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Everything posted by tulip555

  1. Didn't Teresa make some sort of weather related "funny"...something about a noreaster, and I can't remember the whole thing?
  2. IMO, Vicki is not really happy with herself. She can't seem to function without a man in her life, so now she's got someone who is willing to tell her how attractive she is, and she laps it up. Look within yourself, Vickie, to find happiness....learn to love yourself....not look for someone else who will tell you how wonderful you are.
  3. for crying out loud, nobody is "attacking" her....we are discussing her.
  4. She should be dressing appropriately for her age and figure. And nobody is saying she SHOUD be ashamed of her body.
  5. IMO, Vicki will never be "Gretchensque" no matter what she does with her hair, makeup, clothes. That dress was way too short for her fat legs. I've always found Vicki to be rather pathetic in her attempts to look attractive.....she needs some professional guidance. In fact, I think Vicki is pathetic in her ability to relate well to people, and is continually making a fool of herself with her loss of anger control in so many situations we've seen her in over the years.
  6. Ok, guess I've misunderstood...thanks, I appreciate the explanation.
  7. I think Betty White and Heather/Carol are in different leagues That's good!
  8. I doubt that anybody with old money and "class" would want to be one of these shows.
  9. I agree....trying to be cool at their ages, IMO, makes them look like idiots, They are both way past the age when most people have a desire to be seen as "cool"....it seems so highschoolish. I don't like loud either. I don't know how Bravo manages to find the women it does for these shows.
  10. I think Heather and Carol are two of the least interesting women on any of the shows....coast to coast
  11. Yep...tHat was a good one, indeed I have a feeling Lizzie will be able to hold her own with trashy Tamara I don't really think there is anybody with "class" on any of these shows, although there are several who think they have it, like Heather, but they usually succumb to the pressures around them and show what they really are. IMO, Nobody with class would want to be on these shows. IMO, Bravo carefully selects these people to cause as much drama as possible
  12. I'd like to know who Danielle is as well, as she keeps popping up Yes, indeed
  13. I know....if I were looking for a plastic surgeon I would certainly never consult with him. After seeing his behavior on the show, I'm wondering if it has hurt his practice at all. I find him to be one of the most obnoxious and generally unlikeable husbands ever....and he's got some real stiff competition.
  14. I agree. But it also reminded me of how little girls like to model new clothes they particularly like....IMO, childlike. behavior.
  15. Like they were trying to do some sort of Hollywood celebrity arrival at a premier LOL
  16. weird is right....Maybe she thinks anything she comes out with will sell, no matter how idiotic....people bought the Skinny Girl. Somewhere there was a poster who bought the mix, and said it was awful.
  17. I have no sympathy either....they did the crime, they do the time, IMO. Absolutely agree Wonderful post, and I certainly do NOT believe you are all like this!
  18. IMO, Bethenny is mentally ill....but I guess that is rather obvious
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