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Everything posted by Genevrier

  1. Mugs: They’re perfect for drinking something. ?
  2. Probably just the people here. Well, and the people of Africa might have noted the resemblance. “Africa” is pretty non-specific, as a destination. Do you think they know there are over fifty countries there?
  3. The Trump has been sounding for the last year. But somehow, it hast been what I would call Heavenly. ? In other words, learn to PROOFREAD, Jill.
  4. My first marital home had the washer and dryer three miles away at my parents’ house. ? A laundry closet would have been awesome! Laundry in the kitchen would have been awesome! I mean, eventually we did trade up, but I guess I don’t have much room to snark over young couples starting out.
  5. The Puritans were big on the theological virtue names, too. Joy, Grace, Constance, Temperance, Chastity, and (come to think of it) Virtue. I don’t see Kendra and Joe going in that direction, but you never know. I’d bet they’ll go more on the cutesy side. With Joy and Austin it’s a toss-up. I’d guess Joy will want something super-cute while Austin leans towards the biblical (or shit like Spurgeon). I guess we’ll inevitably find out.
  6. I have a friend who says, ‘I’d rather clean all of the bathrooms in Grand Central Station. With my tongue.’ (I don’t think she made it up; it was a quote from somewhere, a song possibly.) So that’s my standard, and I still wouldn’t have sex with Smugger. I’d rather do almost anything than give that foul git an orgasm.
  7. Never mind Kendra. Has Jessa made an announcement yet?
  8. Great! We can hang out. I’ll be in there with my vibrator right after dinner. ?
  9. Chickenshit is exactly the term I was looking for. Well done. :-)
  10. I am impressed to hear of any Duggar-adjacent making an actual donation of actual money to any cause. (Coincidentally, I think we donated to them recently ourselves. Was there a big fundraising push a couple of months ago?)
  11. It’s a good thing they didn’t. A lot of official databases are programmed to accept alphabetic entries only in the NAME field.
  12. Oddly enough, that happened to me. I had interstitial cystitis, which is a chronic condition resulting from damage to the chemical lining of the bladder. .When you have pain originating in that area it can trigger a lot of spasms. I was given massage therapy and my doctor told me to get a vibrator; he actually wrote down the specific one I should get. I’m pretty sure I still have it. :-)
  13. I am not sure I’ve ever seen that boy. Or maybe he sort of blends in, in family photos. Like a Duggar chameleon. (There really is a Jason, right? It’s not just a made-up construct created by the PTV forum?)
  14. Oh my goodness. How do you think they say it? All four syllables distinctly? Or more like He’stheway? Heez for short? I can’t believe this is real.
  15. With the way Joy is always draped around Austin and the way she’s constantly stroking her stomach, I wonder if perhaps she has been touch-starved all her life and is just instinctively trying to heal herself.
  16. Ok. I mean, I actually know two different women named Rosario, apart from the actress Rosario Dawson, but I suppose it can go either way. I don’t have a horse in this race.
  17. Well, I’ve always wished I had that one. And so, I suspect, did everyone around me. ;-) You can learn to be organized, but it comes more easily to some people than to others. Like everything else in life, I guess.
  18. Also, I’m pretty sure Rosario is a female name. ?
  19. Honestly, Darwin Award has crossed my mind more than once with these people. I am also given to darker humor.
  20. We put off our planned 25th anniversary trip because our elderly dog needed a lot of care and we weren’t comfortable for him to be left with anyone else. (We’ll go next year, assuming the dog is gone by then, which he almost certainly will be.)
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