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Everything posted by Ohiopirate02

  1. One thing I will give the wardrobe department of ELR credit for is how relaxed the characters's wardrobes were, well except for Debra after Patricia Heaton did her whole body makeover in the later seasons. Marie was always dressed neatly, but the show had her wear the same blouses and earrings in multiple episodes. She even mixed and matched them in different episodes, sometimes she wore her cherry earrings with her cherry-printed blouse other times she wore them with a different one. She was neatly dressed, but never overdressed. And in that one episode where she is in her bathrobe during the afternoon was the one where Frank lost his sense of taste. She was having an identity crisis in her own Marie way. Not to mention Frank had previously joked in more than one episode that the reason why he stayed married to Marie was her cooking.
  2. My favorite part is the obvious corralling of The Girls every TV actress has going on no matter the circumstance. Sometimes you see the bra, other times there are no visible straps, but they are always contained. And if we do see a character in her bra, ninety percent of time it's the same make and model, Natori Feathers.
  3. I just looked up the ingredients in Lume, the special ingredient used to help control odor is an AHA, mandelic acid. It works by eating away the dead skin cells in the area because "odor" is caused by the bacteria naturally living on your skin eating said skin cells. If you get rid of the dead skin cells, then there's nothing for the bacteria to eat and no odor is caused. I am curious as to the concentration of mandelic acid in the formula for it to be safe to use on your more sensitive areas of the body and also work on your feet and underarms. I suspect it's not going to be that effective on your feet and that's why it's so heavily fragranced.
  4. The recaps I remember enjoying on TWOP were the ones for shows with batshit plots and either really good writing or really bad writing like True Blood, Lost, and Mad Men. For True Blood and Lost the snark was needed after watching an episode. And the Mad Men recaps were great for picking up the nuance you may have missed.
  5. The sex doll element was dropped rather quickly. Which is a shame because that whole plotline is something the writers on this show would have explored back in the day. The doll was modeled after a picture of Maddie that was privately shared online. How the manufacturer got that picture of Maddie was never explored. Was it a friend or family member who sold it to them? Was it found on the web because privately shared online is actually meaningless? Did this rise up to the level of a crime that can be prosecuted? I know this is SVU and not the Mothership, but Jack McCoy would have found a way to prosecute the doll manufacturer. And back when this show still cared about the Order side of the title, one of ADAs would have agreed with Jack.
  6. I think it was right before the site went down for a week back in January.
  7. Yes, I knew you cannot put a mod on ignore. I had an issue with a (hopefully now former) mod in one the forums that got sunsetted last year, and had to report one of their replies to me that was way out of line and very hurtful. I mentioned that I could not ignore them because they were a mod. I'm still a bit pissed that I never received an apology from whichever mod received that report or from the old community manager. And as far as I could tell, nothing was done to the mod for that reply.
  8. Regular posters cannot see any warnings you have received. That is between you and the mods. The downside to this is that you will never know if a person you reported for whatever reason has gotten a warning. I have never had a mod reach out to follow up on any report that I have done.
  9. I know it's easy to say "don't feel bad" but I do mean it. I have found on other places on the internet that when a forum of any sort has been around for awhile you will find posters who think they are the owners and moderators. They will swoop in to "correct" posters who err in whatever way and police the tone. And sometimes the owner or moderator of that place will side with those posters, other times those posters are firmly handled. It really just depends on the forum.
  10. whispers sheepishly, I actually like that commercial. The kid is too calm for it to be an emergency, and they sound like they are old enough to 1. find a bandaid 2. apply said bandaid 3. clean up whatever mess. Also, that cat was comfortable and I remember with my kitties how long it took before they got all comfortable like that. I hated getting up once they were settled because that meant I would have to go through the whole rigmarole of kneading and shifting as soon as I sat back down.
  11. Nothing about this episode or the whole Maddie arc makes sense because the story only exists to service St. Olivia. The writers wanted certain beats to happen and forced the story to fit those beats. Whole plot points were discarded and logic went out the window. I still cringe at the idea that "the only witness" was the drug dealer from Pittsburgh who conveniently dies off screen in jail when you have the guy from Episode One who paid George to kidnap Maddie for him, and the guy George sold Maddie to in a later episode. What happened to those guys and the forensic accounting linking George to them? How did St. Olivia's detectives not notice the lock of Maddie's hair in that necklace he was wearing around his neck? Why when that was pointed out to them by Maddie did Carisi not secure that as evidence? I could go on about how badly this whole arc was written just to prop up St. Olivia.
  12. The Streisand Effect will be out in full force with this one. Those passages are available in other versions of the book, and will be shared on social media.
  13. Howard's tone was enough for me to never investigate further, so I had no idea that was a woman. Thanks. I didn't join here until 2016 after finding out about Previously.tv from somewhere. I thought it was on the TWOP boards, but could have been mistaken. I can't imagine I lurked here for 2 years before finally deciding to create an account, but maybe I did.
  14. The rules and enforcement of said rules on TWOP is why I only ever read the forums and never posted. I could never figure out what TWOPHoward meant by "boards on boards" only that he was everywhere saying it.
  15. Ew. I have yet to see that one. Native is not a brand of deodorant I would ever buy. I will not do "natural" deodorants. I live in the South and I glisten 6 months out of the year.
  16. Which means neither Proctor and Gamble nor Unilever were able to secure a deal to purchase Lume/Mando. So now we get 3 different companies shilling similar products. I'm sure there either is or will be a Dove for Men (TM) whole body deodorant as well.
  17. That was one thing I had no idea was going on until late last year. In a now sunsetted forum, there were accounts that were swooping in upvoting rather hateful comments and leaving some as well that were just odd. Accounts made back in 2014-2017ish that never posted anything and never reacted to anything before. It made no sense for accounts that were barely active to just show up out of nowhere. Mod alts is the only thing that makes sense. I also found out a couple of months ago that the old community manager's daughter was also a mod on here. If the mod that you crossed for whatever reason was her, then you had no recourse.
  18. Are we supposed to feel sympathy for Tom Ripley? I did not get the impression that the creators of this expect us to. Tom is a criminal, and we see that in the first episode. He's committing mail fraud before conning the senior Greenleafs for an all-expenses paid trip to Italy. And I'm not getting any "eat the rich" commentary out of the writing, directing or acting though I am not too concerned with Dickie's wellbeing. But, Dickie is a archetypical character that I normally despise, the rich dilettante. And I am finding Johnny Flynn to be an effective dilettante. Him being in his late 30s makes the character work. I don't find the actors and characters being older a minus here. Aging them up also gives insight into why Tom is as desperate as he is.
  19. I do have to defend James here as a librarian. Some of the titles with co-authors are part of on-going series where James did write the first few books. If the books were to be published under the co-author's name only, then they would get shelved by that author's last name, and we would end up with a series split on multiple shelves across the fiction section. It is easier for us and our patrons for all of the books to be in the James Patterson section. I know the cataloging software my library uses does link books in a series on the public facing part, but not all software does this. It would be hell for the library staff to have to keep a list of all the co-authors for each James Patterson series to help patrons find the next book. It isn't necessarily done because James Patterson is taking credit for books he didn't write, but for the ease of people finding the next book in a series. There are a lot of dead authors who's series still continue that are published under the dead author's name for the same reason. Stuart Woods, Vince Flynn, Clive Cussler, Robert B. Parker, Robert Jordan, J.R.R. Tolkien, Frank Herbert, etc.
  20. There was definitely some favoritism going on because I know of a couple of posters on their third account here, and others who disappeared after only one. You could also appeal some warning points. It just depended on what you supposedly did to warrant it, which forum it happened in, and which mod issued it.
  21. I thought Fin and Pheobe decided not to get married but did not break up.
  22. Implement a rule that there's no talking about work at home. Then arrange to never meet Benson.
  23. A down to earth millionaire who's easy on the eyes and has a busy job meaning my introverted ass would get many an evening to stay at home reading books, I'd hit that. My student loans would get paid off, we'd have enough to afford a maid if we continued to live modestly. I'm not really seeing a downside. Unless he wants kids.
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