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Everything posted by aliya

  1. Did anyone notice a round patch on her upper arm? Kinda orangish-beige? I have a patch for my continuous glucose monitor, but it's nowhere near that big. Is that a nicotine patch?
  2. Of course they broke down. Do these people ever rent a decent car or have their car checked out before the trip?
  3. Why is she going to the store if it's that painful? Surely this isn't the first time she's had this problem. Bad producers for setting up a scene where the person not only is in bad pain, but falls down.
  4. They are texting each other in the same room?
  5. Hi pounders. I completely forgot about the show last week. I set an alarm this time. My eating habit is homemade Greek salad and some meatballs.
  6. Yinz I did 10 years in Philly. I've heard an accent or two.
  7. I think that was Zsalynn's husband; one of the worse spouses we've seen here.
  8. Did she say if she had hip or knee issues? There have been heavier people who were more mobile. Also, she's lost over 100 pounds and still looks like she struggling to walk.
  9. I was just looking at that! Looks like a model for a lap band, doesn't it?
  10. What did the little girl say, "We never eat anymore?"
  11. Two stories: When she was a teen, my sister was outside on the sidewalk in her bare feet. Our stepfather came home and went berserk. He grew up very poor and was barefoot in Miami a lot of the time. He didn't want people to think we were too poor for my sister to have shoes. Years ago, I went to an academic conference. All of us doctoral students were hanging out and the conversation turned to shoes and needing to find our 'good' shoes for the conference. Then one woman said that she was from Hawaii - she had to find shoes.
  12. That's what happened to me. I loved O, until I got pancreatitis. I'd still recommended it for diabetics, though. It worked for me when other meds did not.
  13. I was on it for 18 months - until I got pancreatitis. I went on it for diabetes; weight loss was a side effect. Many on O get nauseous, so they don't eat much, hence the weight loss. When they do eat, they are okay with smaller amounts. I didn't have the physical issues, but I did have what we called 'disinterest in food.' I just didn't want it. I did well, lowered my blood sugar a lot, lost weight, and had minimal issues, then got the g.d. pancreatitis and can't take any drugs from that family anymore. It's been almost a year. I was afraid I'd gain the weight back, but I still eat smaller portions and am still losing weight, slowly. My blood sugar is even better on Jardiance than it was on O, so there's that. I practically was on my knees with the endo in the hospital, begging to stay on O, tho. I've been diabetic for a long time and it was getting harder to stay in control.
  14. Another one who doesn't know how she got so big. It's a bad omen when you lie to yourself from the beginning.
  15. I bet most do. It's guaranteed money. In poor neighborhoods, even the little corner stores or bodegas take stamps, because that's what their customers have.
  16. I don't know if the allotment increases if prices increase - unless there's some general COLA increase like they do with social security. However, one of my sister's children has 4 kids and works in retail. She got increased stamps during and after the pandemic until just a few months ago.
  17. Did they not have the pandemic in Idaho? Why does she have to go to the store; everyone delivers now. 1. If she goes to the store, why doesn't she know where the cheese is? The cheese is in the same place, everywhere. 2. If she knows she's a spectacle in the store, why bring the kids?
  18. The little girl is plump already. Not good, considering her environment.
  19. I turned around for a sec and missed who the guy is. Is that her fiance????
  20. Hello, my people! Have missed all of you. I became a nana to a baby girl in October, so now they have one of each. There was a tornado on my street this time last year. I had some medical issues, but I'm here. My eating habit was a ribeye, some mixed peppers, and a sweet potato.
  21. I thought she said she'd do the diet with him? I guess they both lied about their eating habits.
  22. I was thinking the same thing. However, I guess it's good he got outside.
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