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Everything posted by RHJunkie

  1. *sigh* As I suspected. It seemed like that was the direction it was going in right from the very start. In the previews you hear Kyle mentioned to LVP 'well there's a consensus' and it leads me to believe that has been the issue from the start. Everyone jumped on one narrative and decided due to consensus it was the truth and is expecting that many and loud voices will be enough to earn admissions from LVP and convince viewers of what they're selling. I say time and time again, if you're going to make very targeted accusations that suggest someone's intent and malicious delivery, you better come with receipts. Of course Rinna is telling people to move on - from social media to viewer questions on WWHL and who knows what will come up at the reunion, it doesn't seem like as many viewers are on their side as they had hoped. We spent weeks hearing Teddi, Erika and Kyle tell viewers to be patient and that all will be revealed and now here we are with no more receipts to come and nothing to prove to concretely prove any of the accusations they've brought forth.
  2. I don't follow them on social media so I can't say that no one says nasty things about North, but just based on the examples cited in that article, it seems like the author is conflating two different situations and apparently not smart enough to realize it. Trashing North and criticizing her mother who is making the decisions for her young child are two different things. All of the examples were critiques of Kim's parenting. You can argue that it's hash and people should mind their business, but at least that's a fair and reasonable argument to make. Writing an 'article' and citing examples for things that are nothing to do with the point you're attempting to make is just embarrassing.
  3. I will never forget her cooking lesson with Adrienne and when she instructed Adrienne to wash the chicken, Adrienne asked 'do I use soap?'. That shit was hilarious. I would easily take the amusement of watching wealthy people try to do really mundane things that the average person does with ease than to see this manufactured drama, lol.
  4. I actually loved the scene of LVP and Ken shopping for a kitchen. No matter how much money you have, that scene was so relatable and I've seen a version of that in real life so many times, haha. I really like Denise. I say this every week but every week she doesn't let me down. She talks about Charlie a lot but I don't get the impression she does it as a way to hold on to relevancy. I think she realizes what a shit show it was being associated with him and I think she's trying to lean into it and find humour in it rather than throw herself a pity party or pretend like that part of her life didn't exist. They have a child together so, at the very least, I can see why she would still invite him to events where their daughter will be. Why were Camille and Teddi the only ones who showed up dressed for a wedding? LVP's outfit was more Kentucky derby but I guess it's passable for a garden style wedding but the others were in clear WTF territory. It's really disingenuous that the people who constantly say they don't want to talk about puppy gate are the only ones that bring it up...constantly. What do you mean Lisa and her team were the only ones that knew the breed of the dog? What about the good family you gave it to? Or the random shelter the dog ended up at? Or the fact that there were public posts about the dog (like it being in your basement)? Dorit and PK jumped way too quickly to accuse. Why not have a discussion with LVP first? I've believed that LVP encourages things behind the scenes but any and all accusations about selling stories to the press have been denounced by these publications which is more proof than anyone else has provided to suggest that she did sell stories. Is Kyle holding on to something that she doesn't want to bring ti light as proof of LVP selling stories? Otherwise, why entertain the comment made by someone when LVP's name was vindicated from previous accusations of selling stories to the press? We'll see how it unfolds next week but it seems like Kyle is going to Kyle by throwing out an accusation that fits her narrative and insists that it's the truth and that LVP should just fess up to it. If my 'friend' did that, I would tell her to get the hell out of my house too. On the bright side, it seems like next week or next will be the last week of LVP so I guess puppygate won't run its course for much longer after that.
  5. There's a 50% chance you get an R. Kelly reaction where Lala victimizes herself to distract from being called out as a huge ass phony and there's a 50% chance that she'll distract from answering the question by doing her best thug life impersonation on you and hope she's scared you into silence.
  6. Thanks for providing a link. I guess she had already signed her contract before making that request. It's understandable why she would request leave from RH and not VPR - in VPR, she calls the shots and she's not embroiled in the drama though she may facilitate it at times.
  7. I saw the special on Lu after her divorce with Tom and they took you through her life from childhood to present. She's had a lot of adventures and you wonder how she managed to find herself in the right place, right time so often. There's an element of survival to Lu...we've seen her knocked down quite a few times on this show alone and she somehow perseveres and each time, you think getting knocked down would teach her some humility (and it does, but it doesn't seem to last very long). When Lu manages to pick herself back up, it's like she needs to constantly remind the world, maybe out of fear that she'll be remembered for the bad stuff...but she just becomes memorable for how unbearable she acts at times. Act like you've been there before Lu.
  8. You're better than me. I want her to cross the wrong one and get dragged. She's shoved someone and aggressively pointing her finger right up in someone's face, her fake ass needs to be humbled. Maybe I've noticed it so much this season because she's spent so much of it being mad and aggressive but I've become so unnerved by her behaviour because I've felt the same thing about her behaviour - she's appropriating her idea of what black culture is in an effort to intimidate and she attaches adjectives like thug and hood as if she's trying to make herself look like this cool ass black chick in a white woman's body. It's been disgusting to watch.
  9. I was thoroughly amused by the Toms on the bike – I just kept thinking I was watching a scene from Dumb and Dumber, haha. Brittany, how hard is it for you to abstain from alcohol? I get voluntarily abstaining while your friends are all drinking and having fun and especially while being on vacation but be difficult she was medically instructed to avoid it. It’s side-eye worthy that a 1-2 week cleanse was so hard that she didn’t even try to abstain. Lala is a liar, fake thug and absolutely using her grief as an excuse for acting like a garbage human being. If you can acknowledge your behaviour is due to grief, then it’s up to you to find appropriate ways to manage those emotions properly. You don’t get to use people as punching bags and then use your father’s death as an excuse for you not being yourself. Raquel is not her friend that it makes any sense why she would want to put up with Lala’s behaviour and she shouldn’t have to. And Lala wanting Scheana to lie for her…maybe that would make sense if there wasn’t actual footage of her stupidity. It would serve no purpose for Scheana to lie in the short-term only to be found out long-term and potentially damage the trust her employer has in her to be fair and honest with them when they ask her about what’s happening around the restaurant. If Katie was upset that she wouldn’t be able to hang out with Schwartz on the flight, then why did she ask to trade spots with him? She’s such an angry, entitled person. I understand that it’s hard to not see your partner during a huge change in their life (and yours too) but I have no sympathy for Katie when it was just a few seasons ago that she was insulting Schwartz about his lack of commitment and professional aspirations. Now that he’s found something that he’s passionate and excited about and requires a lot of time to make happen, she’s making him feel bad as though it’s entirely his job to figure out their relationship. Why can’t Katie come with ideas or make plans? Why can’t she stay up a little late so then they can hang out when he comes home or get up early before he goes to the gym and have breakfast together or do gym and breakfast together? She wants everyone to figure out everything for her. Other than filming and doing mandatory shifts at Sur, what the hell is she doing with her time? She’s certainly not working actively on her blog. For all her talk about Schwartz being lazy, Katie is lazy AF. Schwartz also handled the situation extremely poorly. It’s disconcerting that their arguments also dissolve into a playground pissing match. They do not know how to communicate and it seems they tried to convince themselves that trying to avoid arguments is the best solution to their poor communication. Random thoughts: Ariana looked really pretty at the Tom Tom opening. Does Carter do anything besides lounge on Kristen’s couch? Does James know what ‘absolutely no drinks’ means? Does he think 1 or 2 is so negligible that it’s practically 0?
  10. Your making judgements about things that none of us can know for certain, and in some cases, you're making judgements about things that can actually be disputed. You talk about Eva causing trauma to her daughter when her ex has done and said things that will have a much lasting impact on Marley once she's old enough to see his behaviour and the things he's said about her. You're talking about her finances for the wedding - she has full custody of her daughter, she does not need money to fight something in court which she already has. You talk about the instability of different homes and schools for Marley - what do you know to suggest that Marley is hopping from school to school? It seems unlikely that would be the case because a child has to go to the school within their school distract of their official address. Anything other than a dire circumstances would there be an exception to that. So you don't know that Marley has no stability with her school to make that claim. You have little insight into Marley's state of well-being to suggest that she's not a well-adjust girl because she's living in different homes. People aren't cookie cutter. Maybe the stability of being with her mother is the constant that keeps her well adjusted, regardless of what home she's in on any given day. Michael has been in Marley's life from the time he began dating Eva. They were living together before marriage and given that Eva has had full custody of Marley, it would seem that Michael and Marley have spent plenty of time together.
  11. If your concern is about the daughter, then be concerned that keeping her in the lives of his extended family may put her in danger and within arms reach of an abusive man who is biological father. With all due respects, you posts seems more judgemental of Eva than it does caring about Marley. The man publicly disowned his daughter. Said Marley was dead to him and that he was erasing all memories of her and would no longer participate in a joke of a child program (aka pay child support). He threatened Michael to meet him in private. Eva has NEVER addressed and given light to the despicable things Michael said concerning Marley. With a biological father like that, I'm pretty sure when Marley grows of age and is more in tuned with what happened between her parents, there's likely nothing that her mother has said or done that would be near as gut wrenching than what her father said about her. This isn't on Eva. She has every right to protect her daughter the best way she knows and none of us have lived her life with her ex to decide whether the extent she is going is excessive or not. If she has a legally binding restraining order against him, she must have some kind of lawful position to have been granted that. Her ex isn't gagged. He's been dragging her publicly and making comments about Marley on his social media.
  12. Marlo is such garbage. She took something and without verifying, brought it on camera. Also, Eva's 'friend' is also trash. You don't do that shit to your friend. What a waste to have someone like that on such a special day in your life. Now their ugly ass soul is going to be in so many of your wedding pictures and your wedding video. Eva constantly moving because of her ex seems extreme but if she's got a restraining order against the man then her reasoning for moving doesn't sound so crazy. Also, her story becomes more believable considering that Tanya offered up that information about her house situation which happened before this whole thing with the bridesmaid blew up (at least that's the impression I got). If she doesn't want her ex to find out where she lives and she has a history of constantly moving AND she's got a restraining order against the guy, it makes sense why the home she films in as hers wouldn't actually be her formal address. I've said it several times, I get that it must be hard caring for someone who is sick and it's understandable that you're going to deal with the grumpiness and the negativity more than the average person who isn't around but it seems almost calculating by Nene that is maximizing her platform on this show to paint Greg in a negative light. She was so unbothered by him broaching the subject of how much the process has made him into someone he doesn't even recognize, she quickly turned around and made it about her. It seems that the most difficult transition for Nene in this process is having to do the things that Greg would have otherwise done for her. We haven't seen her be a physical caretaker to him. She's hiring people to cook for him, she's only going as far as the hospital doors to drop him off to handle a medical procedure on his own, she's still going away on trips, etc. Not to say that Nene has to be a nurse to him 24/7 but the physical component of taking are of a sick person is what breeds stress in all aspects for the caretaker (physical, emotional, psychological) and with the way Nene talks, it just seems intentionally misleading with respect to the degree of involvement she has. I love, love, LOVE that we see these women eat on this show. I say it a lot but every time I see them genuinely loving on food, it makes me laugh at how poorly they would adjust to hanging out with the Beverly Hills women who seem to get into a full blown fight and walking away from the table before dinner even arrives, lol. I'm sorry, did Nene take Eva's thing and make it about herself? Why hadn't she already told Eva about what she heard? Nene gonna pull that bullshit tears and 'I need you with me' crap next week again? Thank God next week is the season finale. I've just been waiting for the reunion, lol.
  13. So the whole thing about the basement and little light (which is typical of basements) is true and can be corroborated by a now deleted video posted by PK?...so what Teddi was told seems to have been the truth that she is choosing to disregard as a lie because she's more pissed that LVP allegedly set her up to out Dorit on her own than she is about how Dorit and PK may have actually treated the dog.
  14. I'm in the same group where I haven't heard anything beyond this forum that suggested that LVP asked for the season off before filming started. To my knowledge, she asked for the time off after filming started. I was under the impression that she had simply stopped showing up for filming to which I had agreed with a previous quote posted here by Rinna where she was pissed that LVP just took off just like that without saying anything. But then reading more, it seems LVP informed production and I guess got their blessing but she hadn't informed anyone on the cast that she wouldn't be showing up for the rest of the season. Rinna was very disappointed that LVP didn't contact them personally to tell them, because she said they all wish her well. LOL.
  15. Wouldn't be surprised if Kris Jenner's people manufactured this and send it to the press to be released. Make it seem like Tristian is desperate for a second chance, Khloe is being contemplative because her love was genuine and more importantly, she's a good mother that is willing to put True first even at her own expense, but in the end, we'll see (will likely be conveniently during filming) Khloe will have an epiphany and choose herself and her daughter, teaching women and young girls out there that even when it's hard, don't ever let people take advantage of you, disrespect you and make you feel less than you're worth because more important than sticking around in a relationship for the sake of a child, you walk away and serve as an example to your child. I can see redemption story coming.
  16. I think filming the last Challenge together, they got into an argument in the house to which Amanda said something to the effect 'I hope your horse dies'.
  17. Well said. I thought his speak on his religious beliefs was two-fold. It set the tone for how his religion has informed his own personal values and he said, his religion does not hold a monopoly on those beliefs and the values it has instilled in him AND I felt he used the conversation to raise the argument that it's a fallacy that Republicans are the party of religious values and that Democrats should embrace spiritual values of religion as it relates to their proposed policies. I actually thought it was quite a brilliant comment to point out that Pence's religiousness seems concentrated in what his religion teaches him about sexuality while Mayor Pete and other Democrats are proposing ideas that concentrate on values founded in religion as well (taking care of the poor, finding sensible ways to stem greed and corruption from the wealthy so that opportunities stolen from the middle and lower class can be re-introduce to these societies, etc.). He seems incredibly thoughtful and genuine. Maybe being from the middle of the country (like actually, middle of the country) may help serve as a greater benefit to him than the discrimination out there because he is an openly gay man.
  18. I didn't mind Jenna's vote. Amanda and Josh are not the biggest competition in the game but this plays right into what Jenna's game has always been - stay under the radar. With Zach out of the house, she can't be used as collateral so she can afford to use personal reasons to vote in Amanda and doesn't have to worry about anyone in the house coming after her for it. Dee instructing Wes not to laugh had me going, haha. I was disappointed that Wes didn't target a Brit but at the same time, they're still devils that the vets still haven't totally figured out. I don't mind if they buy themselves a little more time to plan their next move but they have to pull the trigger at some point or risk their entire game. I would have definitely called it a cowards way out if we were talking about the same exact players, playing the exact same game they do every year. I just can't help but be entertained by Bear and I think it's because it's actually refreshing to see someone on this show who is a shit disturber and truly embraces the role. He's completely transparent about it even though he knows it puts a target on his back but he's such a cocky SOB he probably thinks being a target isn't a big deal because he can beat anyone. To be fair, after he gave up on Day in that one challenge, I really underestimated him as a competitor but he's held his own in two challenges so far to fight off elimination and to win power in the house. Maybe it's easy for me because I don't know Ninja's resume but girl can fuck the hell right off. Hope she walks away with nothing. Bear's reasoning made perfect sense and that's a target they put on their own backs by winning so many challenges. I feel bad that it exposes Day's game but also, Paulie is a garbage human being and as much as I enjoy Day, I have no respect for her friendship with someone like Paulie. So go on Bear, target away.
  19. Ramona is a piece of work. It's like her foot lives in her mouth...it should fucking pay rent. She has some audacity to call other people bitches when some of the most nasty, inconsiderate things that have been said on this show have come out of her mouth. Lu was being a snarky bitch...but Ramona went around giving detailed second-hand accounts of Lu being publicly intoxicated and even when confronted by someone who was there that was able to discredit at least one story, she didn't apologize or acknowledge the gossip she was spreading, she quickly went into defending why she said it. Then her comment about Dennis. Sonja spoke so much truth (and her facial reactions were on point) when it came to Ramona, lol. Also, didn't Barbara say to take food for Dorinda? It looks liked Ramona and Sonja were also fixing plates for themselves to go. You only needed one lobster! Tinsley can be annoying, but at the heart of it, she seems like a kind person who is more about fun than drama. I don't think she's a malicious person and I felt bad for how snappy Lu was with her because she was already uncomfortable about leaving so quickly and then being urged to take food with her...Lu directing her snark toward her was uncalled for. I wish Tinsley had been more assertive in standing up to Lu. Not gonna lie, I laughed out loud at Bethenny's imitation of Ramona by the pool, lol. How emotionally stunted do two people have to be to have a multiple decade friendship halted because neither side is willing to acknowledge that they hurt each other? Intent and result are not mutually exclusive. Dorinda and Lu both want their feelings validated without offering the olive branch the other way. Just shut up with this shit already. I'll always give credit to any HW for using their platform on the show to highlight charities and important causes to them. Not everything is about shilling out their latest product and given how much product placement Bethenny does on this show, I'm glad she's mixing in some charitable footage as well. It was really sweet of Dennis to buy a ring for Bryn and include her in the moment.
  20. I'm going to take exception to this comment for the fact that psychological grooming is a very real and serious tactic that certainly takes more than some months of filming and occasional conversation with someone. And I think it's a very baseless and dangerous accusation to throw out there for the sake of absolving Teddi of her behaviour simply because you don't like LVP and her behaviour. The relationship between LVP and Teddi or anyone else for that matter is not grooming, not even close. Grooming involves targeting, instilling the belief that you can only trust and rely on that one person, forcing isolation and dependency and control. People who are groomed are unaware that they are groomed and they carry an intense level of loyalty to the person that has groomed them. Teddi flipped like a light swtich. At the end of the day, this is a reality show of women who all have varying levels of bad qualities about them and some redeemable qualities about them - none of these women are worth of any kind of defense that diminishes the realities and severity of real grooming experiences that go on in this world and cause genuine harm to people.
  21. Nothing Teddi is providing thus far is direct proof of LVP orchestrating things. She has no direct proof of anything actually (so far) though I am inclined to believe from the texts (and even without the texts) that LVP was at least aware of what was being said behind the scenes because this is truly what LVP's signature is. It's not "manipulation", it's her need to deny at all costs even when her admissions are far less offensive than what others have said or done but her denials are what often allows the focus to be shifted to what LVP did or didn't say behind the scenes versus what some idiot ACTUALLY said in front of the cameras. She hands them a pass each time but pulling her stupid 'I don't know what you're talking about'. It's the one thing that none of them have outwardly been able to prove but it's one thing that you can see on several occasions throughout the years that has flustered LVP and at times has caused her to change the timelines in her narrative - all because she wants to act like she didn't know something until the very moment someone else said it on camera. And why is Teddi getting credit for being honest when she intentionally omitted information that revealed the true extent of her involvement (and then claimed she did it to protect Dorit, LMFAO) after she was confronted with indisputable proof? Given the narrative Teddi first began with, I have no reason to believe that Teddi would have provided the honest truth about her role if she hadn't been caught red-handed with her own texts. Meanwhile, she claims that none of this situation would have happened without LVP's orders. Is LVP a fucking mob boss or something? Is this an example of what accountability is out there in Beverly Hills? None of this would have happened if Teddi hadn't agreed to whatever she agreed to with whoever the fuck she agreed to it with. THOSE ARE FACTS. Teddi is claiming manipulation because it distracts from her involvement and to an extent absolves her from it. Using second-hand information and filling in the blanks with assertions is not proof of anything. Erika and Rinna can kick rocks. They decided the outcome without all the information so I'm not inclined to believe there's much reason behind what either of them says. Camille was fair in both acknowledging the way LVP encourages behaviour but will leave you out to dry when it blows up in your face so as to keep her hands clean but at the same time, she called Dorit's fakeness as well. And unless I missed the part where Camille was fawning over Dorit to her face only to say behind her back that she doesn't find her authentic, I'm missing the 'flip-flopping' that Rinna is suggesting. Camille is being Hollywood nice the same way Rinna was exchanging air kisses with Dorit while sitting on the accusation that she does cocaine. Or the way she exchanges pleasantries with Lisa and saying she wishes her well when she's actively participating in taking her down and doing so with a grin on her face. Or the way she pretends to be concerned for Kim Richards while she talks about her being near death. Can we keep Denise and Camille and just get rid of the rest? LVP can be a friend who only provides house tours for the camera and nothing else.
  22. Given that we haven't heard of incidents with the audience between takes and given that we don't hear the audience being disrespectful to any of the women regardless of how popular their views may be, is it safe to assume that Meghan 'thick skinned' McCain describes the audience as hostile simply because they rarely applaud her talking points? Is a lack of applause what we consider 'hostile' nowadays? LOL.
  23. I assume that Whoopi and the show are being responsible and have ensured that whatever remaining remnants of sickness Whoopi is dealing with is not viral and easily transmitted to others because Abby's health during her pregnancy should be a higher priority than Whoopi being bored and needing to get out of the house. Though it's still gross to be close by to someone with a nasty cough even if not contagious.
  24. We'll have to wait and see the context of Kandi's comments but my initial reaction was that the quick move had to do with just having a big wedding that she openly spoke about being over budget for. If Eva is downsizing, then I can't think of what reasonable context Kandi would have to make that comment...but if she's upsizing her space, then I can see how that would look odd after complaining about her finances after a wedding.
  25. There's a lot to complain about when it comes to Billie and Racquel but how they handled Lala is not one of those things. Lala instigated conversations with both women and went off the rails with both them. I don't know when and where Lala heard of what Racquel said but she isn't wrong, grief is not a hall pass for nasty behaviour and it doesn't mean that you can erase it from your ledger and pretend you didn't do or say stupid shit. Lala is the anthesis of everything she claims she stands for, especially when angry, she goes for the jugular (sounds like James, doesn't it Lala?). She was absolutely out of line with Billie and Racquel and it should be addressed. Also, you can put on a JLo inspired dress but you ain't no JLo so. James handled himself well confronting Lala but I thought it was funny when he volunteered to not go to the Tom Tom opening...it seemed obvious he was hoping Lisa would tell him that he should come. I hope he figures his shit out because there's no reason that the world should be subjected to his cocky idiocy. Like the rest of them, there are flickers of good quality set in a damaged qualities. He's not hopeless but he needs a lot of work. Scheana is always doing the most. She's trying to be the cool chick that's just going with the flow with a guy who doesn't want to officially commit to a relationship so she's convinced herself that she doesn't want one either. Seeing Sandoval brag about his bar and entrance to someone who couldn't care less about him and what his plans are was great to see, lol.
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