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Everything posted by Westiepeach

  1. So throw a load of laundry in the washer and go back to your book! Problem solved!
  2. He’s not even pretending to go to classes!
  3. Oh come on! She stops and takes pictures and posts them on SM???? Give me a break. We have a new puppy and he is a handful and keeps us on our toes. If he pees on the floor (as all puppies do) believe me I am NOT going to take a picture of puppy and then of me! I am going to take him outside and then clean up the mess. And carry on. Sheesh. I can't even, with her.
  4. Wait, what? JD is a pilot? Why didn’t anybody tellllll meeee?
  5. They have no freakin’ idea just how much work a puppy entails. None. Please, please, please, NO PUPPIES please! 🙌🏻 For the puppy’s sake!
  6. I think the cake thing at her shower really shows that she is way over the edge. I wonder how Joy is dealing with all of this. She actually held her stillborn baby in her arms. I also know women who have had miscarriages. None of them... NONE OF THEM... ever had a cake for said miscarriage at their baby shower. Something is wrong with that girl.
  7. Well, they DID just come back from “deployment” so of course they needed to relax after all the stress they endured. Sheesh. (Sarcastic font used).
  8. And we ALWAYS have extra drinks and snacks in the Prayer Closet!
  9. And that is the kind of picture that should be kept private. Husband, close friends, whoever, could have access to it. Us? Virtual strangers? Nope. Keep it private. No one needs to see that.
  10. I'll cook for all of us! I have a newly remodeled kitchen!
  11. Westies don’t shed. Seriously, I have worn all black clothes, had one on my lap, and no white hairs on me. He is my third, and nobody has shed.
  12. Baby Puppy will end up to be about 17 pounds. No name yet. Still brainstorming!
  13. Here's the new baby! We will pick him up on Friday!
  14. So, great news to report. The Great Kitchen Remodel of 2019 is complete! It is GORGEOUS! And even better news, we are picking up new puppy next weekend! SQUEE!!!!
  15. Yeah, so they do think they are helping the Bohemians. So there is that. *eyeroll*
  16. Agreed. I didn’t think I could dislike any Duggar family members more than the obvious suspects. (I started listing them until I realized you all would know who I was talking about). These two have bypassed all of them. Stop it. Yes, you were in Malibu. And you were in Beverly Hills a few weeks ago. Goody for you. Nobody cares.
  17. Well, there you go, thinking all logical and everything. That is how 99.9% of us would do it. JillyMuffin needs to be with Derelict 24/7. So if she and those other 2 males (what are those names again?) were not with Derelict at all times, we all know Becky from the third row would just pounce...
  18. I wish I could like this post a million times. You nailed it!
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