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Everything posted by magicdog

  1. His star was on the rise at the time but he wouldn't have been enough to have been idolized by Barkin. It would have had to have been a bigger star from the 50s-60s.
  2. Just came across this: Leon Spinks - former heavyweight champ! Cancer.
  3. Awww! TV viewers will also remember him as Margaret's husband, Lt. Col. Donald Penobscot on MASH. I had forgotten that he played Junior in the Smokey & The Bandit films!
  4. A few new ones from February: The first name that comes to mind is JK Rowling. Has she been known to claim she was on a hit list? This one will take a bit of research: Male movie star circa 1979-ish who was tall and presumably A-list at the time and the name is likely still very recognizable. Is the person still alive? If he still is alive, the first name that comes to mind is Clint Eastwood (world famous, A+ list, tall) but I've never heard of him doing this sort of thing. Warren Beatty? He was a stud and made the rounds. Deceased: John Wayne? Although I don't know if he has that kind of rep either (and was dying from cancer at that time). Someone else?? I'm certain the newspaper is the Wall Street Journal, but it's too easy to claim the writer of the article was Trump since I don't know of him being involved with any streaming service. Anyone else involved in a new streaming service?? This one is a head scratcher:
  5. I agree! If it had been a woman, all sorts of women's groups would have been very vocal over such a thing! Making fun of guys seems to be the thing to do in so called "comedies" these days.
  6. Especially since soaps as many of us knew them have all but vanished from TV. A better option would be a parody of those angsty, broody, dark and edgy CW shows!
  7. I remember reading that there is no such thing as a "new idea". They'd been used up since Shakespere's time. The best thing one can do (as a writer, playwright, etc.) is use an idea and put a new spin on it. Casting helps too since some older shows I've revisited weren't necessarily well written but the chemistry of the cast was off the charts enough to make it popular during its run and remembered fondly decades later, but not holding up well when reviewed overall. Probably why the Tropes page is so engrossing.
  8. He was. I always had a problem with the Trilogy woman being Sam's daughter since Sam's [soul or consciousness] is swapped for that of another person so the kid born in that relationship should genetically be that of the person Sam temporarily replaced, not Sam Beckett's.
  9. It seems to have been forgotten that Allie had a son as well as a daughter - Chip. In fact, there was an episode set in the future in which a grown Chip and his own son have a chat and reminisce about his childhood before the building (the Greenwich Village flat K&A shared) was torn down. Honestly, K&A wasn't really breaking new ground even in the 80s when it debuted. The Lucy Show did the exact basic premise (two single moms sharing a house and raising their families together). The only difference was Lucy's show was a bit closer to her comedic antics. It certainly wouldn't do being so now. Even if the characters (either or both) were made gay instead of straight, it's essentially been seen before. I wouldn't mind a miniseries maybe to play catch up with the characters, but really, no one is asking for this.
  10. Don't forget Barbara Barrie, who played Barney's wife, Liz. Technically, you could include Linda Lavin (Officer Wentworth), Dino Domenico Natali (Officer Zitelli), Alex Henteloff (as the ambulance chaser Arnold Ripner), Paul Lieber (Detective Dorsey), and Michael Lembeck (Detective Gardino).
  11. Well, Bitcheroo's minions strike again! I had an update to a news story this morning. I alerted the producers since they were running it all morning, and the news desk. Bitcheroo sent me an email last year forbidding me to sending potential news stories (ideas - because according to her I'm not allowed to have them) to anyone else in the newsroom other than the desk. I gave the link of the news update to the desk, who had the nerve to tell me if it didn't come from CNN or FOX (or the Daily Mail), they couldn't report it! The link was from a legit news organization (not one that reported on Bigfoot sightings), but they were not going to take it any further. Pisses me off no end! On a separate issue, can anyone tell me if the ladies restroom is considered a "common area"? AFAIK, it would NOT be, since only women can use it and it's not exactly a hangout. Some snot is claiming I have to wear my mask there too.
  12. I just finished watching "These Three" (1936). This movie was an earlier version of "The Children's Hour". When nasty sociopath Mary is exposed for her lies and ruining the school, her grandmother (Alma Kruger) orders her to go to her room and orders the maid to lock the door. The maid takes the brat by the arm to the stairs. Mary resists and tries to hold on to the bannister. The maid then promptly SLAPS Mary across the face! I don't know about movie audiences at the time, but I definitely cheered when she got that slap! From the maid!! Heaven knows she deserved so much more!!
  13. I don't doubt that. The problem is, it's still easy for someone to just walk right up to the glass doors and bash them in with a rock or something. I've noticed that security measures have increased plenty since 9-11 which was the beginning of using card keys, putting up fences and adding (unarmed) security to patrol the grounds at night. If *it* hit the fan, there are only 2 places in the building I'd consider safe if one couldn't get out of the building: the control booth (which is where the producer, director, etc control the show) and the studios which all have locks which require a card key to open them. Every other room would be a death trap - especially for an office shooter since all of them are enclosed by glass and can be easily penetrated!
  14. Another dream: This one occurred in two parts (meaning I had the dream, woke up briefly, then fell asleep again and the dream continued). I was at home when it was being besieged by Antifa/BLM type protesters. Everyone in the crowd was trying to invade my home and wreck it in some way. One guy stuck his arm through a window dangling a frog intending to drop it into my home. I tried to defend myself by getting a gun, but the gun wouldn't fire; all I could do was run to the area they were coming and try to stop them or drive them away. I felt like I was trying to keep the ocean from the shore!
  15. More Phil Spector weirdness. I'd read about the HS reunion story before - it made me think this guy was the prototypical Napoleonic complex with shades of inner rage. He also reminds me a little of Norma Desmond.
  16. Somebody seems to be expecting trouble. I came into work last night to find concrete barriers placed in front of the front entrance of the station (it's where guests typically enter, not the employee entrance, which is already gated with a card key to open it). The barriers seem to be placed rather sloppily - like trying to prevent a vehicle from being driven though the glass doors - but it wouldn't prevent anyone from walking up to them and smashing them with a rock or something. Also, the studios have been locked and one now needs a card key to get access. Of course, any employee can. Are they afraid the revolution is going to be televised?
  17. From Enty: This pisses me off because there are a lot of people who are not receiving their due benefits (CA revealed billions which werescammed from the system). I went to check - seems they did a reveal I wasn't expecting. When I added it here, it hadn't been answered. I try to use blinds that didn't have them - or even probable guesses.
  18. I don't think he's been considered A list since that song hit the charts in'79. He did have two singles that hit the top 40 though so he's not a one hit wonder technically. Actually, yes! According to Billboard, he had albums that charted, but no singles appear to have done so.
  19. At the time of her death, but did she eschew drugs and alcohol in the 80s?
  20. I thought about her but she's not primarily a singer but a dancer and choreographer. Has she a reputation for using?
  21. He's had plenty of hits and is considered a singer more than actor (though he's done plenty of both). I'm thinking Eddie Murphy. He recorded "Party All The Time" back in the 80s and he's got a rep for kinky stuff.
  22. We could narrow it down to Zendaya and Thorne - both happened to be co-stars on "Shake it Up" on Disney Channel (2010-2013) and IMO Zendaya is more of an A- or B+ (I only give her that for her Spiderman role). Did either of them appear in Drake's music video? Or any music video?
  23. Who do you think the now 20 something victim is?
  24. This commercial gets on my nerves for a few reasons: The younger child seems way too gullible to believe the ad/spam/whatever (ok - that can happen). He claims the family is "rich" when the house they're living in looks pretty expensive already! They have a large house, nice kitchen and a pool. It's not like they're living in a lousy neighborhood or a cracker box. The eyeglasses annoy me!
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