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Everything posted by twinkietwin94

  1. So she's still on the team but it could be probation as she wasn't allowed to go to the HOF game, I just think there is NO WAY they would leave group leader 1 behind unless she was in trouble hmm thankful that she didn't get cut??? I think not suspended but on probation Considering how many girls try out and year after year I don't think it's a big loss for them. I hope Holly didn't quit bc I really like her dancing and she's good, but she also has to learn there are rules in every job and if you don't follow them there are consequences and if you don't like them tough! Is she going to quit every job that reprimands her for not maintaining their standards? Still hoping she's just on probation and that the insiders have bad info maybe even someone in the DCC organization purposely feeding bad info out to find leaks, Guess we'll see.
  2. though letting little hints like this will keep those of us that already watched glued to the TVs if they let on about more drama it would likely draw in new viewers.
  3. Can someone tell me what season Shelbi was on. I feel the need to watch it
  4. yeah she really does, oh if only she could take turns at point with Erica and let Jenna stay somewhere else good question @ShellyB neither of them have been in any of the DCC posted pics of the pics the girls have posted on social media and they're social media accounts are strangely silent, Holly and Jenna that is
  5. I really want to see a crossover show (across networks) where the gals from Escaping Polygamy rescue Jana from Duggardom
  6. My guide is saying the same thing. I think it's just an error
  7. After watching old seasons on the CMT app I'm with you on the spreadsheet is to keep track of the TCCs bc there are always girls don't feature and I have no idea who they are
  8. I can't imagine being kicked off so close making the team and then having to see it on tv like Amy last year. I really hope birth Miranda and Christina make it, though I have to say a perverse little part of me wants desperately if Christina gets cut that she'll tell Kelli and Judy to go suck moose knuckles
  9. Wait Christina's still in camp right? I've got like every thing crossed hoping she makes it this time. She's just adorable especially with the shorter hair. She's such a good dancer and she should totally have the kicks this year. Girl is so sweet I bet she walks children in nature in her spare time.
  10. You might be safe if there was a camera on her, she wouldn't want to upset her many friends, but I agree I wouldn't want to tangle with her
  11. Some those are really cute but the Bible one just made me roll my eyes
  12. Maybe Cathy's husband has and that's part of the reason they don't seem to get along, course that's probably just wishful thinking on my part
  13. I just checked the the app on our galaxy tab and they're all still there for me, maybe try resetting the app, delete and redownload it
  14. I LOVE season six!!! I wish I knew, I'm jealous of my own crotch fruit's eyelashes. They've been gorgeous since he was born, as a now twelve year old boy they're wasted on him lol. Mine are good one I get a few coats of mascara on them but without it forget it of course being blonde doesn't help that
  15. this was really cool to read esp bc I just finished season 2 today
  16. Yeah not any better in my Galaxy, may have to dig the CF's tablet out for a bigger screen
  17. The visits would be tricky but I'd love to see the informational session they have with the girls on how to handle the visits, what they'll see, what they should and shouldn't say, etc.
  18. You'll love 40! Honestly I turned 40 last year and for me it was just an excuse to party. Actually it's the only time I've remembered how old I am, lol I usually have to calculate my age from one of my siblings by adding the difference bc I remember theirs. I've always felt young though and I figure that's the important part. Oregon Trail ftw along with Carmen Sandiego, still love those games. We have the OT board/card game. It's nearly impossible to make it to the end.
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