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Everything posted by ABitOFluff

  1. I just remembered I had the King Tut song on 45 rpm! And way to make me miss the real Joliet Jake.
  2. I saw McCartney last October. He was great but he needs time for his voice to warm up these days. He sounded a little rough here. I still love him, I can't help it.
  3. I love fencing and have seriously thought of taking it up again. It's been a couple of years. The gym here that has classes has one that teaches kids how to sword fight like pirates. It's so cute, and I'm slightly jealous that there was nothing like that when I was a kid. I also need to check out The Musketeers.
  4. I'm in Raleigh. I think our office was closed for two and a half days. This was my street after the storm (Stay Puft Marshmallow Man not included).
  5. Seriously! I tried ice skating for the first time in years and honestly wondered why the rink was so cold. (I always preferred roller skating). Skiing? No, thanks I'll be in the lodge drinking hot buttered rum. It makes me sad because Chicago is such a great city. I would love to move back someday if it wasn't for the winters.
  6. I feel for anyone having to deal with the snow. I grew up in the Chicago suburbs and HATED snow. No, I didn't want to build a friggin' snowman. And I hated having to dress in snowsuits and boots like Randy in A Christmas Story for months. Now that I live in the South, it's a slightly different story. We all hope for just one snowfall each year and then lose our minds when it comes. This winter has been mild, but last year we had a storm hit in the middle of the day. Everyone in town decided to leave work at the same time, and since no one knows how to drive in the snow, the traffic came to a complete standstill and hundreds of people abandoned their cars right on the road. Luckily my work was preemptively closed, so I got to watch it all from the comfort of my apartment. On the plus side, the snow never hangs around for more than a week.
  7. I keep going back to the pineapple and olives myself. I'm guessing everyone who came to the potluck consulted the only party planning cookbook the library had, which is apparently a Better Homes and Gardens from the 1950s. Oh, and no doubt Regina is there moping, but if she's sitting with CaptainSwan I dare hope she's stopped blaming Emma for ruining her life. Cruella's doggie is cute. I bet she can control canines' minds by waving a magic bag of Beggin' Strips in front of them.
  8. This last Saturday I decided to watch the finale again while I put together a desk, hoping it would help keep me from throwing allen wrenches at the wall. Every time I got frustrated with screws that apparently were not made to fit any hole anywhere on anything, I would just look at Hook and Emma on screen and smile. I also noticed that Jennifer's expressions did really add a lot to why I love the finale. I attributed it to Emma's gradually letting down her walls and admitting her feelings for Hook. Actually, so many of her reactions to him were lovely, especially during their dance and when he said he always knew there was a bit of pirate in her and the way she glanced at him as they watched Snow and Charming go their separate ways. Plus, Colin always looks good, but I think he looked exquisite in his Prince Charles clothing. On a completely separate note, I found I didn't totally hate them naming Snowflake after Neal. Don't get me wrong, I hated it the first few times I've seen it, and would absolutely be annoyed if my parents named my brother after my ex. But obviously the writers wanted the baby's name to be oh-so-meaningful and tie back to family somehow, and everyone in town believes Neal died a hero, so there you go. With that, I couldn't think of any name that would have worked. Yes, it was still stupid. That said, the one thing I continue to hate is the Robin/Marian reunion and Regina's reaction. Way to ruin an otherwise perfect episode.
  9. Writing Wrongs, I'm looking forward to it too! At the very least, I can count on this show to keep me entertained, and I love most of the main cast.
  10. Hopping aboard the S3 Finale Love Train. It was just a beautiful, self-contained, purely fun episode that pretty much made me admit to myself that I was a CS shipper. Honestly, everyone in it does a great job. As I've said before, if the writers give me another couple of episodes like these I'll forgive everything. ETA: Ok, maybe not everything.
  11. That confused me at first too, but I think its just a flashback to Jimmy finding the twins and plotting the surprise drugging of Dandy later.
  12. That tweet from Merrin. I hope to all that is holy that Colin was doing Walken as Hook, and that it was caught on film, because that is something I need to see before I die.
  13. Thanks, Shanna Marie! I've added it to my Audible Wish List. I'll purchase it after I get through a couple of others. From the sample I heard, the narrator is pretty good. I can always picture Colin as Hook in my head. :) Those early Galavant promos annoyed me, but I've been hearing more and more good things about it. Monty Python and the Holy Grail is one of my all-time favorite movies (yes, I can recite it word for word). And anything with Weird Al makes me happy. I'm in.
  14. Mine is in my kitchen since I missed out on getting a free Betty Crocker calendar this year. But I discovered Hook is also on the back of the front cover. So, I tore out the Regina page and will probably do so until May when it's Hook again. Maybe I'll keep Rumple.
  15. Happy New Year, y'all! Did anyone else get a 2015 Once calendar?
  16. I'm team movie Anna as well. Back when I was a kid, she's a princess I would have identified with: awkward, but witty and determined. But when I watched it with my 7-year-old niece, she would constantly interject the viewing with "I'm Elsa". I don't get it either, but maybe it's just that Elsa's magical powers and the fact that she can build an ice palace are cool. Also, I have that noticed younger boys like my 3 and 5-year old nephews love the film for Olaf, Sven and Kristoff (and Marshmallow, according the the 3-year-old). Like I've said, I fell in love with Once's version of Elsa, Kristoff, Anna and Sven. Yes, Anna could be a little too much, but when I randomly picked up an US magazine at a hairdresser and learned that Elizabeth Lail graduated from UNC, which is near me, I couldn't help but like her. I would have liked to see more of how Elsa, Anna and Kristoff defeated Hans and his brothers. I do think there is more that can be done in Arendelle. I can imagine them encountering all the Hans Christian Anderson and Scandinavian fairy tale characters there. I would love to see a Jack Frost storyline.
  17. Father Ted, with these spoilers you really are spoiling us .
  18. Ooh, sorry about that. It must be Disney's server acting up. The quiz is definitely being wonky.
  19. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, Happy Festivus and Joyous Kwanzaa! I'll be traveling for Christmas festivities with the family tomorrow, so my Christmas Eve will be spent eating rumballs, listening to Tim Curry read me A Christmas Carol on audio book and then falling asleep to A Christmas Story. I'm so glad I discovered this forum this year. Y'all keep me sane, and that's saying a lot. Peace!
  20. I got Ruby/Red. I'm not sure if this has been posted before, but i like it better. I got Emma. http://blogs.disney.com/disney-style/fashion/2014/11/07/quiz-which-once-upon-a-time-character-is-your-style-muse/
  21. That's just it, despite all odds, you gotta admit the Captain is good at surviving. Ok, my unpopular opinion: I will forgive the writers everything if they just give me another Snow Drifts/There's No Place Like Home (or two). I want to see CS having adventures through time and dimension. Even if they screw up the space-time-continuum and have to keep fixing it.
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