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Everything posted by Eureka

  1. So were the quints really born the day after Blayke's birthday or was that some creative time lining going on? I'm glad Danielle listened and gave her her own party. I could be wrong but that question if she had to share parties forever seemed genuine to me. I had to laugh when they were talking about the depression and Adam had a long strand of hair out of place. But I laughed even harder at the makeup fest. One of the little girls looks just like Blayke to me but I can't really remember who is who. (it irks me how they still call them babies at two...just like it irks me how a local DJ refers to her 3 1/2 year old as a toddler, but I digress)
  2. We watched. Oddly even though it was about terrorism, it did not depress me as much as last week's. Not sure what that was about. I am with you about all the journalists who are no more...and I love Dan Rather as the elder statesman so to speak. I have always loved him.
  3. The 16 year old and I just watched the satire and parody one. Best episode yet. I especially loved the SNL fake commercials when I was a teen.
  4. I never heard of Maria Bradford before this episode.
  5. Yes. And "fill" = "feel." Is that a Louisiana accent? My mom had a friend when I was growing up who was from Shreveport and she sounded nothing like that. And nothing to do with the accent but why do they call Olivia Lulu? Why didn't they just name her that?
  6. I didn't even think of that. But hey, that is a job and I'm sure their parents are making sure some of it is being put away for their future.
  7. Watched the "Spark of Madness" ep last night. What uneven coverage. As my 16yr old said, "it's like the Richard Pryor and Robin Williams show." Would have been nice if they had done a little more with Chris Farley and John Belushi's deaths than just showing us the news report.
  8. I think also there may be the dynamic that in addition to everything else, Jazz is the baby of the family. The youngest child often gets a different amount/form of attention, right or wrong.
  9. They have not mentioned her working, so I am thinking maybe not. Even though they have not shown it, we know Steven works and didn't John work/volunteer in a pet store? It makes me sad because if they don't work, aren't they bored? Which was kind of addressed in that whole sex-ed episode with Cristina. (And also, who knows how much of Megology Megan actually does but it seems like her and her mom together all day is not a good combination.) If they don't work, do they get SSI, and is that enough money to go to the movies or shopping or somehow entertain yourself? Maybe camom can weigh in on some of that.
  10. Thanks. I don't remember it being promoted as the season finale, but that could just be me. This was an interesting article in the NYT today: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/03/education/edlife/students-developmental-learning-disabilities-college.html?_r=0 About college/internship programs for people with disabilities with the goal of becoming employable. Sounds kind of what we've seen with Elena but on a larger scale. I'd like to watch more of this kind of thing than cruises and balls, which yes, are part of real life but are not the day to day. For example, we saw Cristina move into her own place but haven't seen her daily routine there, which would be interesting. Just my 2 cents.
  11. Was the last new show a couple weeks ago the season finale? Last week was a rerun and last night something else was on.
  12. Thanks. I must be an old fogey (married 20 yrs this month) bc we didn't have that back then. Lol. Seems like a lot to keep track of to keep switching. If I take my rings off to cook something messy, sometimes it takes me awhile to remember I didn't put them back on.
  13. Do they have multiple wedding rings? Sometimes I see them wearing solid color bands and other times I see Danielle wearing a solitaire set. More random comments: Blayke has a separate playroom or was that her bedroom too? A little melodramatic that it has to be perfect bc the kids will "grow up" in that room. We have a family room that was where all the kids' toys were when they were little, but it was also where we have our fireplace and tv so it was just, you know...a room. Lots of issues with how they talk about depression: I did not like the language at all. "Mental issues"? Sigh. When the pastor labeled it "male ppd"...I feel like that was for the cameras, even though another poster did say it was real. I get how he feels like it makes him feel weak etc., but the whole episode was a pity party of sorts (mainly the talking heads) and it's not all about him, you know? Hazel in those glasses...so cute. Kids up on a stage having no clue why they were there, not as cute.
  14. I know...but I was too old for the boy bands then, and many of my college suite mates listened to grunge so that's what I remember. I did like Ricky Martin though. And En Vogue.
  15. I'm tired of the depressing episodes. I'm ready for the music one, even though I was never a grunge fan.
  16. Looking at the before and after pic makes me wonder if he has thyroid issues. His eyes are much more "buggy" now than before and that can be a symptom. Unfortunately, the dynamic with the stay at home parent and work outside the house parent is all too common. When my kids were much younger, I freelanced part time from home and worked around their schedules so basically I was a sahm. My husband was a disciplinarian when he needed to be but he was still seen as the fun parent because he didn't see them as much and everything he did with them was a novelty from that perceptive.
  17. Eureka

    All Episodes Talk

    I just rewatched the final season this week and the finale last night. The series finale was awesome and got me all choked up. I watched Cheers and Frasier from day one, starting when I was a kid.
  18. I would imagine with five kids entering college at the same time, there will be some scholarships offered.
  19. I was just about to comment on the same thing...post-partum depression is a physiological thing in terms of the body's chemistry and depression. It's not situational, which is clearly his type of depression.
  20. The fact that he is in the news right now for getting paroled for a *different* crime really points to the fact that he is not, and was not, a "good apple," you know? Justice was definitely not served back in '94.
  21. I was in college when all this happened but even so, when you're 20 and on the other side of the country, it seems surreal. I definitely felt like not much has changed in all these years.
  22. My 16 yr old son has had a full beard since he was 14 and is very skinny. Hard to find pants that fit him because he's also tall.
  23. I know that but the point I was making (or one of them anyway) is that it seems he was used to having a lot of time (with his expensive electronics, with Danielle, etc.) and even with just one more kid into that mix, I think that would have changed. I had more free time with one kid than with two.
  24. Now, I only have two kids and they are two years apart in age, so I can't speak to multiples etc. But when mine were the quints' age, our whole lives were consumed with parenting too. We live far away from family so we didn't have anyone to give us a night out very often. Being with the kids was 24-7 for us. My husband and I worked opposite shifts when they were very small and hardly saw each other for three years. I had very little time to "work out" (or read, etc.) until my youngest went to preschool. And yes, everything times six I'm sure is harder than I had it....but maybe Blayke was an easy baby and they had time "off." I feel like some of Adam's issues are just magnified with having five toddlers....even with just one, he would have had to split time with Blayke and would have had less time to himself.
  25. When I made the initial comment about the workout clothes, I didn't mean I never wear them. When I freelanced from home I wore sweats or jeans in the house and still do on the weekends but if I was going out, I'd make sure to have jeans on and certainly if I was getting filmed, I would not be wearing my workout clothes out everywhere. I get it, she's in great shape. I do give her a pass for while she is in her own house ;). It's more at the stores, at the trampoline park, everywhere they go. I guess soon it will be all branded for their gym, so it's not going to end.
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