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Everything posted by Westiepeach

  1. Well, there ya go being all logical and everything. YOU would do that; I would do that. Ree? Apparently not so much.
  2. Those. Fucking. Lashes. I think she just adds another coat of mascara every day without washing off today's coat of mascara.
  3. NotNurie always looks likes she is grimacing. Girlfriend has seen a lot I think. And Papa David is "growing" right out of his shirt!
  4. See, I looked it up on Urban Dictionary. You are completely correct. You will regret it.
  5. She would seriously die if “Best Hubby Evah” went out to lunch without her!
  6. Mr. Peach would have me committed if I ever posted anything like this! Sheesh... but then, I am an adult so I would never post anything like this.
  7. Does MeeChelle even know how to cook? Who is going to teach them? Their “dear” or “sweet” friends that brought over cream of crap based casseroles? MeeChelle probably never cooked a meal or cleaned a room in her life. We know she did laundry until she had her infamous Laundry Room Breakdown. Did she ever cook?
  8. Did she mention her sister the “concert pianist?” Hmmmm?
  9. Wait... what? She has boys? Why didn’t anybody tell me???
  10. And Jinger doesn’t cut it as an influencer in LA.
  11. I'm surprised the bridal grifting season has not yet begun. We need to have a "Pamper Mama Bridal Shower" so JillR can get her Kitchen Aid mixer. We all know any shower items that Nurie, you know... the BRIDE... receives... will be handed over to Mama.
  12. At first glance it looked like Izzy was wearing a dress over his jeans, with the way his t-shirt tapered at the waist.
  13. Nah. Never gonna happen. The baby train will continue on.
  14. See, I am so with you. I don't wish bad on anybody, but this family thinks they are so much better than all of us, I just want them to go down. There. I said it. They are not teflon, even if they think they are.
  15. I would happily cook for anybody that would clean my house...
  16. Happy Birthday to Mr. Sumi! We shall eat cake in his honor! 3 layer devils food with chocolate fudge between the layers, and frosted with cream cheese frosting, covered in grated chocolate. That ok?
  17. This year, Thanksgiving is going to be great! Just me, Husband, and puppy. Since I love to cook, and I am cooking up a storm for us. Turkey breast, sausage stuffing, bacon wrapped green beans, sweet potato pudding, cranberry sauce. Husband’s birthday is tomorrow, so we have birthday cake too! My only sister lives states away, but we are not close at all. I do have a brother-in-law that I am somewhat close with, but he is also in another state. We used to spend holidays with Husband’s father, sister, her SO, and one of her sons (the other two sons are estranged from her and have families of their own) but it was painful (I could fill several volumes with THOSE stories!) Since FIL passed away last year, we don’t spend holidays with Husband’s sister anymore (yay!) since we only went for Husband’s father. So now we get to have a stress free holiday!
  18. Quoting myself to correct myself. It’s JillR that hates public school and Christian school. Those poor kids were just parroting what Mama told them to say. They don’t know any different. 😢
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