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Everything posted by ReadMeLattice

  1. I know, right? @CaliforniaLove that was seriously amazing.
  2. Thank God she has so many Instagram MDs advising her.
  3. Yep! Briana is annoying as hell, but she, her sister, and her mom all work, and she worked while pregnant, which I respect. If he doesn't like her attitude he shouldn't have banged her raw at the club, then stupidly planned to be monogamous and live together, refused adoption, AND cheated, all while seemingly not really working. If Briana deserves what she got-- so does he, even more so possibly. I don't feel bad when Roxanne gets in his face even though it's irritating. I wish she would stop only because it clouds what he's really like and makes him appear to be a victim.
  4. Our service dog was tied up with his brothers and sisters outside a meth lab in rural Montana from birth to be "guard dogs". Someone from the humane society happened to see the dogs every day driving past and finally took them. They were so malnourished they couldn't stand, and finally ours did, followed by his siblings. He passed the initial testing and was trained for two years to be a service dog after that. The rest were put up for adoption. In my mind I like to fantasize that all the missing dogs on this show somehow met that fate. <3
  5. I'm surprised that their vows weren't "I do, dude" or "I do, babe"
  6. Can people make out what they're saying and share some of it? My hearing isn't always the best and I can barely hear the actual words, just yelling.
  7. Omg, the chubby newborn arms!!!!! I can't help it, I want to hug him.
  8. Yeah, I tend to agree. Corey I think was genuinely at least in lust/intense crush-mode with Leah, but that was 16&P so if we're talking about just the people who came on since the show started, Cole seems the most genuine. I don't know if I saw the 'love' others saw from Javi, but I definitely think he liked the idea of the happy family and didn't want to break it up, while she was very willing to do so. He never seemed particularly into Kailyn herself as an individual to me except at first in the infatuated stage. Which is something a lot of immature early 20 somethings do--rush in too quickly. He is addicted to the fame now, though, it seems. Some issues with his ego. For all of Kailyn's narcissism, he has a narcissistic/codependent side too. The 'savior' complex goes along with that.
  9. Also, doesn't THC stay in your system for a very, very long time? So isn't testing positive for it fairly meaningless in terms of legal proof of imminent danger? Also, I don't think marijuana alone is generally taken as a sign that the child needs to be removed. We are moving towards complete legalization in the U.S. and women drink while pregnant all the time (unfortunately), which is probably more dangerous. Overall, the marijuana thing is a sign that she's definitely lying about being sober, but probably was never going to result in much more than a visit from a social worker. It may have helped Barb but it wouldn't have made her case an automatic slam dunk.
  10. I agree. I've always thought Jenelle's body was cute, actually. (If anything it would be better if it wasn't, because she might not attract as many guys to start Swamp Land Families with!) But yeah, if every woman with a bit of a FUPA was pregnant we'd pretty much all be 'pregnant'...I don't know many women with completely flat stomachs. After 3 kids I think she actually looks really good. There are MANY things to snark on her about but throwing every woman with a thicker body under the bus (which I know people aren't meaning to do at all) to do it isn't it, IMHO. I get that people are mostly guessing that because she's pregnant like every 5 seconds, though.
  11. 100% agree. I won't feel bad for him at all anymore if he chooses to date Briana. True colors. If you're that much of a fame whore, sorry, I won't care anymore about your relationship problems. Personally, it might just be me, but I think Javi has a bit of a dark side. Jo seems to be "what you see is what you get." Kailyn lies a lot but her claim that Javi is different behind closed doors isn't one I necessarily totally disbelieve. It doesn't make it ok to act how she does, but I could believe that Javi, separate from her, does have some issues. I could be convinced he doesn't, but I could see it. & man, is it just me or do these people seem to go on a TON of vacations?
  12. "This treat for your feet thing is cute" *takes enormous hit from bong*
  13. The little sayings are very Pinteresty. The chalkboards and all that are common at weddings now. It's not my thing but it's popular among crafty DIY folks, which is so weird to see Jenelle imitating because we know she hates, like, moving her body? And people? And art? And work? All I want to know is who the hell picked all that out and made it because I'd be shocked if it was Jenelle. My husband planned our whole wedding because I suck at that stuff so yes I know it doesn't have to be the bride, but I sure as hell can't imagine David, the Alpha Man of All Men That Have Been, picking out anything except his alibi for when he goes to prison for his next violent crime.
  14. Omg I'm so sorry I totally didn't see the Vows Via Hashtag. I stand corrected.
  15. Briana is basic-looking and has a 'date for homecoming,' random girl from high school who thinks she's really hot vibe. Brittany looks more artsy and unique. The kind of guys that Briana gets are the kind that like mediocrity, because they are also equally mediocre. I think @BitterApple is onto something there too, though I don't know if it's just the sex (though that's totally part of it)--Briana whines and cries a lot to her friends but she's not going to ever actually demand that much from a guy. Brittany would. Maybe overly abrasively, but she would actually take the guy to court for CS or actually demand that he help with a kid, work, etc. Briana plays like she's like her sister (tough girl) but she's really more like her mom....all bark, no bite.
  16. Yes, it looks hastily done. I guess I just mean I've been to other similarly not-professionally-planned weddings and they weren't perfect, the kids weren't well styled or whatever, the sound wasn't great, the dress wasn't perfectly tailored, there were Lay's chips on the table instead of artisanal this and that, maybe it was even tacky, but it was still somehow endearing because they weren't trying too hard and they were really in love and committed. It's just weird because this looks like a wedding of two people who don't have a lot of money and aren't trying to make it perfect, but D&J are treating it like it was the special event of the century and Jenelle is acting like it's a red-carpet-worthy, paparazzi-are-clamoring-to-attend event. Also, they hate each other and are going to divorce in 2 seconds, so it's this bizarre mix of vibes that adds up to the Uncanny Valley (y'all, look it up if you haven't heard of it and are curious because IT IS JENELLE EXACTLY) that is Jenelle and her life. They're going for this down home wholesome vibe and they're actually at each other's throats on the daily and getting CPS visits. I don't know how to describe how I feel when I look at these photos. It's just WEIRD. Can you imagine Jenelle saying anything like 'a little treat for your dancing feet?' SHE HATES EVERYTHING. SHE DOES NOT WANT ANYONE TO HAVE TREATS FOR THEIR FEET.
  17. I think it looks cute, but I like weddings that look backyardy and somewhat casual rather than churchy or formal. It actually makes me a little ill because I thought some of the things she was posting were cute or pretty, but I know the sinister truth behind it and it makes it all really creepy and sad. :( Also yes, the boys' outfits don't look good. Jace's suit def does not fit. I like the archway though.
  18. To be fair, my husband was a lawyer before he started teaching, and his stance was that public defense attorneys often get the short end of the stick as they are often underpaid for the quality work they do and aren't given enough time to research a case. I don't think the poster meant it as an insult on the attorneys' qualifications (I personally have a great deal of respect for public defenders), just that people with fewer resources generally have to work with folks who don't have ample time to commit only to them, and other folks have the luxury to pay for more dedicated time. But I might be putting words in the poster's mouth, so YMMV. Anyway, as @lezlers said, and others have said-- Jenelle is definitely not considered dangerous enough to not warrant *any* visitation. You can't start taking away kids based on mothers' ingestion of weed or alcohol while pregnant...half the kids in the country would be taken away. She hasn't been arrested in a while-- the fathers of her kids have both (not even counting Andrew as a dad) been arrested more recently, so she would actually potentially be considered the "safer" parent compared to them, and over Barb she has the biological advantage, which counts for a great deal. Plus, court can sometimes be a wild card. There is always a chance it won't go your way. I'm sure Barb was nervous as hell no matter how strong her case was. Also, this is jmo, but I assume Barb really didn't want to put Jenelle through more embarrassment and hell than necessary. As she said, she only wanted mediation. Barb might not be pure of heart and perfect and she can be volatile, but she didn't want to hurt Jenelle if she didn't have to. Trotting out all of Jenelle's flaws and parading them around is not something I assume she, at heart, really wanted to do. That's honestly what I took from it...that at the end of the day she really didn't want to be in court with her daughter.
  19. It reminds me of Adam's friends in scenes where they would be bitching about Chelsea and Taylor. Like, you hang out with him every day while he's deadbeating around town, right? You really think they have no real complaints to make...? Where does one get these kinds of friends?
  20. Aubree is a sturdy, cute little girl. I think she's perfectly healthy. I hope all that Chelsea stuff was staged though, because not being more on top of the Adam situation right away is ridiculously irresponsible. Taylor seems to be much more on top of it and has been for a while.
  21. 100 percent agree. It's not setting a good example. Jeremy very much adheres to the 'guy as provider and occasionally seeing the children, woman as constant caretaker and homemaker' model, and that's fine if you agree to it and are together, but even if you are still working, you HAVE to set up something else and attempt consistency if you divorce and are no longer a traditional family unit.
  22. It's a shame she's not wearing Tierra Reign. That would be Much Klassier.
  23. Imagine what someone with interests or ambition could have done with what each of these girls have gotten from MTV.
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