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Pike Ludwell

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Everything posted by Pike Ludwell

  1. I agree the torture scene went on too long. It was lazy filler and a misjudgment as to what an audience wants to see. And she didn't receive any serious, lasting injury from all that? And they had a man basically removing her pants? Before Round 2 she should have objected vigorously, demanded it cease, and then sued them for tens of millions of dollars and retired for an enjoyable life in the South Pacific. And at the end of it good for her for, despite orders to stand down, beating the hell out of the guy. So he was her superior. Looking through all that, he was a guy who wrongly beat her up and he deserved to suffer for it.
  2. Mansell's song was pretty much an exact copy of "Seven Nation Army" by the White Stripes. No real talent there except he imitates Jack White well.
  3. I've been wavering, but now I'm pretty sure -- this season is not nearly as good as the original series. The story, characters, and dialog are all weak. The dialog in particular is just very odd in more than one way, and bewildering way too often. I really don't like the writing.
  4. This might have more than one season (I hope). Raylan's daughter wants to see Harlan, so in the final episode maybe they drive there, and maybe something will happen there that keeps him there. Then next season Boyd returns. I realize this is wishful thinking. The casino scene where Mansel is playing Blackjack is kind of funny. He's dealt two aces. Instead of splitting, like anyone who plays knows you should do, he says hit me (3 times), and he likely busts. More evidence that he's not as bright as he thinks. The music demos he's made are probably crap too.
  5. It's kind of surprising Raylan would leave his daughter alone for so long. He's a pretty astute observer of people, and she's obviously extremely naive and also rebellious. I guess it's explained that he was so into his work that he got reckless on that. I'm enjoying it. Loved the original series.
  6. Oh good, a happy ending for Tedros! He wasn't such a bad guy after all!! LMAO WTF I was hoping against hope she wouldn't flake out, but she did. Ridiculous.
  7. I just started watching. I'm well into episode 1 and loving it. It's weird though that the main actor is Venezuelan, has a strong Venezuelan accent, and does little to hide it. His father and family in the show has no such accent. I wonder why they'd hire an actor who can't hide his accent. That should have been something to look for in the auditions.
  8. I found it kind of weird the way the good guys rarely if ever killed anyone with a gun. There were scenes with one firing a gun in a gunfight, but always missing. And one time Sutherland fired a flare. LOL But nearly every take down of a bad guy was with hitting them on the head with a rock or limb or stabbing them in the leg with a knife -- things like that. And a couple of really sharp people (Nora and also that old army buddy of Pete's) got killed because they didn't have guns. And why didn't Pete give Rose a gun early on? Are the writers strongly anti-gun, or do they believe viewers will not like seeing heroes effectively using guns? Just seemed like there was some really odd thinking in the writing. And they let the bad guys have too many far fetched (to me) wins. And the fight scenes were ridiculous. Sutherland wouldn't fight effectively. Or they'd knock a bad guy down and not follow through with bashing his head in. Therefore he could get back up. Lost of very frustrating scenes where I was screaming at their stupidity. But overall it was a pretty good show.
  9. He'd tried to kill her and as I recall he was still up and about and looking strong after she stuck that object through his head. She was justified in making sure he wasn't a threat. Plus heat of passion anger and going overboard after he nearly killed her is not something to obsess over and hate yourself for the rest of your life. And to not tell the son these extenuating circumstances was weird. Sorry, I don't buy that her feelings on this were normal.
  10. When Sally was telling her son, John, that she'd killed a man, why oh why didn't she say it was in self defense -- he would've killed her but she got lucky and defeated him. And it really seems kind of odd for her to be so tortured about it for so long. Would she rather that he killed her? I realize her tortured mind was a plot device and some really neurotic people might feel like her, but I view it as really odd.
  11. I also don't see how they could wrap all this and all loose ends up in 30 minutes. Unless its a really bizarre twist of an ending, like I think Bill might be capable of. Maybe things just keep getting more and more complicated till near the end it switches to the writers room and they're struggling with how to resolve it all. "What have we done? It's such a twisted mess there's no way, man." Finally they give up and as they're walking out the door you hear "fuck it" and the door slams shut.
  12. Whatever Barry was wearing over his eyes sure looked a lot more complex than just a blinder. There's so much to clear up it's hard to see how they'll do it in around 30 min's.
  13. I thought of that too and it's probably correct. In fact it must be. Likely wasn't a VR experience controlled by Moss, like I was brainstorming, but what was over his eyes was a blinder and Moss was just verbally guiding his hallucinations.
  14. So two people having the same delusion? I wonder if Sally and Hank also are locked in different rooms of Moss's house and he's feeding them similar hallucinations.
  15. What should be made of the fact that, at the beginning, hooked up to the VR machine, Moss seemed to be controlling the scenes Barry was seeing and he let Barry see his son John "one last time". Then we saw the picture of John. How would Moss know what the son looks like and how could he even have a picture? Also, John seems remarkably stoic and with few words when we see him. Makes me think it's a persona Moss put into Barry's mind. But then Sally sees and interacts with John too. So I have no idea what's going on and I hope there's an explanation that makes everything make sense.
  16. If this season so far is all in Barry's head (which is possible but I'm not convinced), here's an idea that supports that. A lot of the things that have happened just seem too good to be true. Getting out of prison in a far fetched way. Sally finally coming around to Barry's side and running away with him. Living on property that looks remarkably like where Barry grew up. Finding a preacher touting the sort of nonsense as that Bill Burr preacher. Barry would have to be imaging the lives of the other characters too. The idea that an idiot like Hank would become so successful is just preposterous - a too good to be true thing for Hank. Other things too that I'm overlooking. But I don't think the events around the other characters are the kinds of things Barry would even imagine so I think the time jump was real and it's not just stuff going on in Barry's mind.
  17. I liked this episode and found lots of humor in it. E.g., the table scene with the chicken pot pie. That was the worst looking cpp I've ever seen! LOL And then the way Barry says "chicken pot pie". And the discussion about Lincoln where Sally pipes in about how he's on the penny, etc. Just hilarious. There was lots of subtle humor throughout.
  18. Looks like the interest in this show really dwindled. For me it was entertaining but I just don't enjoy watching Hank. He seems like a real oblivious dullard. How annoying it must have been to the wife with incidents like when she excitedly relates how she ran into Katherine Keener! And she asks hank if he remembers the times they discussed her and he'd always get "excited"? And Hank just sort of shrugs and says "no" and changes the subject. That kind of person is annoying as Hell. And then at the end in the bathroom of her NYC apt. he starts shouting idiotic things, which she finds funny at first, then he goes way overboard. You see her react with disappointment and sadness in the very last scene. I don't see how she'll stay with him unless he changes. They make Hank into way too flawed a character for me to enjoy much.
  19. Well, they're obviously setting up for a season 2, which is good. Though the writing and directing made this confusing at times, and there were too many lucky coincidences in the execution of the plans, overall I really liked it. I wanted the intern dude to get some more punishment - the writers let him walk free. I guess they see him as a good villain for a season 2. At least John got in a good solid punch at the elevator.
  20. It's funny that the Keiffer character says "oh my God!" (twice). Just seems out of character.
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