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  1. So I still watch the show but I find myself just telling myself I have to suspend my disbelief of A LOT of things. Regarding the Christmas special: First, where did all those people come from for the Christmas festival? Hope Valley is not that big and I'm pretty sure there would not be THAT many people coming from other towns. Second, the traveling salesman wasn't coughing when he tried to clean Henry's coat. Then he was practically dying when riding with Carson. Then Carson gives him some cough medicine or whatever it was and he was fine again with Henry as he took him back home? Third, There are other women in town besides Elizabeth. For instance, the telephone operator. I agree with whoever posted above that she and Lucas (the saloon owner) would be a good couple. I think he is better looking than Nathan but I think Nathan is really sweet and more suited for Elizabeth. I also agree with whoever posted that Jack Wagner talks with his lips pursed. I like him, but I've always thought he overacted everything to the point it doesn't look natural. And that is no different in this show. Did not notice Abigail's absence at all. Didn't even notice a mention although I may have missed it. And as for the couples - Carson and Faith and Jesse and whats-her-name - you are all correct - BORING! I love Henry. Even when he was bad, he was good. I wish they'd get Henry a love interest. And I also love Lee & Rosemary. Wish they would be blessed with a child - either by birth or adoption. I had trouble getting pregnant with both my kids, as did a few of my relatives and it really is painful to see everyone else having kids and here you can't even do the most basic thing we were put on this earth to do - procreate. All that being said - I will be watching when it comes back on for the new season : )
  2. Me too! I thought the characters were the best and the opening credits were the creepiest of all of them. Besides Murder House, Freak Show was my favorite. Exactly! I think I read somewhere that one of them (or more) were going to make a guest appearance, but I'm not sure - maybe I dreamed it : )
  3. My favorite part of this series so far is the opening credits and all the 80's references and music. Anyone else notice how close the music is to that of the last season of Stranger Things? I mean, I know they are both set in the 80's but I'm telling you - that music is so very similar. That being said, I just cannot stand Emma Roberts. She has to be one of the world's worst actresses - maybe a runner up to Billie Lourde. Two prime examples of actresses who get work because of to whom they are related. The sad part is that the well-endowed guy is the most believable character of them all! I am hoping the Nurse Rita twist and the Montana/NIght Stalker twists redeem this season for me.
  4. I just watched this episode last night and I don't want to watch the last two episodes yet - I want to pace myself. I did not realize what FIg was doing either - went right over my head. Then I saw her hand the pill to the woman. I love Fig and especially Caputo. At the beginning of the first season, who knew he'd be my favorite character of all of them? Surely not me! : )
  5. Same here! LOL
  6. And we STILL don't know how Chimney got his nickname!
  7. You figure - they kind of had to be free thinkers. Mom was either working back in the day and now too busy striving to care. I also feel Logan basically raised his younger siblings and my mom had to do that when she was young because my grandma had to work 2 and sometimes more jobs as a single mom. My mom always said she had already raised 6 six kids and she only wanted one when she got married. And I am an only child.
  8. I like her but she is just not ready for this competition. She was off key, fading in and out - just not good tonight at all. Alejandro - I don't know what that was. Not impressed. Jeremiah - just boring to me. He has a nice voice - there was just no chorus to that song. Uche may not have the best voice, but he is the most interesting to watch and his voice is pretty good too. I love Laine, but his performance was a little boring last night. Dimetrius - I tuned out. Again, boring to me. As was Alyssa. And Ashley. Can you tell I'm not a big ballad fan anyway? They're all just kind of unforgettable.
  9. I was thinking the same thingk about Robyn acting as if SHE is the center of the universe in regards to moving. And did you get her comments (more than once) that "THEY" are all like that meaning non-committal in regards to moving again. I enjoyed her being shot down and the others making her look bad. And Janelle - she was doing so good there for awhile. But I swear I think she looks bigger than she ever has. And like you, I was thinking "What makes her busy??????"
  10. I thought she looked thinner in the face too.
  11. She is busy STRIVING...don't you pay attention? LOL
  12. You are SPOT ON in your analysis of Janelle!
  13. It is her "woke" way of supporting the fambly's move to Flagstaff...you know, trees. Seriously, she just looks so grungy and dirty. ICK!
  14. Those potatoes actually look really good but I would have used some kind of seasoning - Rosemary & garlic, Cavendars - something.
  15. I have always thought the same thing. They do the same thing on Survivor. They'll show TH as if they don't know what the outcome will be but you know they had to tape it after the competition.
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