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  1. I wish I had seen Paul Simon live, but I saw Sr Paul 10 years ago (and the ticket price was pretty reasonable). He played for 3+ hours and I can honestly say it was the best concert I've ever seen. I love that he's still carrying that weight.
  2. It took me most of the week to realize why Paul played these songs.
  3. Ha, Whoopi's Svengoolie Xmas sweater is making me smile. I'm going to need to one now.
  4. I didn't realize Anoop had gotten into acting. I remember seeing him outside a Mexican restaurant in Chapel Hill after American Idol...absolutely surrounded by women. He's a cutie. I really like his character. The restored Baron! The Hellhound and the Sire! I want them to have their own spinoff. The makeover montage was perfection.
  5. No, drag queens are not going to schools for book readings. Some local libraries around the country have hosted drag queen storytimes, and parents choose to bring their kids to them. In Ana's case, I believe she's referring to a drag brunch spot in Miami that is being targeted by Ron DeSantis. Again, if parents choose to bring their kids to an all-ages drag show, it's their choice, not the government's. DeSantis is a huge hypocrite regarding parental rights.
  6. I had the show on in the background while I worked. I listened to her for about 15 seconds going on about that ridiculous "poll" and had had enough.
  7. I read that Look magazine article years ago (you can find it online). It's more horrific reading than the episode showed. But I was happily reminded that the Bryant store went out of business and they all went bankrupt because of what they did. The series was really well done though.
  8. Moving this from one of the episode threads: I'm sure someone's (maybe me) already suggested Snuff Box too. "Whiskeyyyy!"
  9. "She’d triggered my postpartum anxiety..." I thought only libs get triggered. Jr. "wrote" a book about it. "When other women come back from maternity leave on “The View,” they are welcomed with confetti and baby presents." That's nice. Most offices just have a baby shower before maternity leave. I've never seen confetti when someone came back. "Call me naïve, but when I came back to work after having a baby, I expected to be treated with respect." Meghan, you're naïve. You sort of have to earn respect to be given it. I don't have kids, so I can appreciate the pain and work that goes with having them, but that doesn't mean your obnoxious ways are instantly forgiven. She sounds absolutely exhausting to work with. It's nice that's she's for paid maternity and family leave NOW that it's affected her, but her tribe ain't listening.
  10. Ah, I thought getting the jalopy would mean a road trip. This should be fun.
  11. Because of this post taking a swipe at VP Harris' tweet about enjoying the long weekend. I'm not sure how she managed to fit in gambling and shots with all that praying she's supposedly doing.
  12. Apparently, Meghan was deeply offended by that giant Q-tip because she keeps bringing it up. Maybe it was just one brother dunking on his older brother's looks. I don't know, I'm not a snowflake like Meghan.
  13. However, I don't remember her saying a word about her father-in-law when he was under investigation for ethics violations. Hmm, is Meg being a tad hypocritical?
  14. I'm in Metro Atlanta. I was able to get gas on Tuesday, no problem. But then, I'm not trying to hoard gas in garbage bags.
  15. This always bugs me, especially when Meghan says it. Tomato, tomahto, okay , but does anyone actually say potahto??
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