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Everything posted by Eureka

  1. I wondered that too but then thought maybe it's an American thing. The only other time I have seen it portrayed on TV was in Mad Men.
  2. Didn't they bring their babysitter with them to the beach on this last episode? And Adam even said so if I recall...it wasn't like an extra person just being there that we couldn't place.
  3. I have two singletons too and no stretch marks, but my stomach muscles were never quite as "not droopy" again. Think of how much her skin had to stretch for five babies at once. I think she had to have taken care of that surgically. I don't know how that would have all gone back naturally so quickly.
  4. Yes. I forget the specifics but there was a remark at one point at which my son and I were like " so THAT'S why the sheriff is turning the other way."
  5. I think they comment on several episodes (entire season?) at once. They are both wearing the same shirts in the talking heads all season. I wondered that and also....boy, all the manscaping must take him hours. Not a single body hair on that man, he looked like a Ken doll.
  6. I'm just now catching up on the last episode. The scenes of S and Sarah are killing me, so sad.
  7. Maybe he just needs someone to suggest strategies to not feeling quite as overwhelmed, to invalidate his feeling "weak" and "less manly" by asking for help. It could be a chemical thing, I don't know. But sometimes just having someone removed to talk to can help you see things in a different light and it helps you cope. Not everyone who says they're depressed has true depression, maybe they are just using the term anyway.
  8. I love Krystal and I love that Len was played by TS's real life boyfriend (who happens to have the same name as my husband!). But I don't like how they made Scott like he's never seen a woman before.
  9. I agree with you about the sore loser-ness, but what she said wasn't wrong. I wonder if the contest was a setup, bc they do seem kind of naturally competitive to me.
  10. They expect to turn a profit in only a couple weeks? And aren't they sharing the profits with their friends who they invested with? Hopefully they'll make enough soon to fund their 529s or whatever, but those profits need to be spread among three families, no? Wonder if/how much storm damage the studio got. Adam still makes it sound like A (as in, one single) therapist appointment is all it takes....geez. Um...it's a process. It's not a question of if "it doesn't work," to put it in his terms. And I'll say again, he is NOT the sole source of income if they are doing the show and have the spin studio now. I just roll my eyes when he says things like that. But I'm wary about them showing it on tv (of course I know we see a few minutes only but it just feels wrong to me). I wish we had seen the therapist say he needs a medical work up. Maybe she did off camera, but on camera would have been good. I hate the fake setups when they tell the kids about the nicu stuff bc you know at that age, the kids have no clue what they're saying. Maybe they'd talk to Blayke about it, but not the toddlers. I think the cause is great though. Maybe I'm just being crabby tonight, lol. All those pictures at the studio were cute though. And as a communications specialist who does social media as part of my job, I'm impressed that she pointed out that it was skewed because he has more followers. Mimi crossing herself while on the bike cracked me up. And I liked hearing the kids talk more. There's always a point when they just explode with more language and maybe we're starting to see it.
  11. Was this a rerun of the one that was on when she took the train and had a baby doll for babysitting? Or a new special?
  12. See I didn't think he was faking getting nervous over not knowing where she was. Maybe I am just naive.
  13. Good for the pastor for saying he's not a licensed therapist. Adam's expectations were so high going in and that's never a good thing. I think he thought bc one guy who he'd never met had gone through something similar to what he thinks he's going through, they could commiserate and it's a done deal, he's all better now. As for the preview, he is not "out of options" if that one counselor they showered doesn't work. Come on, let's be a little more realistic about mental health. They are being so remiss imo to throw all these terms (ppd, depression, etc) without a medical workup. What's the deal with the hair, they look like twins. That's not a look I'd ever seen (and don't particularly like) before but now both of them? Didn't realize until this episode how much Danielle and her sisters look alike. Is she older or younger than they are? I felt bad for Dale, you could see his genuine panic about losing Hazel.
  14. Just about to come here to say that. I hate how they call Riley bad.
  15. WAY too much time on grunge/Kurt Cobain and not enough on the women and Lilith Fair. Surprised they didn't go more into the boy bands because they were all very big too. Oh well, it was still enjoyable.
  16. I don't think the depression itself is fake. I think they have latched onto the PPD "diagnosis" (even though as you said, the pastor is not a doctor so who knows?) because it's trendy to talk about. I still say having 6 kids 6 and under is enough for situational depression and anxiety and likely nothing to do with his hormone levels. And I do think they (producers) are milking it for every bit of media attention they're getting about it.
  17. I was thinking the same thing but I like how she did mention her overcoming her loud sounds fear.
  18. This stood out to me: "They want me to talk about boys [on the show]..." that whole answer is about them telling her how to grab an audience. Clearly, they hit that mark (ad nauseum). So who knows what else is producer driven and what is not?
  19. Saw this profile of Rachel today. http://blog.familytheater.org/born-this-way-star-rachel-osterbach-talks-independence-for-those-with-down-syndrome/?linkId=40996663
  20. We enjoyed this episode. Ds16 said it made him like Bill Gates a little less though. Yes, when I was in college all the computer labs had macs. I rented a pretty-new-for-the-time mac plus to write my thesis. And Dh and I had one of those turquoise iMacs back in the day. Now they look so huge!
  21. This was very interesting to read. I have always found them both to be very articulate writers (albeit some grammatical issues that drive me bananas, like "laying on the table.") It's just the manufactured drama that gets to me on the "talking heads" segments.
  22. This article made me think of Megan with the cheerleading and college etc. I live not too far (generally speaking) from George Mason and have heard of the LIFE program because they were one of, if not the first to do this. But I especially like what the mom said about not setting expectations that weren't going to come true. (Kind of like telling lies about gluten and certain anatomical features?? LOL). http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4776174/Indiana-cheerleader-syndrome-accepted-college.html
  23. To your point, I just posted something on Facebook today about my "baby" being in high school now (but I did put it in quotes). I just feel like it infantilizes the kids even more to not move on to "toddler" and "preschooler." My 2 cents and obviously people can call their kids what they want :)
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