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  1. And I finally got my answer as to why I didn't like Maria all season without having any real reason for my dislike. That was some weak, petty shit voting for Kenzie after your "bestie" outlasted you. Don't get me wrong. I hated that Liz was allowed to blatantly help Kenzie in that IC. And Maria had a right to be furious about that collaboration. Only if Charlie had participated in that mess could I see her casting a vote for Kenzie but he didn't. She went and effectively groveled to him on the beach after she found herself on the wrong side of the Q vote and Charlie graciously accepted her story and let her off the hook. 1000% he would have voted for her if their situations were reversed. Here's hoping the Survivor powers-that-be do not bring her back for a returning players season. She and goofy-ass, delusional Liz can both go kick rocks. Sweet Ben is a vibe. Here's hoping he gets Sia money, a drivers license and some Ambien and lives happily ever after. Congrats to Kenzie. She was one of my favs early on so I'm not mad at her win at all.
  2. Don't bother. The pizza places near you probably have better. The real pizza places. The pilots are better than me because I'd be ready to go back and whup the guy's ass at the Linc who told me I was looking for a pizza shop. It's like they found the one idiot in the city that misled them. All of the tasks were kind of easy and lame. I guess the windsurfing was the trickiest but even that seemed too easy for a Final 3 spot. Such an underwhelming season.
  3. The only other time I can remember them showing everyone's vote was when sweet, little Erik got played by the Black Widows. I think the editors are telling us that little Erik is no longer the GOAT of Survivor dumbasses. Damnit, Charlie! I really wanted you to skip Liz for the reward again because, why not? Her goofy ass is kinda insufferable. Maria is playing the best game and she's repping us women of a certain age so I don't know why I dislike her. I'm ok with a Charlie win but really pulling for Kenzie at this point. She makes me laugh and she seems like a genuine sweetheart. I think she's got Sia money on lock.
  4. Yup! I said last week that Soda, Tevin and Hunter had no issues with him. Q can confidently argue that he and Tiff parted ways only after she turned on the Alliance of 6. I think he could persuade anyone but Venus or Liz that he played an aggressive, visible game and he's deserving. If he's sitting next to anyone but Maria or Charlie, it would be a shame for him NOT to win. This season is crazy memorable mainly due to his presence.
  5. You all said everything that needed to be said about Liz except with all that "crying" her face appeared to be bone dry. Gross attempt at emotional manipulation. Q was a straight savage for not taking her and I love it. Reminded her, "You voted for me." And then did that heifer really say, "Someone needs to start a fire" when she got back to camp with her pity-rice? Bitch, if you don't go choke on your dry, uncooked rice! FOH, we don't work for you!
  6. YES! And the same with Soda's prolonged exit last week. These players all taking moments to ham it up for the cameras one more time before the torch snuff. All trying to prove what great sports they are. I'm telling y'all right now that if I'm on a future season and I get blindsided, I'm going to be extra salty and the only final words they're getting from me will be about how I'm getting ready to bust up a double cheeseburger with an extra order of fries and how I hope they choke on their coconut when they get back to their freezing camp.
  7. See, I actually followed his line of thinking with this and I was kind of in agreement. That's why Tim's ass got the boot last week. In my mind, if you're willing to sacrifice a member of our "solid" alliance, then what's to stop you from going after me next? But then the problem becomes replacing that booted member. Charlie might be an ok solution on the surface but is he really going to be loyal to an alliance when he was only added as a replacement? Charlie was right in his observations about how infrequently majority alliances manage to not self-destruct. But you're spot-on about Q's delusions of controlling the game. His antics have certainly made things interesting.
  8. That episode put me through a whole gamut of emotions. I can't believe Venus is STILL there and despite his unhinged quitting performance, not a single vote was cast for Q. I'm LIVID if I'm Tevin. The fallout next week should be epic. Oh yeah. Shut up, Liz. And go take a dump.
  9. Yoooo....she really does. I guess I'm old with you. Wanna catch an Early Bird Special one of these evenings? 👵
  10. I just got a chance to watch. Tim kind of orchestrated his own exit with his scheming. Oh well. I enjoyed his shout outs during the challenge. Soda was way too gracious during her exit and she lingered a little too long. Still can't stand Venus. I still love sweet Ben. When he was talking to Q, I was struck by how pretty his eyes are. Now I want he and Kenzie to be the new Rob and Amber, go off to get married and have a whole tribe of pretty-eyed, sweet babies.
  11. I agree. I DVR'd it and it still took me 3 attempts to get through the whole thing. Either I was REALLY sleepy or they just weren't holding my attention and I think it was Door #2. Purple Team were idiots attempting to get that gecko over the wall. I wanted to throw something at the one girl with the braids who was wasting time and energy pulling on the front of that monster when 90% of it was still behind the wall. I feel like if Jeff hadn't explained how to get the weight over the wall, they'd still be there. I'm sorry, I can't suffer fools lightly. No favs yet. The actor seems like a lot.
  12. I don't remember it either but this instance was LOL amazing. A-MAZ-ING! We can be three besties because I love her too. Her mission is accomplished. Winning a million might be anti-climatic vs. getting Bruce out. And I really, really, REALLY love Jake. I was so touched by him last night because a lot of that emotion had to be wrapped up into his pre-Survivor insecurities and the stress of the game just amplifies it. I want him to find an idol or win immunity and get his swagger back. He's not at all who I thought he was at the start of the game and he's definitely one of my remaining favs.
  13. Before I get to that glorious Tribal Council, I just have to say, "A margarita with a PB & J?!!!" W. T. F.?!!! I would've been HOT. Give me a PB & J with some milk or a margarita with some nachos or you can keep it. Now. Tribal Council. LOVED everything about it. Jake going all out to plead his case. Kaleb's cute little face enjoying every bit of the shenanigans. The satisfying blindside. Jake's "Whoah!" I had forgotten how much I like him because my Bruce hatred had distracted me. I am Katurah. She is me.
  14. I'm such a sucker because I'm totally all invested in Jake now not just because of concern for his medical issue but I'm touched by his backstory. He's not at all who I thought he was in the first few episodes. I hope he's ok to continue. On the other hand, Bruce is exactly who I thought he was and then some. Katurah's vindication is on-deck since others are finally seeing what an ass he is. I have no idea why J would decide that owning up to a vote she didn't cast was a good idea. WHAT?! She'd be better off trying to align with Sifu rather than blindside him. I'm really tired ofEmily. Again. She can go at any time.
  15. 1000 X this. Make room for me on the team. I thought it was very savvy of her to get Kaleb's version of the Risk Your Vote option without Bruce butting in. Too bad if he felt like she was calling him untrustworthy. That "crying" on Tika beach? I can't... And her face was my face when he acted like he lost that flint. He can't go fast enough.
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