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  1. I have way more feelings about Millie than Belle. My husband died from cancer 7 years ago, and one of the hardest parts of the 8 years that led up to it was me letting go of letting him make questionable decisions. (He had melanoma - and he'd drive around with the top down and no sunscreen in Florida, like, What? I'm gonna get stage 5?) Cancer diagnoses can do messed up things to a person's psyche, so when Millie started making reckless decisions with her health, I just nodded. And then Millie lies when things clearly still aren't working, and she's so entrenched in this lie that she led her mother to an earlier death than she likely would have had - the denial and hubris. This is like a teen hiding a pregnancy but she was hiding death. Millie's arm was on fire and she's pretending Mexico snake oil can help her end-stage mom??? Millie wanted to prove that she was smarter than everyone else because a bunch of carpetbagging scallywags (TM Blanche Devereaux) told her what she wanted to hear. I get it - at one point my husband and I were like, "So, Cuban scorpion venom?" after treatment after treatment didn't work. You want to believe there's magic where there is none - there's science, and it's messy and ugly and eventually the answers all suck. Millie's poor dad - he has to resent the crap out of his daughter for guilting his wife into death and then his daughter dies. That man has a lot to unpack in therapy... Belle was a straight-up batshit conwoman who cared about nothing other than becoming a sort of undefined success. No soul. And I know lots of people claim lots of things, but for real how did anyone ever believe she cured cancer with a clean diet? She didn't even do the homework to cover her tracks - she was so focused on the winning that the details of the lying never occurred to her. She should have had her treatment and hospital details DOWN. She was also weirdly likable while also being totally unlikable. Still can't get past the doctor in the strip mall who charged her $10K for a Scientology exam in her underwear. I'm impressed by how light they kept this - this is heavy stuff. With a different tone this wouldn't have been as entertaining, so kudos so the folks who created it. The actors were all great. My big complaint was that we needed more Essie Davis. If she's going to be on the show can she just please be the star of it? :) I might need to do a total re-watch of Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries...
  2. I just discovered this show - like last week. Now I have 2 episodes left and I came here to find out about season 5 and NOOOOOOOOO. 😭 It's a weird thing to say, but this is a cute show, and I'm going to miss it. I love Kristen. She was so delightfully flawed. I love Ben. I love the sisters who always talk over each other (I come from an all-sisters Catholic family who's parents didn't really believe, so I relate a little...). And David. 😍 I also support any show that involves Christine Lahti, who for real must have made a deal with something supernatural, she looks so good. I don't want to watch the last episodes, lol. Then it will be done. Maybe it'll be like Grace & Frankie and I'll just watch it a million times...
  3. Angie Harmon just has the best delivery of those pithy one-liners. I also think Abbie and Jack had the best chemistry. And maybe that’s the heart of my issues with Jamie? She and Jack just didn’t jibe. Adam has this way of starting sentences low and then yelling the last words. After watching this show so often over the years, I can’t believe it surprised me. Also, clearly this show never anticipated binge watching because you’ll have a dude as a murderer and 5 episodes later he’s a defense attorney, lol.
  4. I've been down with a gnarly flu for the last 4 days, so my re-watch turned into a re-binge? I'm now halfway through season 9. A few things that struck me that never struck me before: I really liked Jamie back in the day, but on rewatch, she's just ... I didn't enjoy her at all. IDK if they meant for her to, but she seemed like she could barely contain her disgust for McCoy. She seemed to hate him from the jump and it just kept getting worse. Speaking of McCoy, who I love ... watching the episodes back to back makes me wonder if he ever actually runs a clean and successful case lol. Wow, I do not remember Adam being so yell-y. Jesus god he yelled a lot. Rey Curtis is insufferable and I'm looking forward to Ed Green when I hit season 10. My love for Briscoe might have grown a little more... Biggest surprise - I friggin' LOVE Abbie. I liked her the first time around, but she's a bit of a Greek chorus, she's reasonable (most of the time), and she's hilarious. In one episode they were trying to get a coke dealer to talk. He kept saying he wasn't a coke dealer (they had found a huge amount of coke in his apartment), and Abbie's response was: "So you're just a collector of rare cocaine?" Nearly spit out my ginger ale. She also seems to take first chair on cases far more than the others.
  5. Oh, I so agree on the personal plots! I mean, I'll watch Shaw read the dang phone book while crying - much like Jensen Ackles from Supernatural, he's a pretty crier, heh. Do not mind the eye candy, but I like a little less personal drama from my L&O characters, thanks. Don't need to know about Maura Tierney's adult kids and their problems. (Though her character is growing on me...I don't mind her being abrasive, but I feel like they haven't gotten the balance right yet.) Something that's struck me during the rewatch was that Ben Stone was ahead of his time when it comes to social issues that weren't terribly understood in the early 90s. I like how nuanced his approach to everything is. It's a contrast to. Motorcycle McCoy's louder approach. Oh, and I have another unpopular opinion - I couldn't stand Greevy. There were times when he was the sensible one in the room, but my god if something so much as thought about disagreeing with his personal dogmas he turned into a brat. However, he was a great contrast to young Logan, who was about as open-minded as a TV cop could get back then. IMHO Lupo goes down in L&O history as the most under-appreciated detective. I'm not Anthony Anderson's biggest fan, but I liked them together. I remember feeling like the show really got its legs back, and Van Buren had hot Bernie Hudson, and the show was on such a nice roll ... and then they killed it. Still crying, lol. I love the 30 Rock references to, "THEY CANCELED LAW & ORDER?" because I, too, felt like maybe we weren't America anymore, lol. People love SVU more and I have no idea why. I'm an original recipe purist, and my second favorite in the franchise is Criminal Intent (And I loved ALL the detectives they had - from D'Onofrio to Goldblum - it was always interesting. I still laugh at Logan's "major coffee" line...) I saw Jeremy Sisto on another "cop" show - FBI, maybe? - and I was still remembering him fondly as we call him in our house (Detective Elton from Clueless), but realized WOW, yeah, his time on L&O was a while ago. It felt like in a blink he went from a young detective to the elder statesman - when really it was like, more than a decade ago. I wish they'd find a way to bring on Shambala Green for like, every third episode, lol.
  6. When I saw the news about the health insurance CEO I sent a friend a message — Did Law & Order already do this one? I've been doing a rewatch now that Hulu has 20 seasons. I'm on Briscoe's second or third episode — and man did he come in hot on his first one. It was weird, and I'm glad they softened that up. Jerry Orbach is a treasure and I love Lenny. I think Briscoe/Green is my favorite cop partnership. They had just enough in common and just enough not in common to work. I really liked Logan, but Briscoe and Green just had the best chemistry. Then again, Green had chemistry with everyone except for Detective Beauty Queen, who I just like to not count. I loved Green with Lupo, and am in the minority who liked Fontana. He was such a peculiar character, acting like a mobster while being a cop, throwing around his Chicago accent, talking about his Benz and his expensive shirts, telling everyone he was authorized. He cracked me up. I feel like Green and Van Buren were amused by him, which was amusing to me? I dunno — he didn't bother me. I liked Ben Stone — it's interesting how Jack McCoy has become such a TV institution. I wonder if Ben Stone would have? I love McCoy and his sudden onset emotional yelling. Seeing him retire made me wander if he was still riding his motorcycle, heh. My favorite ADA was Abbie, but I also loved Rubirosa and really wanted McCoy to just fire Cutter and let Connie take over. Serena grated so much, but none of the others bothered me. Agree it's time we had a woman in the first chair. And wow I almost forgot about Claire. Looking forward to that era during my holiday binge. :) The current show version ... I have an open mind? I really like Shaw, and the other one is growing on me. There's something weird about Hugh Dancy's performance that makes me oddly uncomfortable. He seems doomy? Or like he's hiding a big secret? It's weird. (But I'll take him over Cutter any day. That guy grated.) This show premiered when I was in college (I'm very old...), and rewatching the first two seasons reminded me how very 80s the early 90s looked. And it's just trippy how much has changed, starting with the pay phones and DNA being questioned a new, unreliable science. And I think every actor who has ever acted has been on this show...
  7. I'm so glad this show is finally streaming! My sister and I loved this show so much we actually got into a hot water with a Baltimore cop when we visited in 1998. We saw a cop car, and idiot me (I was YOUNG, and an idiot.) sat on the car hood and told my sister to get a photo. She took a pic, and then a dude cop was like WHAT GET OFF MY CAR WHAT? He wound up taking a picture with us because he thought my sister was hot so no cuffs, lol. Anyway, I remember loving this show and remember elements to it (I mostly remember the characters and some of the crimes), but this is almost a new watch for me instead of a re-watch. The first 4 or so seasons are so damn good - I watched the first season like, wow, they let this grit on network TV? It's just SUCH a compelling show, and even the characters I don't like, I'm interested in. Frank Pembleton might be the most compelling cop ever on TV. The Law-and-Order-fication of the show was almost abrupt - I'm sure it didn't feel that way when I was taping episodes on my VCR once a week. The earlier seasons are definitely stronger, but I never minded Kellerman, and I was always a Falsone fan and wish he'd come along earlier. The first few seasons - we get Jon Waters twice, and I think I spotted every actor who was in Serial Mom by the end of season 3. So glad this is streaming!
  8. Bonnie is messed up (in the book and on the show). And I assumed it was a spring, not a swamp or a marsh. Lots of beautiful springs in Florida (which can be pretty deep), lots of manatees hanging out in springs. I thought it was so pretty. It's been a while, but I don't think Rosa's sister was in the book. I could be wrong - I need to revisit.
  9. I love this show. I mean - I live in Florida, LOVE the keys, might be Hiaasen's biggest fan, loved this book, have an inexplicable life-time love for Vince Vaughn, love me a Dukes of Hazard narration, lol. So I'm enjoying this so very much. I think they've done a great job of capturing the tone and the pace of the book. And it might be an unpopular opinion but I've been LOL'ing at Yancy's one-liners. I also love the casting. Zak Braff was great - I was surprised to see him then remembered who the show runner is. Yancy is the focus of another book, so I wonder if they'll just slide into that after this story is told, or if it's like the Handmaid's Tale and things just go rogue after we get beyond the first book material. We'll see. Loving it so far. Like, I have 0 complaints. But I love the keys - it's hard for me to not enjoy a show filmed there. :) (I have a Rayburn for Sheriff tshirt, lol.)
  10. I think Heather is all buddies with Jesus J because they both have transgender sons? I feel like I read that they bonded over that? Alexis is gross. Just gross. Her arrested development happened at around 15? The "you ate my bow?" episode is on now, and Alexis has changed literally not at all. Maybe less Jesus, but more jugs, and even dumber. To her, a man with "money" is the ultimate prize and the only way to get them is to look like a blowup doll and worship them. It's gross, and I'm just glad they haven't brought back Gretchen and Slade (and their BS) because it's too much ick for one cast. I really hope Alexis is stunt casting and we won't see her a lot, but I have a feeling my hopes will be dashed... Shannon. SHANNON. I have a family full of alcoholics. I have vast experience with pretty much every single brand of problem drinkers, and Shannon is just a garden variety upper-middle class alcoholic. The control, the repression, the outbursts, the denial, the fakery, the entitlement, the dramatic scenes - this woman could be my aunt, and both of them need rehab. Her daughters playing along, just going through the motions, happy they have lives to go back to. And good lord their dad is David - they have no where to run, lol. I have about as much interest in Shannon's redemption arc as I did Tom Sandoval's. Bye wigs. I didn't watch the show when Tamra wasn't on it - I sort of jumped back into it during a marathon my sister was watching. But I was weirdly happy to see her. She knows how to housewife. And Eddie really does seem to be a stand-up guy who seems to really love her. (If there's some article about Eddie kicking dogs or something please don't tell me, heh.) I've always liked Gina okay. I'm fascinated by her eye makeup and inconsistent hair style choices. Emily looks great but she looked great before. I am a fan of Heather Paige Kent and I always will be. (Her name change was null and void after Sarah Winchester ate the bow on that cake!) Her blue dress was lovely. The ladies crowding by the window to watch Shannon and Alexis cracked me up. This is a good cast. And no Vicki. Refreshing. Looking forward to getting to know the newbie.
  11. OMG, that was ridiculous. I lost any sympathy I had for Andrea after she lost her mind about a guy she met 4 days before. And Rob is just chaos. And all the tears, FFS, this is Love Island. Nobody is leaving and going to prison or being exiled. Good. God. Aaron was so OOT but then he goes and hugs and gives "Consie" a peck on his - pec? I can't hate him. He's adorable. And Leah making fun of Kaylor for thinking the UK is in Europe. 🤣 I CAN'T. I love JaNa, and I'm glad they kept her, because I'm pretty sure Overalls would have gotten bored of Andrea by maybe day 5. He's just playing. I can't get mad because this is all ridiculous.
  12. The fashion and makeup choices are ... choices. I thought they were all at least 40 but then no, they're barely legal. 🤣 Can't stop watching. The Snookie-looking one might be my favorite. :) I think when Ariana came on VPR she was smug - but I never saw her as dour. She was brought on the show to be Scheana's friend - I wonder if Scheana is trying to build a time machine to make some different decisions? 😅
  13. I still don't quite understand Love Island, its purpose, the rules, how it goes - why it exists? - but I can't look away. I haven't felt this way about a tv show since Rock of Love, so this might be my new favorite thing. 😅 These women slathering on the makeup together is fascinating. The sleeping arrangements are fascinating. The fashion choices are fascinating. I'm in. 🤣 That said, Ariana is really, really good at this. This show might be weirdo fluff, but wow she's great as a host. And I know she's had some great things happening lately (IT'S ALL HAPPENING, SCHEANA!) and that a year away from the worm with a mustache can't be anything but good, but I feel like EVERY pic I see of Ariana lately she just looks so damn happy. In lots of the SAH pix she's just smiling ear-to-ear. Nothing looks as beautiful as happy. 😍
  14. I think it’s on Peacock. I believe they are filming now. Not sure when it will be on - I got distracted by the cast and ignored the rest. 🤣
  15. My first thought: Well, I won't be watching. Then I see Boston Rob, Bob the Drag Queen, and Dorinda Medley? Oh, I'll be watching. Sandoval thinks he's this super unique, compelling guy—and he's the epitome of medicre failure to launch. Being around anyone who has any brains, game, creativity, and—in Dorinda's case, the ability to both make it nice and also make it not well, bitch—he's going to be the most extra cringe, and now I'm kinda low-key excited. Scheana has revealed who she is so many times and it continues to be boring. I look forward to reading Summer Moon's tell-all when I'm in assisted living... Billie is so messy but she's looking really great.
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