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Everything posted by twinkietwin94

  1. Ok that bottom pic is adorable! They look truly happy and like they're having fun. She also looks adorable at the shooting range.
  2. I hate to hear about situations like these, as a teacher it just frustrates me to no end as I try so heard to help every student that walks into my classroom as have 99% of the teachers I've worked with. I know there are children who fall through the cracks. I teach eighth grade and see kids every year that my team fights to help. I'm sorry your families experienced this. In the case of the Duggs, Michelle saying she did the exact same phonics program with a kids three times til they got it leads me to think the child memorized it and didn't really learn from it. She acknowledges that JB has issues reading and she didn't sell it any help for the kids besides speech and language which can be great but probably not all the help they needed.
  3. Hmm dining etiquette, can't decide if this will be interesting to watch or just odd
  4. beat me to it, also love your neighbor as yourself, more stuff they ignore
  5. I'm so not looking forward to HS and I only have one. MS is already a nightmare and I knew it would be bc I've taught it for years and know my kid. I wish all the high stakes testing would go away. You want me to individualize my teaching to suit each child but then you're going to give them all the same damn test and I'm in trouble if they don't do well. yeah FU ugh, (my school is on the verge of being in big trouble bc of test results, but we've had some really apathetic kids and parents. I'm dreading the scores from this past school year)
  6. UGH UGH UGH I think if they had been in a public school setting they could have been labeled as reading-challenged. But because they were being tutored one-on-one with me I was able to just work with them and not pressure them. No actually Michelle they would probably have been assessed for a learning disability, tested to see if they were dyslexic and then help with proven strategies and provided with strategies they can use for life instead of just given the same stuff over and over again until it was memorized which is what it sounds like you did. I've learned by teaching 19 children that each one is so different, and to not expect them all to do the same things at the same time or to do them exactly the same way either. First off I don't believe you've taught all 19 and really it took that to learn it? UGH most parents and teachers realize this much faster. You know I know there are homeschool parents who do it well. I had a kid come back to public school after HSing and the child skipped a grade, then again another child different family came back from HSing and had to go back two grades from where they were supposed to be. MEchelle seems to be the second type and makes me crazy!
  7. I also found NFP fairly easy to use and I did take my temp every morning as soon as I woke up, then again I read Taking Charge of Your Fertility, not sure if Jing would be allowed or capable of reading it.
  8. We got lucky, the realtor was sure we'd have to paint it but we sold to a single dad whose little girl fell in love with the green room
  9. LMAO sounds like something my husband would say but then again he was the one that took our son to pick out paint for his room while I was gone to a week long workshop and they chose "celery" yeah no it was fluorescent green. Fortunately we didn't have to paint over it or the hunter green bathroom when we sold our house.
  10. ROFLMAO I avoid black liner for that reason. I'm dying! This is awesome. I actually just switched to Almay bc I now need hypoallergenic eye makeup. I've used Cover Girl for years but now when I do it my eyes get red and even though I wash it off really well before bed I get the oozing and crusty eyes. Since switching none of that TG bc I HATE going without eye makeup. I've never used anything on my brows, but I've had them waxed and tweezed enough that the arch has stayed and the rest has stopped growing back, now if only my leg hair would do the same.
  11. Hold up, wait a minute, is MEchelle's (my auto correct changed that to Me hell btw) hair straightened in that second pic. It looks much less rat nesty than usual While many toddlers do go through s chicken nugget phase (my 12 yr old is just now ordering other things when we go out though he eats whatever is put on front of him at home) I wonder if Iz is just in a phase or if it's bc they don't know anything else to cook
  12. ^^^ this you too the words right out of my mouth. I follow her on Instagram. Some of her pics are really cute, at least half the time though I roll my eyes and smh with a smile though. She can dance, she's just to much sometimes but so is Holly and I love her so... Hey we each have ones we love it don't get it just means K & J are doing their jobs building a team with a variety of girls
  13. She's been doing two a days for a while this summer too
  14. Sorry missed that, yep you can drop off Elsie
  15. zero judging and I go back and forth on whether or not it was a drill every time I watch it
  16. Sheila Brooks Elizabeth Bartlet Westin Louise Thornton Zoey Bartlet Elsie Snuffin
  17. responding here to stay out of trouble with the mods @missmansfield Hey Neighbor!!!
  18. OMG the ending of The Mist just pissed me off soooo much!!!! Hubby too, we'll watch it when it's on up to that point then we turn it off lol. We've been talking about watching the series to see what we think. When you get to Wizard and Glass be forewarned it can be tough to read but it's an interesting story and the series picks up again in book 5. There are Dark Tower graphic novels btw, I know W&G was done that way though they're not called W&G
  19. It is really odd, she seems to be smiling when she's poking? him, then I couldn't tell if she was brushing him away or maybe taking a pen from his pocket but it all comes across as really strange considering the way she was raised. IDK maybe Austin's family is just more physically affectionate and as she was never shown that she doesn't know the best way to do it but she craves the connection and casual loving touch so she's trying to do it without really knowing how,
  20. I remember Mother Angelica too but I never watched closely so I missed any crap.
  21. Good Gravy how is Laurie still on the list and Abbey gone? Laurie Ronna Dylan Bram Annabeth
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