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Everything posted by tulip555

  1. second only to the Dinner Party from Hell on the BH show, IMO
  2. I think she will have met her match with either Heather or Carol.....at least I hope so
  3. I would think so, but I don't know how much she's disposing of....I would imagine she'd hang on to some things.
  4. In my neighborhood there is a very big difference between the two....an estate sale is usually the contents of a house...furniture or anything of real value; a garage sale is quite often a bunch of junk that the person holding it hopes will become another's treasure.
  5. I think it was about Melissa's son; I've heard nothing about a "love child" of Joe Guidice
  6. IMO, Bravo likes to select people for their shows who are for the most part...rude, self-absorbed and selfish people, usually uneducated as well.....put it all together and you've got a Bravo Housewife show.....a bunch of people who don't mind looking like idiots.
  7. Absolutely agree....alcohol will exacerbate any emotion, particularly anger.
  8. Yeah, I understand....I could never be an admin; I realize it has got to be a difficult job with many responsibilities. It's been so long since the Bravo Message boards, I'd forgotten about all the trouble on them Oh, yeah, I understand; I could never do what our admin does. I remember the Bravo boards got rather chaotic at times....before they went caput,LOL
  9. Do you remember when you and I got into some "trouble" posting about Joe Guidice's possible involvement with the "underworld" shall we say....was a good while ago, but it was made such a big deal....I felt like we were being censored, I deleted my account and came back as Lizzzy
  10. Hey WW!, Yeah, it's cool with me, LOL Good to see you too(((WW))) I still go to the other site, but it just doesn't seem to be very active...this site is...BTW, I'm Lizzzy on the other site now
  11. Well KR, IMO, was/is on more than booze, IMO When you're putting Bailey's in your am coffee, you've got a problem, and I've said, one doesn't have to be slurring words to have a problem. I've never seen indications that the others have alcohol problems; they all drink, but I just don't see that they have a problem... If Jax were bi-polar, we probably would have heard about that...if only to "preserve" her "reputation".....anyway, WW, we've had this same discussion on another discussion site, so I will not pursue it any longer. I have very personal experience with alcohol addictions, so I do recognize problems. Anyway, it's really not worth the angst to discuss it further for me.
  12. this is all we see....what goes on off camera could reveal more of a problem, and one does not have to slur his/her words to have a drinking problem.
  13. I think Jax has a drinking problem, and is a very immature adult who is perhaps not dealing with her son's autism....not to mention the financial problems she and Chris are involved with....although somehow, we've heard very little about those financial woes, but we know a good bit about Teresa and Joe's.
  14. ok...I really don't expect anything much in the way of social graces, manners, etc. from this bunch...I think one is taught "class" by example from parents. I've never expected much from any of the New Jersey people
  15. I fail to see any connection between how one holds a fork or knife with the person's character. Makes no sense. Many people are simply not taught these things in childhood.
  16. I don't think these women have good taste in either makeup or how they dress. But that's what gives me a kick....watching to see just how awful they will look.
  17. And too stupid to realize how foolish they look.
  18. I agree. IMO, In general, Bravo selects women who lack social graces of any kind, and who just want that attention that their awful behavior will bring. I'm glad to find an O. Henry fan here.....love his stories, especially The Last Leaf.
  19. It was just simply another way for Heather to show off her superior knowledge. She has been so transparent in her attempts to demonstrate her "superiority" and I find it very amusing. She seems to have no insight about her pretensions. I have never really understood why the Dubrows lowered themselves to be on a show like this.....or why anyone would, for that matter
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