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Everything posted by magicdog

  1. By standards of the time, Louise did pretty well - marrying a guy who was a partner in a major NYC ad agency. She had a bigger home than most upper middle class wives would have had at the time, dressed well, and I think they even had a house keeper. Of course, Larry was a bit of a weasel when it came to kissing up to potential clients, but at least he never treated Louise badly that I can recall. IRL, had they gone to divorce court, she would likely have cleaned Larry out and took Jonathan (their son) with her! She may not have had Sam's magical powers, but she had her own clout!!
  2. I caught that ep recently on Hallmark. Kind of defeats the purpose doesn't it?
  3. Bloopers! Plus the vid includes announcements of when both seasons will be available for free streaming.
  4. This is new to me. I wasn't aware of this. This was one of the greatest missteps of the show's later seasons. The sisters indeed were originally supposed to develop three powers each (which makes sense since Melinda had three and was considered a powerful witch in her day), and we had awesome discussions about what kind of powers the sisters would have or should have developed had TPTB done their due diligence with the characters. Essentially one power would be an offensive power, one a defensive power, and one passive power. When the original trio awakened their powers, it manifested exactly under those monikers for each sister: Prue's TK was offensive, Piper's freeze was defensive and Phoebe's premonitions were passive. Prue's second power was called astral projection (although I always thought bilocation was a more accurate term) which could be considered a passive power. If she had lived that meant she would have needed to develop a defensive power - perhaps she should have had the levitation power rather than Phoebe. Piper needed an offensive power and a passive power. Rather than the "molecular manipulation" she developed, she could have developed something like invisibility (passive) and maybe the power to rewind time for a few seconds (or minutes). Phoebe could have developed her empathy power better, which could have been defensive or offensive. She could have also developed telepathy. Of course, we'll never really know.
  5. Two KK alumni in one video about self defense: William Christopher Ford (Dennis from KK3) and Ron Thomas (Bobby from KK1) teach some great self defense techniques. Thomas uses Japanese jujitsu (not to be confused with Brazilian jujitsu).
  6. It's not my imagination that writing seems to have taken a downturn overall this season. It's very unfocused and seems to prefer to throw various situations at us (Harper kissed Violet! Kaldur kissed a guy!! Harper's being beaten by her DAD!!) rather than tell a proper story or develop the characters they have.
  7. It sure looked like Garth. But even so, it still came out of nowhere!! We never had any buildup since Kaldur was so desperately in love with Tula, then may have had a romance with Rocket, and possibly other female characters during the time skips, but this is totally out of left field.
  8. I just got through with Quiet Conversations and I found myself really interesting how Garth and Kaldur Seriously, that had no history or buildup whatsoever! It was nice to see that they resolved the plotline for the metahuman fish girl (who turns out to be an Indian - or Pakistani since she mentioned being a native speaker of Hindi) and we got to meet Kaldur's parents. I do have an issue with the abuse plotline for Harper as that too seemed to come out of nowhere. Her kissing Violet seemed to come out of nowhere as well and was never addressed since it happened. I thought the moment Violet had with Gabrielle's mother was actually quite tender and kudos to the mother being understanding about her daughter's death and knowing that seeing her daughter's form one last time was indeed a gift. Nice cameo with Supes as the gang went through the boom tube to get help for Cyborg/Victor. Funny how he reacted when Connor asked him to be his best man!
  9. I came across this review of Cobra Kai and it's a hoot! It's not often he gets to review good shows! His other reviews are worth watching too!
  10. There is a trailer out for that. Of course, not everyone is crazy about a show which some think will make Picard a side character in his own show. I'm curious if Seven of Nine and B4/Data will really be there or just hallucinations. There have also been rumors of issues on the production side of things. I'm definitely skipping Lower Decks.
  11. I know how you feel. I used to get dicked around by corporate of a job I had years ago that used to promise promotion from within (or to move into different departments). I'd get as far as two interviews for a job, get glowing comments from the interviewer then hear nothing. When I go to follow up, I find out either the position was eliminated (!) or changed altogether and a different set of qualifications was required!! WHY??
  12. I agree. Considering how far technology has come since the original series debuted, I imagine it would be hard to try to make a prehistoric version of the internet, etc. Besides, I'm not sure if I'd like what they might do to the characters. "Updating" these days often means character ruin! Considering her bastardization of Charlie's Angels (seriously, who asked for that??), I do NOT have high hopes. Makes me want Seth McFarland back in the running again! Considering his success with The Orville, maybe his version WOULD be better. It always comes down to knowing the material and respecting it and the fans, as well as being able to attract new ones. True. The original was aimed at adults (at the very least it could be viewed by the whole family even if little kids might not get all the jokes), and once it was syndicated and put on Saturdays, all subsequent incarnations became kiddified and don't hold up particularly well.
  13. Just saw "Elder Wisdom": It was nice to see Jay Garrick again. I had a hunch his wife was dying when we saw them at the hospital in a previous episode, but this is the first time her passing is mentioned. Also seeing Barry again was nice surprise. Where were Victor and Fred anyway? I guess we'll find out next episode. I was right that El Dorado and his dad still had issues, but it seemed to have been resolved a little too quick. Same with the other parents who were right when they pointed out that with some members of the team having gone public, they put targets on themselves for various enemies. Brion and Tara now know about Gabrielle's role in their parents' deaths; that had to be a tough pill to swallow but what now? Even though it wasn't "Violet", she is the physical embodiment of the perpetrator and that could be hard to get past for both of them. I liked that Batman pulled an arranged setup to make Lex look bad, as he was doing the same to the League and the kids. However that Irish accent was the worst I'd ever heard. It makes Dick Van Dyke's English accent seem authentic! I thought it was awesome to have all three Wonders in this episode, but bummed they all couldn't be in the same room at the same time. ITA. I thought we had at least 2-3 seasons worth of storylines and development with the original team members and then add new ones slowly. It would have been nice to have met Donna Troy (Troia) when she first joined (not that I don't like Cassie mind you) and see how her dynamic was with them. I feel like the writing is a little less focused than in past seasons, and having these new characters in season 3 alone doesn't help.
  14. Finally got to see the Ricky Gervais episode - probably the funniest one yet! I wonder if he was allowed to improvise or add any jokes to suit his style to the script? He did seem like a natural. There were a few throwbacks to past episodes of the original show: Professor Hyde-White as the villain! A mummy - who howls "Statue!" (whereas, the original mummy howled, "Coin!") Several suits of armor (The Black Knight) Velma tripping and losing her glasses! Too bad she didn't actually say the phrase. Gervais making all those in jokes about having catch phrases and referencing that he's in a Scooby Doo episode to the point he encouraged the villain to say the "meddling kids" line! The luxury kitty carrier for Ollie - complete with flush toilet! The puppet show at the beginning, which gave no indication it really was a cry for help - in Ricky Gervais' way of course! The not so great: I was disappointed in the snot joke. SD is not about snot jokes any more than he's about fart jokes (like the live action film). The end joke about Gervais shooing the gang out of his place to be with the cats - it was weird to say the least and it didn't work for me. Ollie constantly biting her owner. Bad kitty! Plus, that joke got old fast. Ancient catnip? Uh-huh. Overall, I think this series should have hour long episodes, because it seems better pacing and clues to each mystery (not to mention adding more suspects) is needed. Not to mention more time for the celeb guest star to interact more with the gang. The original show (SDWAY) did more of that in its 30 minute run time, and The New Scooby Doo Movies (which this show is essentially a modern resurrection of) seemed to be better at it, even though the writing on that show was a bit sub par.
  15. Big news from Comic Con! It's been revealed the Daniel will be making a visit to Okinawa in Season 3! Nothing further is known but this could open a host of story possibilities.
  16. Ditto. I think they could have done at least 2-3 seasons with the original team and slowly introduced viewers to new members (like Zatanna) and integrate them into the team as needed. After a rewatch, I am getting annoyed at the "wokeness" that has appeared in the show - Violet (aka Gabrielle) suddenly decides she's not sure she's a girl (despite being in a female body and having the soul of a motherbox)!! Before that, she felt she should keep her hijab, despite being another sentient being and living in a culture in which she doesn't have to. Of course Brion is OK with it, but I don't recall this silliness before Season 3.
  17. Not the first time I've seen Presley (Wally's and Artemis' dog) sleeping with a KF doll. I think the first or second episode of Season three credits showed it. I'm certain KF will be back somehow; it's going to be messy if Artemis and William (Red Arrow) decide to give into their mild attraction towards one another. It would be awkward under normal circumstances but when she has a speedster boyfriend who is presumed dead and he has an ex who works for the League of Shadows, neither would take their paring very well!
  18. Well in episode 2, they meet up with the ghost of Abe Lincoln! Well, technically, they meet up with the gang from The Funky Phantom and we get a few shout outs to that show. I was disappointed Micky Dolenz didn't reprise his VA role as Skip, but I was not crazy about the VA used for him or Augie. They just didn't seem to fit the characters IMO. I think David Kaufman (Danny Phantom) would have made a better VA for Skip and Augie perhaps could have been voiced by S. Scott Bullock (who voiced Dash in DP). Skip was also characterized here as the "Velma" of their group even though I don't recall him being such in the original cartoon. Augie was ok - he was maybe a notch above "dumb muscle" from the original show. April barely got any characterization at all - and we also curiously never saw Augie and Skip competing over her (something also from the original show). I remember lots of threesome jokes about that show. Elmo the dog seemed more orange in color; I seem to remember him as being more yellow/brown. Also, no teasing by Boo, although he seemed to focus more on Shaggy and Scooby. Plus Tom Kenny voiced him again, as he did in SDMI. I also enjoyed that little Speed Buggy cameo at the end - even though Speedy used to deal with "take over the world" villains not ghosts.
  19. Not to mention, "Great Scott!". Gave me flashbacks to Superfriends! Agreed. Wally & Artemis were made for each other in this universe, and I can imagine all sorts of messy if she and Will get together. In fact, I think even her sister just might get pissed! Imagine what that argument could be like should she return. Yes and no. True, she wasn't Gabrielle, but Brion, having lost his family that night (and ultimately setting things into motion with him and Terra getting their powers and her working for Deathstroke), it could still make him really upset and conflicted. Speaking of Terra, I'm curious if the writers will be going full Judas Contract with the resolution of the story. Because the show has done well in dealing with known storylines in the past, I'd like to think maybe we won't get the expected ending. There has been two previous animated adaptations already and I thought it was odd to go at it a third time. Speaking of Violet, remember the doctor collected that hair sample from the hairbrush? She was examining it, but what did she find? Jury is still out - there were moments when we saw Eduardo him speaking to the other metahumans (translating his father's speech into "teen speak") when I wondered if he still had issues with him (or maybe it's the system in general). It's nice that he is using his experience to help other metas, although I'm not sure if he'd want to be in "the life" of an active superhero. As for Bart, I still like him, but I still want to know why the future he tried to save still looks like crap despite defeating the Reach. Was it due to a war with Darkseid or something else? I'd also like to see more of his life leading up to his time travel trip. Livewire is also in this universe but completely different origin wise than the DCAU version; I'm curious if she'll go rogue. I found it interesting that De Sade was non verbal. I kinda miss Ed Asner as the VA for Granny Goodness. It feels odd having a female VA play her now! I wasn't crazy about Big Barda's VA (I love Grey Griffin but not in this role). I hated how she's constantly screaming when speaking. I also thought of Scott Free as well, but I don't know if he'll be introduced in this universe.
  20. You know you've made it when they make a comic book about you! Coming this fall, "Cobra Kai - Johnny's Story". This retells the Karate Kid film from Johnny's perspective and gives us more insight into his teen years. I don't know if the comics will go further than Johnny's life after the events of the first KK film (like what was going on after the choking incident with Kreese) but this still could be worth a read.
  21. They usually don’t. Those who do , don’t care because the Universe owes them...or something.
  22. Found a great three part discussion by a real martial artist about CK's fight styles and identifying real life ties to the folks behind the KK movies and the show. The host is, Mr. Dan, a Kenpo Karate instructor: Part 1: Part 2: Part 3:
  23. Having just watched the first episode with the gang solving a mystery with Chris Paul, I must say this incarnation is a winner! SDMI will still be my favorite incarnation post SDWAY, but this version definitely brings back a combination of call backs from past incarnations, in jokes and a genuine likability. For what it is, it doesn't take itself too seriously, but it's still enjoyable. I think it's good the show keeps it to 30 minutes rather than the 60 minutes the 70s version of the show, as we get no filler, the story is tight (so far) and a few scenes and quips that actually make me smile. The artwork is back to the classic Scooby designs including the gang's 60s duds, and the look of the show overall is clean, bright and the animation fluid. I can't wait to see the rest of the season - too bad they're only releasing one episode a week.
  24. Freshly uploaded, we have our first clip with basketball star Chris Paul:
  25. Finally we have a trailer and a date: The trailer: It'll start streaming Thursday June 27, on the Boomerang streaming service. New episodes will roll out weekly, with the season finale streaming Thursday, Sept. 19. Color me surprised when I saw the gang from The Funky Phantom in this promo! I wonder if Micky Dolenz will reprise his role as Skip? He still has a good voice and sounds younger than he is.
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