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Everything posted by aliya

  1. I've been thinking about that. I had it done many years ago and it was one of the best decisions of my life.
  2. Boy, her breathing and her leg! Normally I'm a little hardhearted about patients who've eaten themselves into these problems, but she's had a lot of real trauma - not 'mom loved him best' stuff. She needs a wheelchair or walker. Whew.
  3. Whoops, I was over on another day. These boards are getting hard to figure out. My eating habit was ramen (I only use 1/2 the noodles and make my own flavoring/broth), with chicken, broccoli, onions, peppers followed with a couple of Clio mini yogurt bar chasers. Whew - I thought she was making all that food for herself.
  4. Goodnight, gang. I'll give the new show a few minutes. It's not the visuals, it's feeling bad for the patients who are this bad off. We'll see.
  5. The head of one place I worked would bring in Dilly bars (Dairy Queen ice cream bar). Never heard of them until I started working there. Free ice cream!
  6. Check out my previous post on cottage cheese chips. You can thank me later.
  7. He's an only child, so he's not used to other kids or a noise level in the house. It's been eye-opening for him, especially now having 2 of them - and with both parents working from home. They've got nannies, but all of them 24/7 together - it would be a bit much for anyone.
  8. My local grocery is fast like that. I bet when I go back in, they'll have Halloween candy on the shelves.
  9. You gotta get those bad boys early. When I made my walmart order today, I just happened to notice 😄 that the mini eggs that had so recently graced my doorstep were no longer in stock.
  10. Aliya jr waited until his 40's to have kids. I felt like I was the only person at church in my 60's, much less 50's, not to be a grand parent. Especially when Aliya jr's first marriage didn't work out (thank goodness) and he had to start dating all over. Did I say I'm a Mormon convert? Do y'all know about Mormons and children? 😄 Folks from Arkansas aren't the only ones getting married at 19. 😄
  11. The late Mr Aliya thought he was a blond Bruce Willis in Moonlighting. He loved Bruce's quips; I couldn't stand them, but danged if Mr Aliya didn't spout them all the time. Now I get a little misty when I see Bruce now and think of his medical condition. We watched a lot of his work and I actually like him as an actor, I just didn't like him in Moonlighting.
  12. They've got a sweets bucket?? 😲 Can I get one of those?
  13. I'm not seeing a debate here. Diabetes and lactose intolerance be damned. That's what Big Pharma is for!
  14. I'll join you with some cheez-its, but I think this is it. Jeez - the low carb diet ain't doing well tonight. I've got a continuous glucose monitor and if I don't stay on top of the carbs, it goes off like monthly tornado siren test.
  15. I wanted to look like Veronica Hamel from Hill Street Blues. Wasn't skinny enough and I had big boobs, but I got the boobs reduced and wore my lawyer suits like a champ. I still think straight hair looks more professional than the curls I've got, but I've learned to live with them.
  16. Really? I was on 2 Ozempic boards and everyone was getting sick as a dog and could barely function, much less eat. Except me. I was fine. My blood sugar came way down, my appetite was regulated, I lost weight. And then I got pancreatitis and wound up on a morphine drip in the hospital.
  17. I have some bins as well. I think I'm going to save them for the 20 tons of kitchen gear I have; I think they'll be easier to put in a bin with cushioning rather than in a box.
  18. I recently found out about cottage cheese chips! I guess it's been around keto folks for awhile, but I'd never heard of them before. I like chips, but avoid them due to calories and carbs. As a diabetic, it's hard to find a non-carb snack that isn't cheese or a meat stick, so I was happy to find out about them. You put a 1/2 teaspoon on parchment paper and put in microwave for 4 minutes or so. They spread out on their own. You can add popcorn seasoning for flavor.
  19. I did that. Worked great for me. I have a night retainer that I should wear more than I do, but it's okay. At the time, I had to do a lot of speaking and was happy I could take them out if I wanted to. I only did the upper teeth to get them better lined up.
  20. You know, Dr Now tells just about everyone to lose weight before surgery. The trip to Houston is hard on a lot of people, whether they drive or fly. Then, if approved, they have to uproot everybody and everything and move. Why on God's green earth don't they try to lose weight beforehand? Not a ton, maybe the same 40-60 Dr Now would want. Then they could probably get surgery from any competent bariatric surgeon in their area. So many say that no other doctor would help them, but I don't believe it. I think they wanted a quick fix and felt no one else would help them because any surgeon would say, for their own safety, they had to lose weight first. But here comes Dr Now and they're saved. It's hard to be sympathetic.
  21. Had to get the door - did y'all know that walmart delivers moving supplies? Cheaper than U-haul. I don't even have to leave the house. Since they also deliver my groceries, with luck, I won't have to leave until I move. 😄 Worth the move?
  22. I see some of us are applying for the kerosene drawers early in the show.
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