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Everything posted by Genevrier

  1. Christians are lambs, I think. I’m sure there’s a meaningful distinction there that I’m just not holy enough to grasp.
  2. Oh, there are so many worse things about the internet. I don’t disagree with you, though, it’s lousy behavior. But I am quite amused by articles that appear to be sourced from us.
  3. You know what I love about this? The poster ‘is’ the Queen of England. ? I wonder if Derick even knows what that screenname means. No, never mind, no need to wonder.
  4. Oil in the mideast, imagine! Oh wait, we already know about and have been fighting about it for decades.
  5. Heh. At McDonalds in France, you can get a beer with your big mac. :-)
  6. Is anyone in doubt about where the name Davia Waller came from?
  7. Susannah is a name of Hebrew origin (Shoshannah). The H on the end is the older form and is always used in Jewish families, and often enough among Gentiles as well. It’s the Hebrew word for “lily,” actually. I was just thinking that Josie has begun looking less like a preemie (or an alien) and more like an ordinary little girl. She was a micropreemie and she will most likely be really tiny all her life. That’s not necessarily a terrible thing for a girl.
  8. I always like to visit the local McDonalds once in any country I visit, just to see the differences. And there are some real differences. But we wouldn’t go more than once.
  9. “You’ve got 3 seconds to take the damn picture before I throw this whole load of creepy pity flowers on the floor. And I won’t be cleaning it up.”
  10. The young Prince Vincent of Denmark. Prince Vince, poor kid. I went to high school with a girl named Herma. Named after her late grandfather. Wait, was that you? ?
  11. I guess. Using coarse language to cast insult and shame on ‘sinners’ is pretty much the opposite of Christ-like. They’re an odd bunch of Christians-very invested in Jesus’s death, which you’d expect, but not at all interested in his life.
  12. Well, I suppose it’s better than Heistheway.
  13. Assuming “Josiah and Marjorie Lauren” is too mean even for our standards, I propose ”Josiah and Lauren: Maybe This Time...” “Josiah and Lauren: Try, Try Again”
  14. Isn’t it a little strange of Jill R. to boast about her devout, virginal daughter using the word “sluttish” to describe the typical American woman, or really about her using that word at all. Is that how innocent Christian maidens are meant to speak nowadays? Or assuming Nurie did not actually say any of this, what an unfortunate choice of phrasing for her mother to choose to ascribe to her.
  15. I think it is meant to draw attention away from your body to your face. In my own experience, if a guy is set on looking me in the bosom while speaking to me, no amount of makeup would change his mind. (A swift knee to the groin is effective but unfortunately it is also criminal assault, so.)
  16. There would be multiplication required for that. ?
  17. There are regional dialects in Ireland, just as everywhere else. The pronunciation of given names just follows the dialect like any other word. The main vowel sound in own name sounds completely different when southerners say it. Come to think of it, that’s also true of the French pronunciation of my name. tl;dr Many names are pronounced a bit differently in different regions of Ireland.
  18. I was watching the Property Brothers recently, and that’s definitely how they dress. (Apparently I don’t actually know anyone that wears a suit regularly, anymore. Mr. Genévrier is a technology guy; when he’s feeling particularly formal, he might wear chinos and a button down shirt to work. With sneakers.) ?
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