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Everything posted by ReadMeLattice

  1. That's because under the glitter and spray tan, he's nothing but a coward. He would never risk losing a fight. That's the scariest part of all of this. Maryssa's mom has no custody of her daughter and Nathan has no custody of either of his children. SO WHAT WE ARE SEEING WAS THE COURT'S ATTEMPT TO MAKE IT BETTER. As in, there are 5 adults who made Maryssa, Kaiser, and Nathan's daughter....and Jenelle and David were the least obviously/provably dangerous out of the 5. And I'm pretty sure what we saw was horror film-worthy. These. Children. Have. No. Hope.
  2. This is true, at least Jace has Barb and Kaiser has Doris. Maryssa and Ensley might be the worst off of all of them. :(
  3. Yes. I don't personally take pleasure in any abuse or ever think it's funny or deserved. Jenelle is clearly being abused and is also an abuser. Neither fact gives me any pleasure, and not just because of the innocent children involved. The whole situation is sick.
  4. Maybe. He was/is a deadbeat dad to his daughter and I don't know if he already had PTSD/the TBI when he had her. Either way he's basically just a violent criminal now, but my personal opinion is he always would have been a tool. The way he talks to his mom, getting banned from the gym because he takes secret body shaming pictures of people, etc., are not because of PTSD. I guess you could argue the steroid use and alcoholism are, but I doubt he would have been a great guy otherwise. Maybe not quite as bad though. It's one of those things we'll never know because his mom isn't likely to go, "Oh, I mean, the PTSD made it a lot worse but he was always a total douche." lol! I found that pretty alarming too. Went from 0 to 60 pretty quickly IMHO.
  5. Also, Kail and Javi do realize that some people actually *need* child support or PFAs, right? They aren't things to file and not follow through on because you want to stick it to your ex. It really doesn't help anyone to contribute to the stereotype that people just file those things for revenge.
  6. Yes, they really do. I'd whine too if I was forever pushed into tagging along to activities I couldn't participate in. They should have separate plans for the girls or at the very least teach both of them to wait while Ali does an activity she's interested in that doesn't require a ton of physicality, and while Gracie does cheer or whatever other activity with the understanding that Ali cannot. Instead they just bring them both along and sort of try to get Ali to halfway participate in an activity she shouldn't be doing anyway, then leave when she's understandably frustrated. It's not fair to either of them.
  7. He has two felony charges pending. And he's too busy with his glitter spray tan bodybuilding contests and hoing around. And yes, as @GreatKazu said, even his mother admits he's not a fit parent-- she probably knows he is still using whatever substances he uses. Kaiser has no hope besides Barb or Nate's mom.
  8. "threatens Kailyn's vacation" oh my god.
  9. This might be off topic but in the case of that girl, I actually feel really bad for her. She's only 13 or so and has an adult boyfriend, which is statutory rape and no one is trying to stop it. Her mother has encouraged the behavior and even got her an agent and a manager to appear as the "Cash me Outside" character on various shows, and her father is trying to get custody of her and the mom is fighting it because she herself makes so much money off of her antics. The mom has even participated in some of the videos and had physical fights on camera. She's 13 and has zero guidance. I compare that to the MTV girls and don't see the same thing. For one thing, she's only in middle school and deserves the protection of the adults in her life. The TM girls range from, what, 22 to 26 or something? Yet they still act like MTV is "exploiting" them. They are stuck forever in child mode, except for maybe Chelsea. I don't know what drove that in all of them but the laziness and lack of accountability is common to nearly all of them, well into their 20s. I keep waiting for any of them to grow up.
  10. Featuring a LOT of tweeting!
  11. I definitely agree. Kailyn shows a great deal of love and affection to her sons. She is awful in romantic relationships and fucks them up terribly. But her sons are obviously close to her and benefit from time with her. They communicate well and seem happy in her presence. Jenelle's children are demonstrably neglected and don't have any real relationship with her. I think that says a lot. When people call Kail a "sociopath" that's why I think that's too much. Jenelle also has absolutely no friends, while Kailyn has always had them, and in fact, prioritized them over her partners. If anything, I think Kailyn is one of those people who should stay single. I know she won't, but it would solve most of her issues if she just had protected sex with a hookup once in a while or stayed entirely alone until she's done a TON of therapy. Unfortunately she is not introspective and she is highly selfish and impulsive, so she likely will not decide that on her own. Jenelle, meanwhile, should not have children or a relationship.
  12. The MTV producers must be running their hands together with glee right now.
  13. I totally get this, but honestly...Lots of things screw up people's heads...absentee parents, rape, abuse, addiction...none of it excuses the perpetration of the kind of abuse Nathan has doled out. As a veteran he has more mental health resources than many others, and knows it, and doesn't want help. I doubt his years-ago military service helps his victims sleep better at night.
  14. Seriously. That shit stressed me OUT. Yes! I couldn't believe this. Weddings are cray these days.
  15. "we have to give the people what they want?" Then how about going away?! Omg STFU Javi. I'm beginning to think his ego is as big as Kail's. Maybe they were a better match than I thought.
  16. We had "Being Matt" and "Being Nathan," so I don't think general worthlessness affects your ability to get a "Being" special.
  17. The plastic surgery has definitely worsened her looks too. She was never super beautiful or anything but she could definitely be attractive. Trying to plant an hourglass/pear-shaped figure OVER a stocky statuesque one is a terrible idea.
  18. He should have quit while he was ahead. Everyone was/is (rightfully) on his side. The more he acts out, the more that's likely to change. I understand the impetus to capitalize on TM fame especially since he has a child, but just shill anti-bloat tea like everybody else or something.
  19. Maybe I'm stupid but how could she actually have put a stop to it? Just threatening to sue? She wouldn't have won. Maybe there's some way I don't know about though. I'm cynical and think this was a way for both of them to make even more money on it, or the publishers' idea to get more customers because she is more famous than he is.
  20. Um...so they are releasing books TOGETHER now? I'm liking Javi less and less as time goes on.
  21. All I know is, there was that book out about why French women don't get fat a few years back and I definitely got fat in France. Of course, French women might not eat chocolate croissants and gelato *every day.* I did. And a LOT of cheese.
  22. That's a good point. I do remember him seeming really jealous and emotionally manipulative at first, and both of them seeming trashy, so at that time they seemed more evenly matched. He slowly matured and she just went hugely, radically off the rails and I remember being shocked. And yes, mostly what I remember is her just seeming SO young, so you don't expect much. I also never knew until later that she was so consistently high.
  23. I'll add to my previous comment about Kail that I really only started getting super annoyed about the degree stuff when she began comparing herself to the other girls. A bachelor's degree might seem like a small thing to some but it's still an accomplishment and she might have been the first one in her family to get one. So fine, feel proud of your accomplishment, it was braggy but I could deal. But to start putting down the other girls to build yourself up, and make sure that you're on a pedestal above them...yeah, no. That is tasteless and so gross. Once you do that, it doesn't have anything to do with a degree. It's just boring old female competition.
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