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Everything posted by Keepitmoving

  1. Particularly on his left upper arm, Roller did not have a tattoo there. He had tattoos on his inner/upper arms, both of them. Even in the picture of him that they used for the funeral, you can see his upper left arm pretty clearly because he's leaning left and the tattoo that this guy has, Roller did not have.
  2. OK, I've concluded that the guy in her room is not Roller. I went back and looked at Roller at the pool and the tattoos on his upper body are different from the tattoos that guy has that showed up in her room. Not only that, he has more hair on his head and face than Roller, and his hair is darker. I don't know who the hell he is but clearly he's been in Desna's life with all that I missed you baby girl and she saying she missed him so much, but I definitely don't think that's Roller. Well that's the same actor playing someone other than Roller.
  3. Well, seems like the gang is back together and better than ever. This was great season finale. I'm going to miss Jaffar, although something tells me he'll be back, he'll be used no doubt against her. Yeah, that affair is going to come up. Poor Little Richard, that's all, LOL. When she called Katherine, Katherinekinte, I died laughing. Nothing is sacred to Selina, nothing, and you better just watch this show and expect to be offended. Every group gets it when it comes to this show, every damn group is getting it.
  4. I have no idea what you mean by it not fitting her ethnicity nor her age, fits to me. So this character is strange for a black woman within Niecy Nash's age group? Really? Doesn't seem odd to me at all. According to the show runner it was written with her in mind, she wanted Niecy Nash in that character and leading the show, and I personally think she's awesome. The casting is great all around IMO. As a matter a fact, I posted a video with all of them talking about their roles in the other thread and this is mentioned. Niecy telling the show runner that she's never led a show and the show runner saying never mind that, you're leading this one. Yeah, and I don't I read it, I think I heard in on one of those entertainment news programs.
  5. I believe it's already been renewed for a second season. I love it and I like looking at the nails although I'm not into to all of that and don't know how you can wipe your ass let alone wash a dish with those things. But it seems creative to me and I like looking at all the designs. I love the characters, Dean included, he's interesting and hilarious. When he said "like at Costcos" in response to Desna telling him that Roller was missing, I died laughing and he says at least one funny thing in just about every episode. HP does a great job of portraying just how smart and intuitive Dean is. From the very first episode I walked away with a feeling of sisterhood first and foremost and listening to the show runner, that is exactly what they were trying to give the audience.
  6. LOL, I know, isn't it. But you know, when we saw the boat later that night, still floating out there, the fire looked like it was dying down. The boat didn't necessarily look like it was engulfed in flames. Did it? I could have sworn it looked like it was dying down a bit. Would gators be able to climb up into that boat? If they were big enough wouldn't the boat capsize?Would they crawl up on that boat if it were on fire? If it was possible for him to escape from that body bag and boat, could he have been able to swim back to his house? If yes, is that where Desna found him, that's if she circled back to the house that same night? And that would be when they decided to keep it a secret and let him stay dead for whatever plan, we don't know yet, that the two of them cooked up. Maybe he wanted out of Dixie Mafia too, maybe Desna convinced him.
  7. LOL, OK, that might make more sense and still, it could be Roller in there snacking on Funyuns. Goodness, what the hell is going on? Also, this Roller who showed up, his hair looked darker and it looked grown out a bit to me. I really do think they didn't have her brother mention the messy state of her room for nothing. Either it goes to the state of her mind in coping with all this or that was Roller in there. I just find him mentioning what her room looks like at the beginning of the episode with "Roller" showing up in there either via just in her mind or for real at the end, to be connected. I don't think that was a coincidence.
  8. He does go in or at least passes by her room to notice things because I asked in my post above did anyone hear exactly what he said at the beginning of the episode when he talked about her bedroom. He said she wasn't sleeping since Roller's death but also something about her bedroom being messy and noticing something else in there. I couldn't hear or make out exactly what he said he noticed though. I thought about him mentioning her bedroom in the beginning of the episode when I saw Roller at the end. That's what made me not sure if he was really a hallucination or dream, maybe the changes in her bedroom that Dean has notice are due to Roller sneaking in and out of there. You know, I could have sworn he said something about seeing bunion pads everywhere, boxes of them in her room and if that's the case, I don't think they're for her. That's something he sounded like he wasn't use to seeing in there as well as the room just being messy. Now we know she fixes up Roller's eyebrows, shaves him, she probably does his feet too or maybe she was using bunion pads for his wounds? I don't know, but something's up. I just don't see how he could be so rough with her in bed, like pulling her toward him without wincing in pain and I didn't see him wincing. I mean, how much time has gone buy since his death and the funeral? Not much, because the episode picked up right where it left off with Virginia busting into the funeral. So not much time has gone buy for him to look that in shape after a gunshot wound, even if it was just one shot to his shoulder.
  9. Yes it does, because he's a recovering addict, trying to stay with his program, live as simple a life as he can, and now he's surrounded by drugs. Yeah, this is going to end really well for him, poor guy. When Jen finds out about her pal Desna's roll in all this, with Roller dying or at this point maybe not dying and he and Desna in on something, she's going to be pissed. This might break that friendship up, because if Roller were still around then Bryce might have most definitely been spared from having to work at the clinic and risk relapsing. We shall see. Oh and I forgot, Polly is the one to watch, the way she goes in and out of characters is masterful. Yeah, I'm thinking she's pretty lethal.
  10. Bail them out from what? Has it been established that Jen and her husband have repeatedly fucked up and had to run to Uncle Daddy to help them clean up the mess? I don't think that's why he set Bryce up, to teach him a lesson. He did it because he knew Bryce was wet behind the ears and it would be easy to set him up so that he would then owe him a lot of money. What was it 80K in losses? So now they all have to work that off and that keeps them working for Uncle Daddy when they are all trying to get out. Bryce had only agreed to stay at the clinic for a week, Desna is constantly working with one foot out the door, but now that's all out the window with this set up.
  11. So Quiet Ann was married. Good lord the vaginal selfie line, died laughing. That woman is nuts, again, I'm afraid for Quiet Ann. Roller is alive, or Desna is hallucinating, which shows that she really misses Roller. I wasn't sure. If he's alive, then I can't wait to hear why he and Desna chose to pretend that he's dead. He could have survived, I mean he only got shot once in the shoulder and he's use to coming back after being strangled, which is why he popped out of that water after Desna tried to strangle him. Uncle Daddy, set the whole thing up. I love Dean, he's an interesting character. Well they all are, but I really like Dean and HP is doing a great job. No truer words Dean, with the we are living in perilous times, LOL. By the way what did Dean say to Desna about the state of her bedroom? I heard him say that she wasn't sleeping, but I couldn't understand/hear what he said about her room? And maybe whatever he said at the beginning of the episode about her bedroom is a clue as to what the hell is going on with the "Roller" sighting.
  12. Thanks. I died laughing when the militia guy asked her if she had her papers because he wasn't married, LOL. He proposed right after she suggested blowing the hole up, hilarious.
  13. Totally agree. And, you could be wasting your time polishing him off just so the next one can enjoy all the fruits of your labor. Obama may have been driving a run down car, but he had degrees, goals, direction. He pursued Michelle because he knew she had her shit together and that they could compliment one another.
  14. I agree it was something he was clearly ignorant about, clearly by the end of their convo. he understood or at least was making an effort to understand. But when the convo. started boy was I annoyed, knowing full well that he didn't mean any malice, but also feeling like his immaturity was preventing him from stepping out of his everything is about me stance, and truly trying to understand what she was saying. Also, he is coming from a place of having experienced her drug addiction and how it has let Blue and himself down. So that past experience also kept him from truly understanding in that moment how far she's come. He's understandably always ready for bad news or the other shoe to drop when it comes to her, it's understandable. Hell, his family has felt the same way about him. So in that respect, I get his initial reaction that wherever this conversation is going, it's probably going to be bad. He couldn't see how hopeful it was that she went to a meeting and is focused on taking steps to make sure that her recovery continues, that she truly does have a good chance of remaining a recovering addict. In the end, I think he was fine knowing that she wasn't trying to disappear on Blue again.
  15. Aunt Vi, if you want to baby Ralph Angel, then fine, you are the maternal figure for all three of those "kids" since you were their mother's sister. Or was she the father's sister? But stop trying to get them to pat Ralph Angel on the back, if they do it as supportive sisters then great, that's what siblings are for. But it just bugs me for some reason, when she pushes them to pat him on the back and worry about his ego. I agree, Charlie does NOT have to be so cut throat with her words. It's like she's trying to rub it in that she's so much smarter and he's dumb, not cool. She can find another less insulting way to get her point across. And whoever said RA still has some growing up to do, I agree, I was so annoyed with him not getting what Blue's mother was saying about her recovery. I'm glad and I hope he truly heard and understood her when she told him that her illness is a life long illness. You are always an addict, hopefully one becomes a life long recovering addict without relapses but RA needs to get a clue. It's all too much for her and where your average person can handle pressures of the roles of being someone's significant other, a parent, hold down a job, etc...it's all too much for someone like her. She can't just jump back into to all that at once, no way. I'm glad she took a step back. Loved when she said they need to be focused on being individuals. She can handle that and working on her role as Blue's mother, but she can't handle the added pressures of being his woman/wife, at least not for now. Nova and Calvin, I'm not sure they're done. Did anyone read that the actor wasn't on the show anymore? Clearly Nova seems to be trying to work something out by hooking up with a parade of nameless white men night after night who aren't Calvin. Micah, I can't even talk about this, from the turn off your engine, to how the hell is he going to roll down the window if he doesn't turn the car back on......to Davis having to take pictures with those disgraces to the badge. Oh, NOW you'll look in the holding cell to see if his son is there, whatever. And who the hell allowed him out of the house without all of his license, not that it would of mattered, cause you can do everything right and still end up dead. Anyway, I'm glad this show is back, the second part comes on tonight.
  16. Beloved grandmother? Yeah, to her granddaughter, but not to her own daughter, and that's how Selina got the way she is IMO. How Katherine turned out to be such a precious flower who knows, but how Selina turned out, yeah, beloved grandma was a shitty mother and treated Selina exactly the way she now treats her own daughter. And apparently daddy was actually no prize either based on Selina realizing that Andrew was actually her marrying her father. I guess Katherine will break that cycle.
  17. Boy does this show cross lines, I mean they had Jonah shouting out something about 9/11 and planes flying into buildings. Did I not hear him correctly? I know I did, because then they had the car take off nearly causing him to fall over which I took as karma for that shit he just said. The bottom line is, these people are horrible, wretched human beings and then you have the utterly pathetic ones like Gary. He's not horrible, he's just so sadly pathetic. Mike isn't horrible, he's just annoying and yes, pathetic. But somehow I'm still chuckling at these fools.
  18. This, I was like you ignorant... Once again, ignorant asses in this society not getting that sex crimes are about anger and power, not anyone's perception of attractiveness. No, remember those are her people, so it's not a surprise she didn't check her. As a matter a fact, I think I remember an episode way back in hot topics when she first put up her picture and she started snickering and trying to hold back laughter as was the audience with their giggling.
  19. Yeah, the judge just granted her a restraining order against him. At any rate, the video I posted in the other thread of the actresses talking about their roles on this show, Tran actually says something to the effect of when she got on set she realized oh shit, these are real actresses and I better step up my game. But they all seemed very supportive of her and each other and making sure she grows as an actress. We shall see.
  20. Here are the actresses talking about their characters, this is great.
  21. I didn't know Rashida Jones was a producer on this show, good for her. I know she's got a show that she stars in called Angie Tribeca I think. I've never watched it, but it seems like it's been on for a while now.
  22. See what I mean about this show having so much to be entertained by, I didn't even notice these paintings you speak of. There is just so much, I haven't even gotten to Jen's cute little girls and how they looked listening to their daddy's motivational speech on getting one's shit together after addiction.
  23. The actress playing Uncle Daddy's wife was also in True Blood. It was small somewhat recurring role but she was werewolf, grandmother. Anyway, that scene with her and Uncle Daddy slapping then hugging each other, again, more laughter.
  24. This show, lord I love it. Uncle Daddy falling out at the burial site, I laughed and laughed. And yes, his singing at the funeral hilarious, yet the actor has a lovely voice. The entire pimp/hoe funeral/convention parade in the streets was epic, I could not stop laughing. At first I was like, oh look, they're giving him a going home parade like they do in New Orleans, then I saw pole dancers, LOL. Then people coming up to Desna with condolences, I guess Roller gave them the impression that she really was his old lady. Too bad she had no idea that this was the case. Oh, and Desna's brother having a melt down shouting out that Roller was going to teach him how to jet ski, LOL. Good lord, quiet Ann has got a stalker, damn, I'm afraid for Quiet Ann's safety. When they started making out in the parking lot, again, I busted out laughing when someone shouted out, "That's my America!" Did anybody else hear that? hilarious. There's just so much to be entertained by on this show.
  25. I love that guy who is looking out for her, he sees something in her. What is his name? I think he's hot, he has a smoldering thing going on with his presence and his voice. I know James is aesthetically hot and so is her man who showed back up from the "dead," but the guy looking out for her just has something, that those other you young bloods don't have. Well her back from the dead man stopped being hot even aesthetically for me the minute I found out he was still alive, sorry, turned off. No one is ever fine enough to overcome everything and anything for me personally. Anyway, the scene in the bedroom where I'm going to call him mustache henchman for now, shows Tre how easy it is to come up on her and that she's getting too comfortable with all of Camilla's glitter, was awesome. There's just something about him, then he was cooking... By the way, he can't stand Camilla, I guess she and Epifano are the same to him. I think he and Tre bonded over loyalty to their friends that they lost because people like Epifano and Camilla have no loyalty in his eyes. I think he saw something in Tre when he watched how focused she was on saving her friend Brenda and I think he admired that trait in her. That conversation they had in the car on the way to save Brenda last season, was all about loyalty to friends who have been loyal to you and how and why did Epifano have to take out his own men like that who were his friends,like brothers to him. Also, the scene where he was warning the little girl not to feed the white horse was hilarious. When Tre looks at him and ask him is he serious, I laughed, because I think she meant that, he was scaring the little girl and that wasn't helping.
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