some prophecy about losing all three of her children (check) and that a woman younger and more beautiful than her would take her throne? This episode was before she killed Olena's granddaughter and that entire religious posse, I forget what they were called. But I remember thinking that Cersie probably thinks that she's the beautiful young woman that the prophecy was referring to since she had managed to win the heart of not just one but two of Cersie's sons. But the prophecy was really referring to Danny.
  15. You know what? Yara fucked up. I thought she was an expert at fighting at sea. That's their thing right? The Greyjoys that is, they aren't really a land power, it's the sea for them right? But yet she's getting her grove on while underestimating her crazy ass uncle. She's on the boat, relaxed, like she's taking a cruise. She totally forgot about him and never gave a thought to him maybe being out there, somewhere by now.
  16. Oh I forgot, the scene between Danny and Varys was awesome. Also, I don't think John will be bending a knee, I can't see it. Every time someone in the North stands up and shouts that they can't trust a Targaryen, I crack up as they shout that out staring into the eyes of a Targaryen that is now King of the North. Ah, I think John is more Stark than Targaryen , not that, that will matter should they find out. But he does actually have Stark blood courtesy of his mother. But I'm thinking paternal blood is what matters first and foremost for these folks.
  17. Well the show is doing a good job of keeping it real, because I don't know squat about any particular part of Florida, but I'm sure clear on what vibe Uncle Daddy and his ilk have given me from day one. So basically, the theme of his party sounded about right to me. And I already commented in my previous post how grossed out I was at those men and how they were looking at Desna, icky.
  18. Thanks, so I guess Cersie will start her torture by having mama Sand Snake watch her daughter be tortured and killed, a daughter for a daughter. I still don't get what use Yara has anymore, unless there not done with that brother and sister bond and Theon rides in and saves her.
  19. No they wouldn't kill Ellaria, because you remember she was begging them to just kill her and the guy shook his head no, with a smirk on his face.
  20. So Yara's dead right? That was her body hanging from the ship right? I saw a body hanging from the bow of that ship and it looked like her. I mean the queen of Dorn, she's the prize that would be useful to Cersei, since she killed her daughter, not Yara. Yara has no use anymore, and I'm trying to figure out why they let Theon survive, what's his use? I guess there's gotta be more to him since he helped Sansa escape, but you could tell he was having PTSD flashbacks of what Reek went through and that makes him useless. If he's going to freeze up time and time again, then....but I don't blame him for jumping ship, it was pointless, why should he die too. But I did feel sorry for Yara, she sailed to save him, against her father's wishes and her brother couldn't do the same for her. Arya and her wolf, that was touching. I suspect when she said that's not you, she meant that he had either changed so much just like she had, or that he would want to be free to roam just like she would and not want to be held up at the castle. Lady Olena for the WIN, I love that old gal. Danny, start listening to her. You run things by Tyrion because he is smart, but you're supposed to be making the final decisions based on your own knowledge and gut. I think Danny's side will win the next battle, but Greyworm will die, I'll miss him; at least he found true love and some happiness. Oh, you just know that one of those dragons is going to die and/or be taken over by the White Walkers. I can't wait to Arya gets home, I believe she will kill Littlefinger. It was nice to see Hotpie. What is up with this show infusing food with waste? Cutting from the infectious body puss to the runny, off-white filling of chicken pot pie, thanks, that was just a "scrumptious" visual. Last week it was what, beef stew/soup with runny shit otherwise known as diarrhea.
  21. One thing I learned that I didn't know, is that Jen also has a substance abuse problem, I didn't know that until I saw Desna's reaction to seeing her drink. I thought it was only Bryce who was an addict. Yep, that was too easy, something is going to happen to that Desna's dream shop because Uncle Daddy isn't letting her go. His business partners salivating over Desna was gross. I hope that's it with swam lady, and I wish they would stop type casting the actress who played swamp lady in roles where the woman is pathetic, desperate and undesirable. But she keeps taking those roles so... Virgina is annoying, but what else is new. She better not get pregnant. The entire time I was thinking pregnancy if not transmittal of an STD. Poor Dean. You want to be closer to Desna, yet you keep fucking her over. She asked you not to mess with her brother in a sexual manner, and that's exactly what you do. Give him a friendly hug for standing up for you in an honorable way, but have some fucking self control and stay away from his package.
  22. I didn't watch the entire show yet, but I did see, "Bitch, let the bitch read!" and I died laughing. I saw the kids run off with the snacks, and yes, you gotta know when to let it go. I'm thinking Issa needs to transfer that thinking onto her and Lawrence and let it go, because the sex scene between she and Lawrence at the end felt HELLA cheap. I was like girl, wipe that little smile/smirk off your face and don't live in denial that, that wasn't cheap and you aren't selling yourself way short. That damn scene looked as if they had never been in a meaningful relationship. By they way, how long were they together? Oh, and that was Regina Hall in that, "Bitch, let the bitch read!" scene right? Always good to see her. I wonder if they'll continue to show that pretend show, like Defamation on Dear White People, LOL.
  23. These aren't the kind of folks who call the cops, they aren't. They deal outside the lines of the law, and even if they were law abiding, it's a reality that there are segments of our population who do not call on the cops when they need help because they are afraid of them. They'd call on anyone but a cop if they needed help. So, a girl like Virginia not calling the cops, that I totally get, that definitely wasn't contrived IMO.
  24. Actually, they decided to keep the farm because once again, Aunt Vi pleaded with them to consider it for RA. That idiot was sitting right there at the table with his sisters and aunt Vi pleading for them to not let it go and they gave him what he wanted. So they literally kept the farm FOR him, so how he thinks that they want to take it from him is beyond me. I guess he wanted Charley to just STFU, but cut those checks. Once again, like I previously posted, they don't trust him, it's about trust not shame RA. And he's earned that mistrust. He has NOT been responsible, but he expects that whenever he asks to do something that requires a lot of responsibility, that his family should't side eye him. Well, not happening, you paid your dept to Louisiana, but that doesn't mean that you still don't have to prove yourself to the people in your life. He needs to take a damn page from Darla, Darla gives absolutely NO attitude about having to prove herself and she gets that she has a long way to go. I appreciate that from her and I'll appreciate her even more when she calls out RA on his selfish ass with regards to her recovery. Lordy, thank you, thank you. But yet I'm the "angry black woman." I should just smile and be pleasantly content all the time so I can be a soft place for the black man to fall as if I'm June fucking Cleaver. June fucking Cleaver could act that way because she was protected and cherished, so of course she was walking around smiling with a damn apron on all day.
  25. I root for him too. Like I said, I can't say that I can't stand him, because he's a loving father to Blue. But robbing a store and leaving Blue on a park bench while he does it sorta contradicts that. It's hard reconciling the two sometimes. I just can't take his bullshit. I want him to get some of his shit together already, he's got such support and such a decent family. I don't expect him to get it all together, but I need some more growth, just a bit more and less whining. RA is so caught up in acting like he should NOT have to still prove himself before his family eases up on him and I don't agree with that attitude. Yes, he's done his time for the state of Louisiana, but he knows, and we the viewers know, that he still can't be fully trusted. Why? He ROBBED a store while on parole. I'm like a broken record with this one, because I just can't get over it, I can't understand the logic, I can't. Now, I can give him some leeway for what he got himself into on the job at the warehouse, he was set up and they put shit in his locker. I mean, if he went to the boss and confessed that someone put stolen goods in his locker...well, please, that boss wouldn't have believed him and it all just spiraled. But come on RA, you are going to have to get use to having to prove yourself time and time again for quite a while to get the kind of respect that you think you deserve.
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