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Everything posted by RHJunkie

  1. Ohhh, that makes sense then if you're doing it with cash...keeps things simple. My friends and I never carry cash which is probably why this sounded so foreign to me, lol. Joy said that she likes splitting a bill with a man when they go out together to eat. It's possible that Ana or Sunny could have offered to just cover Joy's soup and she declined to accept...but I feel like that if that had happened, Sunny is the type that I think would have mentioned it.
  2. That doesn't make sense considering his own hand-picked person summarized the report as saying that it did not contain proof of collusion but it also did not fully exonerate the President of accusations brought forth. She has said many times that she loves politics because there are winners and losers. She said just this week that Democrats can try to be the party of purity while the Republicans can be the party of winners. She has on many occasions promoted the notion of politics as being winning by any means necessary and that is exactly what's wrong with politics and it's the furthest thing from taking the high road. It's the exact opposite of the high road to condone or even encourage winning for power and influence as being more important than how you actually get there. Point being, Meghan has said and done a lot to prove that she doesn't care so much about the high road when it comes to 'winning'. It's sad actually because I'm sure there are so many people that enter politics in hopes to make positive changes for the underprivileged and they get sucked into the game of power. You either sell your soul and adapt or you have to pack your bags and go home. It seems like those are the only two options for the large majority of politicians out there who enter the world with good intentions.
  3. He also tried to manipulate Eva back into his life by publicly claiming that he was so mentally unstable that he would hurt someone and something to the effect of 'now you wouldn't want me to hurt someone, would you?'. He's psychotic and should be seeking help. And I think he's used his daughter as a means to control Eva and get her back in his life with the 'I'm the father of your child' routine. Seeing Marley happy with Michael ruins that fantasy because it's proof that Marley can find a father figure elsewhere and Eva getting pregnant with another man's child is proof that she has moved on far beyond any hope of reconciliation.
  4. But she's also friends with Paulie and has a loyalty to him so being surrounded by horrible people isn't always just bad luck for her, lol. What really gets me about Jozea is that he acts like you're not allowed to talk about anyone, do anything or say anything unless he or his mean girlfriends find it acceptable meanwhile they're talking all the shit they want and doing whatever they want while cackling behind people's back and thinking they're so cool for it. A vile and nasty person is always drawn to other vile people who they can be their normal selves around. It's the people who see who they are and call them out on it that become their enemies. I would consider it a compliment to not be liked by him, lol.
  5. They definitely need marriage counseling. Most certainly need it. They don't know how to communicate with one another and they don't seem that affectionate with one another either. All of the things that you said Schwartz should have done is nothing we've seen Katie do with him either. The problem between the two of them is that they have expectations of the kind of support they want from one another but they don't communicate those expectations and most importantly, for all the wants they have from one another, they aren't setting an example themselves. Katie wants affection but she's not affectionate. She wants attention but she doesn't seem attentive either. Schwartz wants to reasonably discuss their issues but he immediately goes for trigger buttons. They're both fucked up. It's not reasonable to demand something from someone that you aren't willing or able to give yourself and so far, all we've seen is Katie making the demands in their relationships of what Schwartz needs to be but she isn't any of those things herself. Schwartz and Katie had a whole scene together before the party where they had a talk. Why interrupt and try to get his attention while he's making the rounds and taking in the congratulations he's worked for? It's his night so wait for a moment to pull him aside. These two knew what they had in one another and they still decided to get married...instead of working on ways to adjust to one another and build positive and healthy understanding in their relationship, they hold it against each other. Schwartz had said that for the plane, he had first said no to trading spots with her but it was a joke because he expected them to banter about it. When she just walked away, he went and offered the seat to her and she said no because she was already pissed at him so she decided to stay where she was and then rage texted him for 2.5 hours about it. Schwartz doesn't care about anything enough to hold on to it, stew on it and make himself genuinely angry over it. That's his personality. Getting angry that he's not behaving opposite to the way you've known him to act isn't a reasonable expectation. And same for Schwartz, he knows how Katie behaves and constantly poking at her and saying shit he knows will push her buttons isn't going to miraculously yield a different result. At the end of the day, the personalities we see on TV just don't seem compatible to me.
  6. I didn't even realize this was a thing, lol. I've never been around anyone that has suggested splitting a bill evenly when everyone ordered different things at different prices. It's either one person pays for everyone or everyone gets their own separate bill with what they ordered. When the server comes over at the end and asks about the bill, they say 'one bill or separate?' and if you say separate, they don't even ask how the bill needs to be split, they just come back with the bills that reflect each person's orders and will automatically split the costs accordingly for anything that has been identified as an order for the table or an order between two or more people at the table. I'm sure they would do it differently if you asked them to shift charges around or specifically ask them to split the bills evenly. It's one of the reasons I'm such a generous tipper, especially when out with my friends because the servers figure out all of that stuff for me, lol.
  7. If it's just a vibe you get, fair enough -you can't always explain an instinct. I thought your opinion was based purely on the supporting points you raised which is why I brought up the timelines to demonstrate that he didn't jump from one celebrity woman to another 'within minutes'. I'm indifferent to him at the moment. Maybe that will change as the season progresses.
  8. I think it's been confirmed that she stopped filming entirely at some point in the season. And at the various press events, all of the women, including Denise, speak in a way that suggests that is the case. Many were surprised that she showed up to the red carpet event for the premiere of the season. I didn't realize that Dorit attempts to confront her at one of her restaurants. I'm going to guess that's the incident that becomes the last straw for her.
  9. That's an incredibly favourable assumption to make in an effort to explain Dorinda's behaviour at the show. It seems highly unlikely that Lu would have been made to mention Jovani at the show in exchange for the dresses. I think filming in the Jovani showroom, constantly referencing the designer name during those scenes and establishing at the time of shopping that the dresses were for Lu's caberet show is what was given in exchange for the dresses - not some presumed agreement that Lu would mention Jovani's name at her cabaret show. He has now become a stable designer for her show. Dorinda gets angry and nasty. I don't understand the gymnastics to rationalize her behaviour. She was yelling out Jovani to be disruptive and passive aggressive toward Lu because she was the one that made the connection between Jovani and Lu and there Lu was standing up on stage flaunting all of these gorgeous outfits that wouldn't have happened without Dorinda and there Dorinda sat stewing that John was not invited to the show but Scott was given a last-minute invitation. Dorinda was being petty but she was upset for a reason and I would bet money that it's not because Lu was slipping on her contractual obligations of mentioning the designer's name. If Dorinda's behaviour was recognized a being helpful and not sarcastic, she wouldn't have turned into a meme and 'Jovani' wouldn't have become a thing.
  10. Morgan - Morgan is flighty. The only thing I think Morgan knows about relationships is that she wants one. Oh Jay, he thinks Morgan is lying because of her kind heart. No boo, she's lying to save face and to avoid confrontation because it makes HER uncomfortable. Jhanelle - She's an emotionally weak person. I think she sees Darian as an attractive equal and because he's willing to play her game and say what she wants to hear, she's willing to convince herself that she's got a good man that worships her. When confronted by the possibility of him cheating, the moment Nurys said with confidence that she would produce the receipts, she immediately reacted as though Nurys is jealous that she can't find a man like Darian. Since when did he become a prize? Jhanelle didn't want the truth, she just wanted Nurys to shut up and not ruin her manufactured fanstay. Jozea - Jozea is trash. I can't even feel bad for him that Rob cheated. If Rob were smart he would have stayed his ass at home and not come on the show at all. Nicole - When they showed the drunk clips that Nicole had put online and Chad's reaction, I honestly thought the demise of their relationship had to do with severe alcoholism and abuse...only to find out that it was in response to 'he just wasn't that into me'. Nicole's reaction to Chad's distance was pretty foul and extreme. Chad definitely raised his voice and was flailing his arms but he did not get in her face, she got in his. She laid hands. She should learn to manage her anger better. They both seem like they could use therapy...separately. Maddie - She still sucks
  11. By that logic, Dorinda would have a right to be upset with Barbara's opinion so long as it wasn't positive. If Barbara had only shared her point of view and said 'maybe I had different expectations from the meeting but I don't think anything was resolved and it honestly seemed like a waste of time because the only things the both of you agreed on was to tolerate each other and be willing to exchange fake pleasantries when at the same social events'. Does that sound like an opinion that Dorinda would have received well? Dorinda's anger didn't stem from Barbara sharing an opinion that wasn't hers. Dorinda's anger stemmed from Barbara sharing something that didn't reinforce Dorinda's positive feelings about the meeting which goes back to the point - Dorinda invited the opinion by asking a question and being unprepared to hear an answer that she didn't like. If Barbara was the one that prompted the conversation and said what she said, for sure I would agree that Dorinda would have a right to be mad. We'll have to agree to disagree on this one, lol.
  12. How sneaky that they're forced to have all of their phone conversations via speaker phone now! Bear is an idiot but that's been established well before this episode, lol. I do find it suspect that if you have to keep asking the same guy if he has a girlfriend, it's probably because your gut instincts are telling you that he's lying. A lie is a lie and Georgia has every right to be mad with Bear about it, but if she's honest with herself, she'll be mad at herself too for not listening to the good advice her gut was trying to give her. But alas, in the end she didn't listen. If she's got any self-respect, she'll look back at these episodes at some point and be angry at herself for how she was so obviously duped and just refused to let herself see it. Hunter handled himself wrong and needs to keep his temper in check but Georgia getting mad at getting called out by her partner when she was the one that called him out first when he was simply reacting to being provoked is just all sorts of crazy to me. For every action, there is a reaction and don't run your mouth and then run to a corner and cry when someone reacts to your harsh words with harsh words of their own. She saw nothing wrong with her own behaviour so while I'm not a fan of his, Team Hunter sitting right here. Have to say, this season is really killing it with the tribunal and elimination challenges. Maybe they've finally started listening to the criticisms that the prize money is getting larger yet the challenges and finals are getting and less and less impressive. The shit that the vets had to go through just to win a small fraction of what is available now was unfair. Glad to see the show is stepping up their game again. Turbo seems to be good at everything. If I were a betting person, my money would be on him to win it all. He's confident in puzzles, strength, endurance...it almost seems easy for him.
  13. In advance, sorry for the long response. I just wanted to be thorough with my thought process (which actually takes seconds to compute but takes much longer to explain! lol). Lu's comments were in context of the lunch, I don't see an issue with it being brought up as something relevant to the lunch - it was in fact relevant. When you ask someone 'how did x go?', you're asking them to gauge or measure the success of that thing from your experience/perspective. Now if you sat in on a meeting that you thought went positively only to find out afterward that someone in that meeting felt disappointed with the outcome, when asked how it went, how is it unreasonable to think that the post-meeting comments won't influence your overall measure of how successful the meeting went? I think the average person would be influenced by having that knowledge. We can argue that Barbara shouldn't have said something or should have carried the message differently in which case, Lu should be the one that's angry with Barbara for speaking on her behalf, and if that was your argument, we would be on the same page. We're talking about the reasonableness of Dorinda's angry reaction. I say it was unreasonable, you say it wasn't. Whether it was Barbara's place to share Lu's opinion doesn't change the fact that Barbara was accurate in the information she relayed and she at no point relayed the message as though it was coming from her. I think she made it quite clear that it was Lu that felt disappointed in not receiving an apology yet Dorinda spoke to her as though Barbara was telling her she needs to apologize to Lu for the things she's done. She was dead ass wrong for making that assumption and then getting angry over it - classic case of trying to shoot the messenger. The only time Barbara's own opinion came into play is when she said that Dorinda should not have been talking about Lu's lawsuit with people and this is especially fair when considering that Dorinda is going around talking about how much she loves Lu and hopes they can reconcile. You don't bring up and snicker behind a friend's back (if you have any desire to reconcile with them) about a lawsuit filed by their ex-husband and their children. Then she was dead ass wrong for bringing up the conversation, bringing receipts of the lawsuit and then lying about her role in all of that conversation that was had with Sonja et al. I can understand why Dorinda might have felt very vulnerable in that moment and lashed out but I can be sympathetic and still say something is wrong. If I'm being unfair to Dorinda, you're going to have specifically break down the parts of her conversation with Barbara where she had good reason to be angry with Barbara because I just don't see it.
  14. It was more than a year apart between filing for divorce (July 2016) and when he began dating Denise (Fall 2017). Even longer when you consider the separation before the divorce filing. Denise and Aaron dated for a year before getting engaged and then quickly got married soon after the engagement because his divorce was finalized (fall 2018). The timelines don't seem THAT quick to me. I know plenty of people who start dating less than a year after a serious breakup. At least half of the people I know that are married knew their partner for less than a year before an engagement. Denise describes him as being spontaneous so maybe his Achilles heel is that he falls in love very easily and would explain why he was ready to get married as soon as his divorce was finalized. If he were in the realm of the Dirty John type, I don't he would have settled his divorce by waiving all rights to spousal support whether present, future, temporary or permanent. On the bare surface, I agree that he seems a bit shady but just some quick research on him and his story becomes more reasonable to me...and I guess there's also some positive thinking mixed in there that Denise had made a better choice in a partner this time around in life.
  15. Barbara didn't just randomly bring it up. Dorinda asked a question which I don't think she would have asked if she felt completely confident in how things went so she asked someone who had an in with Lu. Yes Barbara offered information she didn't have to offer (which is how all of these women operate when they have information about something) but Barbara didn't lie, didn't didn't bring it up and she didn't say anything that wasn't relevant to the question asked so I still stand by the opinion that Dorinda's reaction to Barbara was unreasonable. She addressed Barbara as though Barbara was lecturing her on what to do and sticking up for Lu but all she did was convey information shared by Lu regarding her disappointment in how the lunch ended with no apology. While Barbara has been firmly on Lu's side, in that moment, she was trying to address both sides of the argument and acknowledging that both sides were hurt by each other and Dorinda went off on her. Don't ask questions if there's an answer out there that you may not like.
  16. I forgot to mention last episode but since it's a continuation from last episode, I have to say, I am not crazy about Bethenny's ruffled dress. I usually like her style but that was a miss for me. She said a lot of truth here. Lu does feel like she has the upper hand and she's now pushing Dorinda to see how far Dorinda will bend before she breaks and comes running back with an apology. If your friendship meant something, you should be able to accept that both sides said things to hurt one another, apologize and move on. At this point, both sides have implicated themselves with ugly commentary and there's room for both sides to apologize. Not sure I would say that Dorinda 'heckled' Lu but I do think she was intentionally being disruptive in a passive aggressive way that Lu would understand (she did make the snide comment about Lu standing up on stage where the Jovani dresses SHE had hooked her up with) - I just don't think Dorinda would have made that comment or did what she did at the performance if the two were in a good place but I can see why by definition, Dorinda would deny heckling Lu. I see no value to Barbara but I thought Dorinda went off on her for no reason. Dorinda asked her what she thought of the lunch and she brought up things Lu said afterward because naturally that would influence how you think the effectiveness of the lunch was. She was only repeating the information that was shared and she mentioned the position of both sides but Dorinda began reacting to Barbara as though she was demanding Dorinda give Lu an apology. And was Dorinda caught in a lie or did they misleading show a different clip? Because in the clip, it was Dorinda that made the backhanded comment about being sued by an ex to which Sonja tried to shut down because they didn't know the details and Dorinda had the filing on her phone, insisted on her position and shared it with the group. I'd be surprised if Barbara didn't take back that comment to Sonja to confront her about it (or tell Lu about it).
  17. I agree that Rosie being open about her sexuality is why so many people took her comments in a sexualized way. What I also thought was disturbing was relating it to objectifying a woman in the workplace which takes the sexualizing even further. Elisabeth didn't seem to be aware of this crush until Rosie recently admitted it and so there doesn't seem to be any actual experiences where Rosie's 'crush' felt like harassment or objectifying to Elisabeth. It's unfair to put that on her now because you're anti-LGBTQ stance is being threatened by this notion that you may have reciprocated a crush with another woman.
  18. She also shared a story about how she made a pop culture reference during a topic and got kicked under the table or something and was questioned by Barbara afterward about what she was talking about. I haven't been a steady viewer of the show so I can't attest to the content throughout the years, but it does seem like today's content mixes in pop culture with politics more than the days of Jenny and Sherri. The political content is more divisive today but in quantity, it seems less than the days of Barbara. Given her reputation of being a very proud person, I can see why she wouldn't want to attach her name to a show that wasn't anything but serious content because she is a serious journalist.
  19. I guess it depends on the person. Maybe it will help motivate her to be more accountable and committed if she puts it out there. Though I don't think it was a good idea to announce that she was attending AA just because it potentially puts other participants at risk of having their identities exposed via random pictures that may be taken of her coming and going. The exception would be attending a rehab facility where there seems to be more care for security and privacy. Not to say that people are definitely stalking her to take her pictures and stuff, but it's probably best to be cautious and say less so as to protect the privacy of those who share that space with her. Hope the process helps her.
  20. The way the term identity politics is used has always irked me and Meghan especially uses it as a broad brush to insinuate that many women voted for Clinton because she's a woman or that many black people voted for Obama because he's black. It's the most insulting and unintelligent way to discredit someone's platform and policies simply because you disagree with them. Identity is how we see ourselves and so there's always going to be a good chunk of our politics that is influenced by our identities. Instead of demonizing the term and using it as a passive-aggressive insult, why not seek to (and encourage others) to understand the experiences of communities across the country and how that influences their votes and why - that leads to a more effective strategy on how to reach these voters. Instead, Meghan just paints a broad stroke and basically insinuates that a large chunk of voters are idiots who are unable to understand and appreciate nuances in politics beyond 'hey, she's got the same genitals as me', or 'that candidate has the same skin tone as me' or 'I'm voting for the guy who's from my home-state'. I'm sure there are some people who don't follow politics and/or may vote based on such rudimentary factors but those people should be treated as outliers, not as the status quo.
  21. So much love for this post, lol. I acknowledged Nene's role as a caretaker in the beginning, but her complaining has gotten worse as is the evidence that she's not a hands-on caretaker and I can't sympathize anymore when the way she speaks about Greg's cancer, she makes it seem like the worst thing about it is all of the things he can't do for her anymore. Just always makes it about herself and it's tiring. And when her behaviour gets called out, she pulls out the tears and pleas for 'love and support'. I didn't see the video myself, but apparently, she did an interview where she said that Greg's cancer was karma for him being unfaithful to her. If true, I don't see how anyone can take offense when it's said that Nene is just a garbage human being. That's some vile shit to say about somebody and even throw out in the universe and ponder in that fashion. Forget showing up earlier, Nene could have had a sit down with Eva before the event. Tanya got Cynthia's advice on the situation without gossiping to Cynthia about what she had heard. I assume that the rest of their outing didn't make it on camera because it was too boring (lol) but Nene could have easily invited Eva over, sat her down and let the news out. Nene cared more about the label bestowed upon her as 'big sister' and 'mentor with so much wisdom' which is why she felt she needed to tell Eva but she sat her ass on the news for how long? If Nene was truly worthy of those labels, she would have had Eva on the phone while driving home from Marlo's that night and telling her that they need to meet up and talk asap.
  22. As I've said before, Lala is just like James except that James usually needs a couple of drinks in him to get THAT nasty towards other people (though he's fully capable of being a bratty, entitled idiot when sober). Lala just needs to get angry (no alcohol necessary) and she goes for the jugular and yet she thinks she's above other people, especially James. She hasn't changed. She's still the same angry, faux thug bitch she was in the past, the only difference is that the people who were shaming her in the past are now her friends that she takes on private jets so they ignore her behaviour because they aren't the target of it while demonizing James because he's not kissing their ass. The entire lot of them try to make it seem like it's about right and wrong but the reality is that they're all about what's convenient and beneficial to them. Being right is only a lucky coincidence for this lot of idiots. The saddest part is that this lot is mostly in or close to their 30s. None of them can use the excuse of simply being young and stupid.
  23. Asking to respect her privacy and be kind while tripping over her own feet to incorporate the scandal into the new season of the show. She didn't want to say anything bad about Tristian on Twitter because he's the father of her child BUT she'll allow cameras to record the demise of her relationship so that her daughter can watch it as many times as she wants as she gets older. That's really putting children first, ain't it?
  24. I don't feel bad for thinking it because this family has shown that they aren't above it - but I wouldn't be surprised if planting seeds of another baby is how Kim got out of moving to Chicago.
  25. I think they've been shitty friends to each other, but I think when they're on good terms, LVP has shown more loyalty to Kyle than the other way around. She stuck up for Kyle against Rinna who called her an enabler, She stuck up for Kyle against Kim when Kim claimed that Kyle wasn't a supportive sister to her. She stuck up for Kyle when Eden was interjecting herself into the Kyle/Kim relationship and was offending Kyle. She stuck up for Kyle against Brandi who claimed that Kyle wasn't there for her sister and it was the reason she and Kim had gotten close. But when they were on the outs, she believed Yolanda over Kyle and Kim when they told Lisa what Yolanda had said behind her back. When they were on the outs, whoever had issues with Kyle, she let Kyle fend for herself and even said that perhaps Kyle's friendship with her was a matter of convenience of her and Ken needing to find a new home and Mauricio being a realtor. Kyle on the other hand, even when on good terms, has encouraged and supported accusations against LVP that were never proven. There was no proof that LVP leaked stories to the press about Adrienne. Kyle chose to believe it and even when it was discredited, she continues to push the narrative that Lisa has a history of selling stories to the press. Over the magazine, both witnesses Brandi mentioned discredited what Brandi said and Kyle chose to believe Brandi over Lisa (though when it was Brandi slinging accusations at Kyle, THEN Brandi became a liar). Teddi has conversations with Lisa's employee and Kyle chooses to believe that Lisa was the one orchestrating everything behind the scenes and we'll see soon enough that she's going to believe that it was Lisa that sold the story to the press. If you're willing to believe the worst of your friend and talk shit about them with other people, then you aren't friends and they both should stop acting like they are. Those bitches have two modes - enemies and frenemies. Lisa is no exemplary friend but Kyle jumps at any opportunity to speak against Lisa and give others ammunition to take her down. Fuck her brand of friendship because on this show, I think her brand has been the worst.
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