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Everything posted by tulip555

  1. oh, I definitely think this woman has quite an assortment of mental healthProblems
  2. I don't think Lisa r is the least bit attractive; I have always thought Kyle to be the most attractive of the whole bunch of wives from all franchises. Lisa R has had a few too many lip plumpings, imo.
  3. maybe there is just a little bittie part of Kyle that that is so tired of Kim that she is really not caring that much any more.....a horrible thing to say I realize, but I do believe this can happen......it happened in my family....I think she is just so tired of looking after a sister who seems to not care much about anybody but herself...she is a typical alcoholic....JMHO maybe there is just a little bittie part of Kyle that that is so tired of Kim that she is really not caring that much any more.....a horrible thing to say I realize, but I do believe this can happen......it happened in my family....I think she is just so tired of looking after a sister who seems to not care much about anybody but herself...she is a typical alcoholic....JMHO
  4. I think she is also one who could do with some psychotherapy...some psychiatrist somewhere could reap a fortune from these women.
  5. I know I would not do business with Vicki after watching the show.
  6. Indeed....Bravo has quite the knack of finding disturbed women for their shows...wonder if they give the women any kind of psychological Testing to find the most in need of serious therapy.
  7. Love your Woo Hoos turning to boo Hoos, ha ha...wonderful
  8. I do believe that's what these shows are all about...drama.....I think they would be pretty dull without it....and I don't think drama can be avoided with drama queens like Vicki and Tamra.
  9. I don't think Vicki is a sociopath, but I really think she has a personality Disorder of another kind; however, I do think Brooks could be a sociopath
  10. They had to have been serving something really powerful for David to have said what he did....talk about "beer goggles"
  11. I am wondering if she may have had some form of dementia
  12. I have been waiting for something very embarrassing to happen to Vicki as a result of her insistence in wearing the ridiculously ill-fitting clothes.
  13. Surely, you jest, ha ha....me thinks miss Vicki exists in her own little Vicki world....a land of delusions and little girl dreams.
  14. Perhaps with a lot of psychotherapy, Vicki could evolve enough, but her thinking is way too self-centered and selfish....and she is a tad old to tolerate much introspection of her behavior. From all the very long years of watching Vicki make a fool of herself....I think she is stuck where she is and will unlikely experience much happiness.
  15. IF Vicki were a psychologically healthy person.....then, imo, perhaps their relationship could improve, but I think those two have a snow ball's chance in hell
  16. Imo, if Kim is truly recovering she should be able to be around others who are drinking and not drink.....I have been doing it for years myself.
  17. I imagine Romona would have been a hard nut to crack and quite a challenge for any mother..just my own opinion, of course
  18. Imo, Kim is going to be doing a tailspin into a place she will never be able to escape from.
  19. I agree wholeheartedly. Brianna has been an important part of Vicki' s saga through most of years this show has been on.
  20. I don't think being overseas would have kept Vicki away....she could just hop on her broomstick and fly over. I am mean, but this womanIs simply off the charts in her thinking and behavior. Imo, of course
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