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Everything posted by Mya

  1. Is the siloam springs house the one they "sold" right after the scandals? Who actually owns it? I am confused.
  2. I agree. I wonder if they put on the invitations to eat before you come.
  3. That is in Michelle and Jim Bob's bed room.
  4. I am thinking that picture is an old one and they are trying to throw people off about Joys wedding.
  5. I agree. I don't think any of the older ones will ever. Maybe one of the younger ones since they were not raised initially by M and JB their kool aid may not be as strong as the older ones.
  6. Is MSWC still an actual functioning business? I cannot figure out what is going on with it at all.
  7. Oh wow did she respond at all? or just stood there? Good for you.
  8. Was also known to be a heavy drinker not Duggar like at all. I love Little House and have read a ton of info on the real life Ingalls.
  9. Any guesses or news on Anna's due date with the 5th M baby?
  10. This one truly stands out to me. All of their Courtship rules and restrictions on physical closeness must of drove him crazy LOL literally.
  11. I am wondering how far along Anna is since they already know its a boy. Guessing 18-22 weeks maybe? if that is correct then she is due close to or a couple weeks after Jill's due date no?
  12. I agree. Especially about the part you said that JB and Michelle will think another baby will prove to everyone that all is well and forgiven I mean babies are a blessing from God therefore if God gives Josh another baby he must be free/forgiven of all his horrific past deeds.
  13. So I guess our speculation that the legal marriage does mean something despite their claims that it means nothing and all wives are equal. Robyn jealous maybe? getting a does of her own medicine. Thanks for sharing!!
  14. Oh my goodness I had no idea. 14?? that is beyond crazy. Thanks for the links I had not seen any of this before. Lots of dirty little secrets.
  15. I had not heard that. So this porn thing started way before his marriage to Anna I assume?
  16. I was hoping to hear more about this as well sure looked like him to me. Someone in the thread said that In Touch was looking into it maybe something might come out soon.
  17. I agree I am bored to tears with all the "courtships" especially this one they are both dull and boring IMO.
  18. There is a picture of Josh, Anna and the 4 kids on the Duggars facebook page wishing him a Happy Birthday. I don't know how to bring it over here. Anna looks good its clearly an old picture as Meredith is still a baby she is toddler now.
  19. I completely agree I won't watch. I find this getting so boring and repetitive.
  20. Oh wow!! No wonder Meri went off the deep end. They will do anything to keep the gravy train going.
  21. Thanks, Wow I completely miss this. So it actually exists so very odd.
  22. I am reading allot about this 50 page application the men have to fill out for JB. Does it really exist? This is new to me.
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