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Everything posted by magicdog

  1. Would Facts of Life count when it was between seasons 1 and 2? I remember when there were several more girls (including a young Molly RIngwald) but for some reason, TPTB chose to reduce the character load and set up the probation storyline and added streetwise Jo to the cast. To their credit several of those actresses came to visit the current cast (minus Ringwald who had become a big movie star by then) some seasons later.
  2. First commercial I've enjoyed in a looong while! Plus it celebrates family and vintage Chevy cars! https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/094/126/306/original/8831165211c96f25.mp4
  3. My advice still holds! Prepare a counter report showing you did what you could and are not at fault. Do not let them railroad you! If it was a virtual meeting - did you record it? Or perhaps it's available somewhere?
  4. Just happened to be surfing channels when I caught "Miracle on 34th Street" on CIRCLE - except it seems to be a TV movie version made about 1957! They keep a lot of the dialog of the original and even changed a few things (like Kris Kringle hitting Mr. Sawyer at a Christmas lecture Sawyer gives at Susie's school about Santa not being real!). Not bad, the cast does their best - although they pale compared to the original cast. I wasn't aware this version existed, although I recall a version made for TV in 1973. I can see where there was great respect for the General - since most tended to be in safer areas in wartime, rather than on the battlefield with his men. He was old and retired and hanging on financially to the inn, so those who were closest to him wanted to help make it a success by putting the word out. White Christmas is a great film - several years back, a local theater company did a stage adaptation of it. I was surprised at what a great stage adaptation it was!
  5. So sorry! Here's what you need to do - prepare a counter report immediately! Have anything you need to prove you were doing your job correctly and who is screwing up. Also mention you were contacted on Christmas and that you were treated badly! Fight back against jerks with everything you have! Phone records, recordings etc. .
  6. Steve wasn't the only problem with that movie! It's like no one reviewed the script at any point and said, "Wait, how can this be?". Very flawed story all the way around.
  7. I actually like that commercial! It's sweet that their love lasted 60+ years.
  8. Not to mention Jo's reputation would have been shattered if she did file charges. Remember that episode when Natalie refused to sleep with a classmate, then he bragged she was easy. Then a ton of boys started calling her, but because she never put out, they lied about it and did the same. I can totally see that happening to Jo because scum like Harrison don't like being called out for bad behavior.
  9. Not a crime! My dad routinely would say, "Bah humbug!" this time of year! A good, loving family man, but hated what Christmas turned into over the years. I hate to think we were purposely excluded though. I always preferred the option to say no,
  10. While working on an edit, one of the stories involved two morning producers riding a mechanical bull at a local honky tonk. Cute. When it airs, the anchor mentions it was during the station's Christmas party!! Neither I nor my edit partner received any notice of a "Christmas party" or any other party. Maybe it was just an informal get together, but I couldn't help but feel a tad insulted. I haven't heard of an actual formal Christmas party for the station in years! At best there was a potluck in the conference room but that was pre-covid. My supervisor finally got a clue with what I had to deal with when he had to fill in for my regular partner yesterday. Seems we're so short, he couldn't find anyone to fill in except himself. He was shocked to say the least. I made it easy on him by giving HIM the directions. Really annoyed by this acquisition! We've had to re-do all of our 401K stuff (selections of stocks etc.) and now we're transitioning to new software. I'm taking this week off from work - boy do I need the rest! I couldn't wait to walk out the door!
  11. I used to work with a woman who was a close friend of Karen's (so close Karen was supposed to be a bridesmaid at her wedding but she and her brother were scheduled for their first major tour). She told me Karen was a little zoftig (not grossly overweight) and when she and Richard were making TV appearances, she was told the camera puts on 20 lbs - so lose 25. She'd been dieting ever since - always being criticized for being too fat (!). I don't know how Mamma Cass managed to deal with such insensitivity!
  12. Good news for Mike Nesmith/Monkees fans! Decades will run a weekend binge of Monkees episodes starting Noon EST/9am PST
  13. OK - another irate moment brought to you by The Millionaire: In, Millionaire Jim Hayes (1959), the titular character is a freaking Class A jerk! Early in the episode we're introduced to Jim Hayes and his wife Shelly. They live in a small apartment. He's a corporate drone trying to work up the ladder while his wife is a housewife. However, Jim has a penchant for inviting either co-workers or supervisors to his home for dinner and fun often with last minute notice to Shelly. We see one such party mess the next morning, in which Jim is getting ready for work while lecturing Shelly how to be more efficient in keeping house (since she was exhausted the night before and Jim never bothered to do any cleanup either). He tells her how she could just "organize" herself better (saving so many steps to go from kitchen to toaster to the table, etc.) and acting like he has no responsibility whatsoever! Now, later in the day, Jim calls and tells Shelly the plant manager will be coming to town and he needs her to prepare something for dinner at their place that night. Shelly gets fed up and after cleaning the house, tells Jim he can take the manager out to dinner and she was taking the day off! When he finally gets home she tells him if he wants a housekeeper, she expects to be paid as one ($35.00/week) and Thursdays off. She also sleeps in the spare bedroom and says it would be improper to be too "familiar" with her employer. He thinks it's a joke at first, but she gives him a taste of his medicine by acting like an employee and actually taking Thursdays off! Jim is frustrated and thinks he blew it. He seems to come to his senses when.... Mark Anthony shows up with the check. He decides to go buy a big house (furnished and all) and even hires a housekeeper! Then he coldly sends a note to Shelly that his new address is at this house and she can interview for a position. The housekeeper treats her like a potential employee (being in on the gag with Jim) and tells her she'll "try her out". Eventually, Jim gets Shelly to reconcile if she'll stop being an employee and be his wife again. The end NO!! NO! NO!! Now, I'm old fashioned myself, but this is beyond gender roles! This is outright taking Shelly for granted and rather thoughtless of Jim to invite people without even giving her notice! Then HE gets the million dollars (I honestly thought Shelly was going to get it to get away from Jim's horrible treatment of her!) and makes it look like SHE was the one who was wrong by making her point about being an employee because he never helped in any way!! Where I come from, it wasn't uncommon for men and women (sometimes even party guests) to help the hostess with clean up after a party. Shelly wasn't the one who needed to learn a lesson, Jim did! He learned nothing from what I could tell!
  14. I don't know the man's story (I'd heard of the O'Jays and the sons of two of the members became a group in their own right in the 80s), but based on the CNN story, it seems this guy had a crazy life background. It's possible the band mates thought he was on drugs or something and just figured they were better off without him and went on. We're missing a big chunk of the story. Even Little's son is missing and his whereabouts is unknown! Strange.
  15. Happy Days was the same. Drove me crazy seeing people looking more like the late 70s than early 60s. Or perhaps ended the series that way much sooner than they did. Part of the charm of the series was seeing the two of them on their own in an era when few women did that. If they had married them, I would have paired Laverne with Sal Molina (the sailor who really had chemistry with Laverne but Shirley ruined it by claiming she wasn't in love because she didn't get goosebumps when they kissed - UGH!) and Naturally have Shirley finally marry Carmine.
  16. The season before L&S left for CA the show was starting to slip and I think the two parter with them in the Army (with Vicki Lawrence as their CO!) was a potential reworking of the show. I also think that was why they had the cartoon which had them in the military with Sqealy ("A commanding pig?") and later The Fonz! Cocaine must have been involved! I really hated TPTB for letting L&S go so far off track. The fact Shirley and Carmine didn't marry was unforgivable!
  17. Totally understand. The economy isn't helping any. If it's one thing I've learned in my job it's have a Plan A, Plan B, Plan C and when all else fails, Plan D. If you go freelance, I found this site which can be helpful for creators as well as fledgling business owners who can't afford the big guys for stuff like logo work and copywriting.
  18. Unless your parents are an absolute nightmare, there are worse things to happen. My parents are gone now, even though I'm a functioning adult and been paying my own bills for quite some time. Be glad there is an option. One option would be to keep your day job and work freelance part time until you build up enough business to go it alone. If it's insurance benefits you're worried about, (and lots of people do worry about that) there's always options like this place which can be a great alternative the for self employed.
  19. Decades ago, Micky used to joke about who would be "the last". When Peter chose to leave, the band recorded two albums as a trio (and made appearances in commercials and TV shows). Then Mike pulled out. Peter and Mike had bought out their contract from Columbia/Screen Gems and Micky and Davy were left to record. To complete their contractual obligations, they recorded what is considered their weakest album, Changes. Micky commented that they'd keep recording until one of them was "The Monkee". Looks like he truly is just that. RIP Nishwash! Errr, Nesmith! I liked DD, but there were many other tunes he wrote I liked almost as much. He also did a great take on "Girl I Knew From Somewhere", Circle Sky (which got a grunge update on their Justus album), and a lost gem on Missing Links collections, "I Don't Think You Know Me" and "I Won't be The Same Without Her" (Instant Replay album). What always bugged me was I never had the timing to see all 4 on stage together! I saw Davy, Peter and Micky for many performances, and saw them as a trio with Mike when Davy died. It had been tossed around that Mike and Micky should have created an act with the surviving Beatles and do something special as a tribute to both groups. Sadly, even that cannot be. I hope TV Land, Antenna TV or MeTV does a marathon or retrospective. ETA: They deserved to be in the R&R Hall Of Fame! I was hoping they'd get in someday before all of them passed.
  20. I saw a performance that did something similar - except the director had TWO Claras! One was "Child Clara" who was at the party and receives her nutcracker doll, while a "Teen Clara" did the dancing for the fantasy scenes. Only time I had ever seen it done that way. I never watched the Different Strokes/FOL redo, but if they were going to use adult actors, (this is more in line with FOL since almost all the original cast of DS are no more) they might as well have brought in the originals and had them do it, or at least film a coda to see where Blair, et al ended up and what they'd be doing now.
  21. If that happened at work, we'd be there until New Year's!
  22. Just got an email about paid holidays from the new overlords station owners and color me shocked when I looked down and saw they recognized Festivus as a legit holiday!! Not a Seinfeld fan or anything but I thought that was just a joke for a TV show.
  23. Traditionally, most companies would not have many full time permanent openings this time of year, and often pick things up in January. However, it depends on your job and other factors. If you don't think your current job is going to offer you something you can use, then put feelers out and see if something pops up. Right now (at least in my area) employers are begging for workers, although that's because of people making the same amount or more while on unemployment or other government bennies, so even if they look for a job and apply and even make an interview appointment, they just don't show up! Granted I'm not sure how your field looks at the moment, but I say keep looking and keep trying until something better comes along.
  24. Well, I had the last 2 days off (cheapskates wouldn't pay me 4 hours of OT to work the weekend show) and out of curiosity, watched the 10PM newscast. Seems the deal must be done, as the Meredith logo is gone and Gray logo is in.
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